Page_139" class="pginternal">139; frequently made on insufficient evidence, 119, 120; institutions to which made, 94, 118-119; length of, compared with length of parole period, 109; theory of, 117 Committed Cases: absence of investigation in, 119; scope and method of study of, 118; where sentence a serious error, 120, 121 “Committed for One Day to the Parental Care of John Ward,” 93, 96 Concealed Weapons: carrying of, among boys, 45 Conjugal Condition: of parents of boys, 171 Coogan, Patrick: and his court experience, 98 “Cops,” “Dinnys,” AND “Gerrys” on West Side, 13 Corrections, Department of: former building of, used as children’s court, 83 Coulter, Ernest K.: Big Brother movement initiated by, 86 Country of Birth: of parents of boys, 168 Court Disposition: of cases of boys studied, 172, 173. See Children’s Court Court, Getting Into, 87-95. See Children’s Court Court, Juvenile: lack of respect for, among boys, 19, 20. See Children’s Court Court List: names of boys obtained from, 167 Court of Special Sessions: children’s court part of the, 83. See Children’s Court Cowardice: among West Side gangs. 52, 53, 54 Craps, Shooting: a year round amusement on West Side, 28; leads to arrest for obstructing sidewalks, 37 Criminal Record: of Middle West Side, 8, 13, 19 Criminal Tendency: spirit of youth forced to become a, 38 Cruelty of West Side Boys, 157 Dances: among amusements offered to West Side boy, 154 Dark Rooms: common on West Side, 56 “Death Avenue,” 4 Delinquency of Boys: bail in cases of, 88; scope of study of, 94, 95. See Juvenile Delinquency Delinquent Boys: those studied who were not properly so called, 95, 99, 100, 173 Delinquents: commitment of, by children’s court, to reformatories, 94 Detention Home of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 8. ”: mothers who are, 73 Harris, Charlie: stories about, 157 Hawthorne School: Big Brother work for boys paroled from, 87; commitment by children’s court to, 94. See also Jewish Protectory Health Conditions: involved in court cases studied, 90 Hearings at Children’s Court: cursory and hurried, 97, 105, 106, 107. See also Trials Home Conditions: in court cases studied, 90 Home of the West Side Boy, 55-78 House of Good Shepherd: extreme cases of delinquent girls sent to, 119 House of Mercy: Protestant girls sent to, 119 House of Refuge: and Jewish Big Brother movement, 87; class of cases received by, 119; commitment by children’s court to, 94 Housewife of West Side: day of the, 58, 59 Housing Conditions on West Side, 56, 57, 58 Hudson River Railroad: franchise of, an anomaly, 4 Husbands, Shiftless: treatment of, by their wives, 63, 64 Immorality, Sexual: among West Side boys, 154-156 Institution Cases: successful, 127, 128 Institutions: no critical examination made of, 117, 118; to which children’s court commits, 94, 118, 119. See also Commitment Insurance Companies: and window glass on West Side, 15 Intoxication: among West Side boys, 146; as a cause of arrest of boys, 17 Investigation: in children’s court, before disposition of case, 90, 91, 92; in commitment of cases studied, absence of, 119; in parole cases, how made, 110-114; rewards for, a light form of punishment, 97 Ireland: parents of boys born in, 7 Irish: of Middle West Side, 7 Irish Parentage: of parents of boys, 8 Italy: parents of boys born in, 7 “Jersey”: “sneaking” ferry rides to, 150 Jewish Big Brother Movement: probation work of, 86, 87 Jewish Protectory and Aid Society: probation work of, 86. See also Hawthorne School Jimmy: who was caught “when he wasn’t doin’ anything bad,
utenberg@html@files@60116@60116-h@60116-h-4.htm.html#Page_155" class="pginternal">155 Sharkey, Sam: and his mother, 100 Smoking: among West Side boys, 145; by boys, difficulties of mothers with, 67 Snowballing: on West Side, 27 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children: bail seldom demanded at headquarters of, 89; boy arrested in evening detained by, 88; boy taken to court by way of, 80; cases remanded to, pending investigation, 91, 97; children under sixteen excluded from operation of first probation law through efforts of, 84; detention quarters of, 84; joining of forces with school due to, 113; official connection with children’s court, 85, 87; period of parole of cases under care of, 109; probation work of, 85; reports of investigator consulted in study of commitment cases, 118; uses of detention rooms of, 97, 108; visitation by agents of, in parole cases, 93 Sons Who Do Not Work: and their mothers, 64 Sources: from which names of boys studied were obtained, 167 Special Sessions, Court of: children’s court part of, 83 Spinner, Jack: bail required in case of, 88 Stabbing: arrest of boys for, 17 Staley, Patrick: report of investigation in case of, 110 Stealing: encouragements to, on West Side, 141, 142 Streets: influence exerted upon boys by the, 21, 22; the natural playground of the West Side boy, 10, 11; uses of, that conflict with boys’ use as a playground, 12 Summers, Miss: and George Ruhl, 158 Survey, The: article by Homer Folks on Juvenile Probation, cited, 85 Suspended Sentence: after conviction, in children’s court, 93, 96; following parole, in cases studied, 116 Tammany Outing: drunkenness among boys at a, 147 Teeth: neglect of, 60 Tenement Conditions: on West Side, 56, 57, 58 Tenth Avenue: characteristics of, 2, 3 Theft: encouragements to, on West Side, 18, 141, 142 Thief, Jargon of: common in boys’ gangs, 44 Thievery: arrest of boys for, 17. |