>: in families of girls, 129 Galaxy Moving Picture Show, 67 Gang Spirit of Tenth Avenue, 13 Gangs. See Boys; Gopher Gang; "Hell's Kitchen" Gang Gas Plants: odors of, on West Side, 75 Gate: as a bone of contention, 3, 4 "Gentleman Friends" and "Lady Friends," 61 Gibson, Annie: truancy of, 37, 38 Girls, West Side: aim and methods of study, 1; attitude of, toward assumption of family burdens, 49, 50, 51; demand for "good times" by, 51; difficulty of knowing, in their own homes, 2; education, in neighborhood immorality, 75-81, 87-93; familiarity with poverty and its effect, 21, 29, 32; fondness for dancing and music, 4, 67, 68, 69; homes and street corners as places of meeting with boy friends, 61-63; how far represented in clubs, 15, 16; idealism of, 68; immoderate pace of living among, 83; marriage, how regarded by, 73, 74; occupations of, 43, 44, 45, 46; physical inheritance and health of, 82, 83, 84, 85; relations with their families compared with those of boys, 19; relations with their mothers often strained, 53, 54, 55; school attendance of, compared with that of boys, 132-134; schooling of, 33-42; social relations among, contrasted with those among boys, 60, 61; surest way to help, 94; wages earned by, amount and disposition of, 47, 48. See also Italian Girl Gopher Gang: gossip about, 6, 9, 10, 13, 76 "Gopherettes": proposed as name of club, 10 Hannick and Maggie, 62 Health, Board of: family under
60116-h-13.htm.html#Page_a130" class="pginternal">130 Patsy: the case of, 92 Pay Envelope: family customs regarding, 47, 48, 49 Petie's Mother Dispossessed, 27, 28 Philanthropic Agency: families of girls having records with some, 121. See also Relief Records; Charitable Aid Physical Inheritance: and condition of girls, 82, 83, 84, 85 Piano: essential to equipment of girls' club, 4 Play: the will to, 57-74 Playground in Back Yard of Club House, 3 Polini, Jennie: and her choice of a fellow, 96, 97, 99, 112 Population of Middle West Side: more stable than that of East Side, 75 Potter's Field: burial in, how regarded, 129 Poverty: in families of girls, 20-32, 130, 131 Precocious Development of Girls, 93 Prosperity: families of girls classified by degree of, 130, 131 Prostitution: case of, among girls known at club, 88 Psychological Clinic: examination of girls in, 85 Pupils. See Children Quarrels between Club Members, 12 Reformatory: as a cure for truancy, 38, 39 Reilly, Mamie: and her responsibilities, 50, 51 Reilly, Mrs.: on births and deaths, 23 Relief Records: of families of girls, 20, 121, 122, 123, 124 Rentals Paid by Families of Girls, 24, 128 Retardation among Girls Studied, 36, 37 Reynolds, Stephen: quoted, 15 Roche, Josephine: author of chapter on the Italian girl, 95 Ruletti, Mrs.: and her foster-child, 103, 104 Ryan, Mrs.: quoted, 77 Sabbio, Mrs.: and the family saloon, 106 Sadie and Petie's Mother Dispossessed, 27, 28 St. Vincent de Paul Society: families of girls having records with,