TOPICAL INDEX. - Abel, his blood-giving, 210 ff.
- Abimelech, his covenant:
- with Abraham, 265;
- with Isaac, 267 f.
- Abraham:
- The friend of God, 215-221;
- his blood-giving, 217-221;
- his faith-testing, 224-230;
- his covenant with Abimelech, 265 f.
- Adoption, blood used in, 195 f.
- Ahab’s fate, significance of, 312.
- Altar, a table of communion, 167, 292 f.
- Amulet:
- house of the, 7, 65, 298;
- of the covenant, 81 f., 83, 232-238.
- See Phylactery: Token of covenant.
- Anointing with blood:
- in Central America, 90 f.;
- in Arabia, 120;
- in the Arthurian romance, 120 f.;
- among the Bheels, 136 f.;
- among the Caribs, 137 f.;
- among the Central Africans, 138;
- among the Chinese, 154;
- among the North American Indians, 306 f.;
- among the Australians, 336 f.
- Antiquity of the blood-covenant, 6, 58 ff., 77 ff., 206, 320.
- Ark, the, covering record of blood covenant, 298.
- See Amulet, house of the.
- Assiratum, its meaning, 63 ff.
- Avenger of blood. See Goel.
- Baal-bereeth:
- god-father in circumcision, 218;
- god of the covenant, 218, 317.
- Banquet, connection of, with sacrifice:
- in China, 148 ff.;
- in India, 159 ff.;
- in Babylonia and Assyria, 167;
- among the Bed´ween, 179 f.;
- among American Indians, 179 f.
- Bed´ween Brotherhoods, 9 f.
- See also Blood-covenant.
- Belt:
- royal, of Tahiti, 328;
- wampum of American Indian, a covenant record, 326 ff.
- Blood:
- thicker than milk, 10;
- not eaten. See Prohibition of blood.
- Vivifying power of, 110 ff.;
- belongs to God, 204;
- symbolism of, in universal speech, 309 f.;
- life-giving, in:
- Mexican legend, 111 f.;
- Egyptian legend, 111 f.;
- Chaldean legend, 112;
- Phoenician legend, 112;
- Greek legend, 112;
- modern science, 115 f.;
- sacredness of, in:
- Egypt, 99 ff.;
- America, 105 ff.;
- India, 109, 158 ff.;
- China, 109.
- See Offerings of blood.
- Blood-baths:
- in Egypt, 116 f., 324;
- in mediÆval Europe, 117 ff.;
- in Scandinavia, 121 f.;
- in India, 122 f.;
- in Bechuana-land, 324.
- Blood-covenant:
- defined, 4 f.;
- a primitive rite, 4, 6, 8;
- its sacredness, 6 f.;
- influence of, 15;
- refused, 21;
- recognized, 26 f.;
- in Syria, 5 ff.;
- in Africa, 12-38;
- in Europe, 39-43;
- in China, 43 f.;
- in Burmah, 44, 313 f.;
- in Madagascar, 44 f., 44-49;
- in Borneo, 49-52;
- in Timor, 53 f.;
- in Yucatan, 54 f.;
- in Brazil, 55;
- in Scythia, 58 f., 61 f.;
- in South America, 334;
- in Egypt, 77-84;
- traces of, in China, 153;
- full symbolism of, 202 f.;
- Noah’s, 213;
- at Sinai, 238-240, 298;
- importance commonly undervalued, 297;
- a safeguard in Burmah, 315.
- Blood-lickers, 11, 59.
- See Drinking of Blood.
- Blood-money:
- in the East, 260 ff.;
- refused by Gibeonites, 324 f.;
- accepted:
- by Arabs, 325;
- by North American Indians, 325.
- See Goel.
- Blood-sucking, 8, 30, 43, 92, 114 f.
- See Drinking of blood.
- Blood-transference. See Blood-covenant; Transfusion of blood.
- Book of the Dead, 78-83.
- Bracelet, as symbol, 65-76.
- Bread:
- of Ra, 173;
- covenant of, 293, 313.
- Breaking the grass, 315.
- BrÉbeuf, heart of, 127.
- Brotherhoods, blood. See Blood-covenant.
- Bruce, heart of, 107 f.
- Burial in brotherhood, 41.
- Cain, his blood withholding, 210 ff.
- Cameron, Commander, making blood-friendship, 15 ff.
- Cannibalism:
- religious origin of, 183 f., 184;
- in India, 185 f.;
- in Feejee, 187;
- in North America, 187 f., 308;
- in Central and South America, 180 f.;
- in Europe, 189 f.
- Caste-distinctions lost in communion, 161 ff.
- Cataline’s blood-covenant, 60 f.
- (See stamp on outside cover)
- Christ, his blood, fulfillment of human desire, 271-286.
