- A
- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 76
- Agassiz, L., 3
- description of Mesoplodon bidens by, 4
- Alaska, Ziphius from, 1
- Allen, Dr. G. M., 3
- American Museum of Natural History, 2, 3
- ampullatus (BalÆna), 76
- (HyperoÖdon), 76
- arnuxii (Berardius), 68
- B
- bairdii (Berardius), 60
- BalÆna ampullatus, 76
- rostrata, 76
- Berardius, 60, 77
- from California, 1
- from Pribilof Islands, 1
- specimens of, in National Museum, 1
- Berardius arnuxii, chevron bones of, 74
- coloration of, 66
- distribution of, 77
- external dimensions of, 67
- size of, 66
- skeleton, dimensions of, 75
- skull, dimensions of, 68
- teeth, dimensions of, 70
- vertebrÆ of, 73, 74
- vertebral formula of, 72
- Berardius bairdii, 2, 60
- chevron bones of, 74
- coloration of, 66
- description of a young, from Bering Id., 64
- distribution of, 77
- earbones of, 69, 83
- external dimensions of, 64, 67
- from Bering Island, 1, 60
- from Centerville Beach, Cal., history of, 2, 63
- from St. George Island, Alaska, 2
- external dimensions of specimens, 62
- history of, 61, 62
- from Trinidad, Cal., 2
- humerus of, 74
- original description of, 65
- scapula of, 74
- size of, 66
- skeleton of, 72
- skeleton, dimensions of, 75
- skull of, 68
- skull, dimensions of, 68
- sternum of, 74
- teeth of, 70
- teeth, description of, 70
- teeth, dimensions of, 70
- ulna of, 74
- vertebral formula of, 3
- P
- Physeter bidens, 4
- planifrons (HyperoÖdon), 77
- Pla-un, 66
- Pribilof Islands, Berardius from, 1
- R
- Ring, J. H., 63
- rostrata (BalÆna), 76
- rostratum (HyperoÖdon), 76
- S
- St. George Island, Alaska, Berardius from, 1
- Scollick, J. W., 32
- semijunctus (HyperoÖdon), 30
- (Ziphius), 30
- seychellensis (Ziphius), 9
- Soderman, Captain, 32
- sowerbensis (Delphinus), 4
- sowerbyi (Delphinus), 4
- Stejneger, Leonhard, 1, 3, 24, 31, 60, 64, 65
- stejnegeri (Mesoplodon), 24, 77
- W
- Wellander, Capt. Otto, 25
- West coast of United States, ZiphiidÆ from, 2
- Y
- Yaquina Bay, Oregon, Mesoplodon stejnegeri from, 24
- Z
- ZiphiidÆ from east coast of United States, 2
- from west coast of United States, 2
- list of existing species of, 76
- specimens of, available for study, 1
- in National Museum, 1
- Ziphius, 30, 77
- fossil, 4
- species of, 30
- Ziphius cavirostris, 2, 30
- Argentine specimen of, 36
- caudal vertebrÆ of, 42
- cervical vertebrÆ of, 38
- chevron bones of, 44
- color of, 33, 34
- comparison of skeletons of, 36
- dimensions of, 32
- distribution of, 77
- earbones of, 83
- external characters of, 59
- external dimension of, 32, 33, 34
- from Argentina, 55, 57
- from Barnegat City, N. J., 2, 31
- from Barnegat City, N. J., history of, 33
- from Bering Island, 1,