- Christians, charges of cannabalism against, 321.
- Circumcision, a mode of blood-covenanting, 215-223, 237;
- its modern methods, 218 f.
- Clasped hands: a relic of the covenant, 328, 340.
- See Hands.
- Classics, references to blood-covenant in, 58-65, 267, 297, 312.
- Communion:
- through blood, 147 ff.;
- in China, 148 ff.;
- in Assyria, 168 f.;
- divine-human, in Egypt, 172.
- See Altar; Banquet; Union.
- In Christ, foretold, 275-278;
- instituted, 280-284;
- realized, 285 f.
- Covenant, between those of different religions, 7.
- See Blood-covenant.
- Covenant of Bread, its symbolism, 293, 313.
- Cry of blood from the ground, 212.
- Cutting covenant:
- meaning of term, 267 f., 322;
- between Jacob and Laban, 269;
- in one’s own body, 322;
- in substitute victim, 322;
- both methods in Borneo.
- Cuttings in flesh, 218;
- in friendship, in Zechariah, 341.
- David and Jonathan, covenanting, 269 ff.
- Dead, blood-covenant with, 299.
- Discerning the communion-body, 172.
- Drinking of blood:
- in North America, 127;
- in Syria, 6;
- in Central Africa, 13, 28 ff.;
- in Europe, 41, 60 f.;
- in Madagascar, 44, 48;
- in Borneo, 49 f., 52;
- in Timor, 53;
- in Scythia, 59, 62, 126;
- in Egypt, 83;
- in India, 92 f.;
- in China, 123 f.;
- in France, 124;
- in Italy, 124 f.;
- in language of Fellaheen, 130;
- among the Germans, 320;
- in Persia, 321;
- in Australia, 336;
- charge of, against Jews, 179, 321;
- charge of, against Christians, 321.
- Drinking the covenant: 9, 17 f., 60, 191 f.;
- in Borneo, 102;
- in Feejee, 193;
- in China, 196;
- in Central America, 197;
- in Europe, 198 ff.
- Eating together, in covenant, 268 f.
- Exchange:
- of gifts, 14, 16, 20 f., 22, 25 f., 27 f., 32;
- of garments, 14, 270;
- of arms, 270.
- Evolution, or deterioration, 4.
- Feathers, red, their significance, 328 f.
- See Red, as a symbol.
- Feeding on the god: 176 f.
- See Communion; Union.
- Fiery cross:
- its significance in Arabia, 317 f.;
- in Scotland, 319 ff.
- Fire, a gift of the gods, 174.
- Firstborn, blood of the, 156.
- —— sacrifice of:
- in China, 150 f.;
- in pre-Semitic times, 166.
- Food restrictions removed in communion:
- in India, 161 ff.;
- in Assyria, 168.
- Friend, closer than brother, 7 f., 10.
- Friendship, blood. See Blood-covenant.
- Girdle. See Belts.
- Ghouls seeking life in blood, 114 f.
- Giving blood:
- in proof of love, 85-92;
- in worship, 89-93, 96.
- Goel, pursuer, not avenger, of blood, 259-263;
- in Brazil, 325;
- in Australia, 325 f.
- Golden legend, Blood transference in, 118 ff.
- Hand, bleeding, in Tunis, 113 ff.
- QuichÉ god, Tohil, his terms of covenant, 174.
- R?, communion with, in Amenti, 172, 333 f.
- Ransoming by blood, 324 ff. See Goel.
- Record of the divine blood-covenant, 298;
- of the covenant: among American Indians, 326 ff.
- Red, as a symbol of blood:
- in Egypt, 102 f., 173;
- in China, 196;
- the colour, its symbolism, 236 f.
- See also, Feathers, red.
- Revenger of blood. See Goel.
- Ring:
- symbolism of, 65-76, 330 ff.;
- in Dayak divorce, 330;
- of flesh, 331.
- Rosetta-stone of the covenant, 267.
- Russia:
- customs in, 73;
- blood giving in, 96.
- Sacrament, Christian:
- its relation to heathen communions, 177;
- foreshadowed in the Old Testament, 274 f.;
- instituted by Jesus, 281 ff.;
- not a sacrifice, 292;
- a two-fold covenant, 293.
- —— of the Holy Food, 164.
- Sacredness of blood:
- in Egypt, 99 ff.;
- in America, 105 ff.;
- in India, 155.
- See Offerings of blood.
- Sacrifice:
- as communion, in China, 149 ff.;
- not necessarily expiatory, 166;
- of Isaac, 224-230.
- Sacrifices; Egyptian and Jewish, their resemblance, 300.
- —— human:
- among the Nahuas, 105 f.;
- among the Mayas, 106 f.;
- in India, 157 ff., 227;
- in Assyria, 166 f.;
- of children:
- in Guatemala, 174;
- in Arabia, 227;
- in the Norseland, 227;
- in Great Britain, 227 f.
- —— human and animal, succession of:
- in China, 152;
- in India, 155 f.;
- in the Brahmanical books, 157 f.
- “Sacrificial part,” blood the, 157 f.
- Saffron, symbolism of, 77, 165.
- —— water:
- in wedding, 332;
- a substitute for blood, 195 f.
- Saul, his phylacteri
ge_62" class="pginternal">62, 266.
- Xolotl, rescues a lost race, 112.
- Yajna, great sacrifice of, 161 ff.
- Zipporah, her act of blood-giving, 222 f.
- Zoroastrians, their communion, 169 f.
SCRIPTURAL INDEX. GENESIS. TEXT | PAGE | 4 : 2-5 | 211 | 4 : 10, 11 | 212 | 8 : 20 | 213 | 9 : 3-6 | 214 | 12 : 6-8 | 268 | 13 : 18 | 317 | 14 : 13 | 264, 317 | 14 : 22 | 235 | 15 : 6 | 220 | 15 : 7-18 | 322 | 15 : 18 | 264 | 17 : 1-12 | 322 | 17 : 2, 7-9, 10, 11, 13 | 217 | 18 : 1 | 317 | 21 : 12 | 275 | 21 : 22-24 | 265 | 21 : 30, 31, 33 | 266 | 21 : 33 | 317 | 22 : 1, 2 | 225 | 22 : 15, 18 | 230 | 22 : 18 | 267 | 26 : 25-29 | 268 | 26 : 30, 31 | 268 | 28 : 18-22 | 268 | 30 : 14-17 | 111 | 31 : 19-36 | 268 | 31 : 44-47 | 266 | 31 : 44-54 | 269 | 34 : 1-31 | 218 | 41 : 41, 42 | 70 | 49 : 11 | 191 | LEVITICUS. 1 : 1-6 | 213 | 1 : 5, 11, 15 | 249 | 1 : 10-12 | 213 | 1 : 13, 17 | 247 | 1 : 14, 15 | 213 | 2 : 2, 12 | 247 | 3 : 8, 26 | 247 | 4 : 6, 7, 17, 18, 25, 30, 34 | 248 | 4 : 13, 14 | 247 | 7 : 26 | 241 | 8 : 14-22 | 249 | 8 : 18, 19 | 213 | 9 : 8-22 | 249 | 14 : 19, 20 | 249 | 16 : 3-25 | 249 | 16 : 14, 15 | 248 | 17 : 3-6 | 243 | 17 : 10-12 | 241 | 17 : 11-14 | 287 | 17 : 13 | 243 | 17 : 14 | 241, 309 | 25 : 25 ff. | 260 | 25 : 47 ff. | 260 | 27 : 1-8 | 261 | NUMBERS. 35 : 12 | 259 | 35 : 19, 21, 24, 25, 27 | 259 | 35 : 9-34 | 260 | 36 : 30-34 | 261 | DEUTERONOMY. 6 : 4-9, 13-22 | 234 | 8 : 3 | 173 | 10 : 14-16 | 256 | 12 : 23 | 64 | 19 : 6, 12 | 259 | 22 : 13-21 | 223 | 27 : 9-26 | 47 | 28 : 1-68 | 47 | 30 : 1-6 | 257 | 32 : 14 | 191 | JOSHUA. 2 : 18-20 | 236 | 20 : 3, 5, 9 | 259 | 1 SAMUEL. 18 : 1-3 | 270 | 18 : 4 | 270 | 19 : 1-7 | 270 | 20 : 1-13 | 270 | 20 : 13-17 | 271 | 1 KINGS. 18 : 26-28 | 90 | 21 : 17-23 | 313 | 22 : 35-38 | 313 | 2 KINGS. 5 : 1-14 | 116 | 9 : 30-37 | 313 | 19 : 37 | 168 | ESTHER. 3 : 10-12 | 70 | 8 : 2 | 70 | ECCLESIASTES. 4 : 9, 10 | 8 | ECCLESIASTICUS. 39 : 26 | 191 | 50 : 15 | 191 | MATTHEW. 4 : 4 | 173 | 6 : 31, 32 | 47 | 13 : 12 | 47 | 25 : 29 | 47 | 26 : 26-28 | 281 | 27 : 33-54 | 285 | LUKE. 15 : 22 | 70 | 22 : 44 | 280 | 22 : 14, 15, 19, 20 | 281 | 23 : 33-47 | 285 | ACTS. 15 : 2-29 | 215 | 21 : 18-25 | 215 | 2 CORINTHIANS. 5 : 17 | 288, 336 | 1 JOHN. 1 : 7 | 288 | 5 : 11, 12 | 286 | 5 : 13, 20 | 288 |