Plate 1 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONPlate 1 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONFig. 1. Mesoplodon bidens. Skull. Nantucket, Mass. Mus. Comp. ZoÖlogy, No. 1727. Female, adult. Dorsal aspect. About ¼ nat. size. Extremity of beak defective. 2. Mesoplodon densirostris? Skull. Annisquam, Mass. Female, young. Boston Society of Natural History. Dorsal aspect. ¼ nat. size. Defective on the left side. Plate 2 SKULLS AND TOOTH OF MESOPLODONPlate 2 SKULLS AND TOOTH OF MESOPLODONFig. 1. Mesoplodon europÆus. Skull. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Male, young. Cat. No. 23346, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ¼ nat. size. 2. Mesoplodon europÆus. Skull. North Long Branch, New Jersey. Female, adult. Mus. Comp. ZoÖlogy. Dorsal aspect. ¼ nat. size. Distal portion of beak lacking and right frontal region defective. 3. Mesoplodon bidens. Tooth. Nantucket, Mass. Mus. Comp. ZoÖl., No. 1727. Nat. size. Plate 3 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIPlate 3 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIFig. 1. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Type-skull. Bering Island. Immature. Cat. No. 21112, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ¼ nat. size. Edges abraded; distal end of beak defective. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Skull. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Adult. Cat. No. 143132, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ¼ nat. size. Proximal end of premaxillÆ defective and right nasal lacking. Plate 4 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONPlate 4 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONFig. 1. Mesoplodon bidens. Skull. Nantucket, Mass. Female, adult. Mus. Comp. ZoÖl. No. 1727. Ventral aspect. About ¼ nat. size. Tip of beak, left pterygoid, and malars defective. 2. Mesoplodon densirostris? Skull. Annisquam, Mass. Female, young. Boston Society of Natural History. Ventral aspect. ¼ nat. size. Left frontal region defective. Plate 5 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON EUROPÆUSPlate 5 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON EUROPÆUSFig. 1. Mesoplodon europÆus. Skull. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Male, young. Cat. No. 23346, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. ¼ nat. size. 2. Mesoplodon europÆus. Skull. North Long Branch, New Jersey. Female, adult. Mus. Comp. ZoÖlogy. Ventral aspect. ¼ nat. size. Distal portion of beak lacking, pterygoids, malars, and left frontal and temporal regions defective. Plate 6 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIPlate 6 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIFig. 1. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Type-skull. Immature. Cat. No. 21112, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. ¼ nat. size. Edges abraded; tip of beak, pterygoids, zygomatic processes, etc., defective. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Skull. Adult. Cat. No. 143132, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. About ¼ nat. size. Pterygoids and left malar defective. Plate 7 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONPlate 7 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONFig. 1. Mesoplodon bidens. Skull. Nantucket, Massachusetts. Female, adult. Mus. Comp. ZoÖl. No. 1727. Lateral aspect. ¼ nat. size. Tip of beak, left pterygoid and malar defective. 2. Mesoplodon densirostris? Skull. Annisquam, Massachusetts. Female, young. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Lateral aspect. ¼ nat. size. Distal portion of beak defective and warped. Plate 8 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON EUROPÆUSPlate 8 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON EUROPÆUSFig. 1. Mesoplodon europÆus. Skull. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Male, young. Cat. No. 23346, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. About ¼ nat. size. 2. Mesoplodon europÆus. Skull. North Long Branch, New Jersey. Female, adult. Mus. Comp. ZoÖl. Lateral aspect. About ¼ nat. size. Distal portion of beak lacking. Plate 9 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIPlate 9 SKULLS OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIFig. 1. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Type-skull. Bering Island. Immature. Cat. No. 21112, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. About ¼ nat. size. PremaxillÆ, maxillÆ, frontals, zygomatic process, etc., defective. On account of these defects and the immaturity of the individual the forward inclination of the supraoccipital is much greater than in the skull shown in fig. 2. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Skull. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Adult. Cat. No. 143132, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. ¼ nat. size. Proximal end of premaxillÆ defective. Plate 10 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONPlate 10 SKULLS OF MESOPLODONSkulls of Mesoplodon. Fig. 1. Mesoplodon bidens. Nantucket, Massachusetts. 2. Mesoplodon densirostris? Annisquam, Massachusetts. 3. Mesoplodon europÆus. Atlantic City, New Jersey. 4. Mesoplodon europÆus. North Long Branch, New Jersey. 5. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Type-skull. Bering Island. 6. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Posterior aspect. All figures ¼ nat. size. Plate 11 MANDIBLES OF MESOPLODONPlate 11 MANDIBLES OF MESOPLODONMandibles of Mesoplodon. Figs. 1, 2, and 5. Mesoplodon bidens. Nantucket, Massachusetts. 3 and 6. Mesoplodon europÆus. Atlantic City, New Jersey. 4. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. All figures ? nat. size. Plate 12 MANDIBLE AND TEETH OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIPlate 12 MANDIBLE AND TEETH OF MESOPLODON STEJNEGERIFig. 1. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Mandible and tooth. ¼ nat. size. 2. The same. Left mandibular tooth. Outer surface. 3. The same. Right mandibular tooth. Inner surface. All figures a little more than ? nat. size. Plate 13 SKELETON AND LUNGS OF MESOPLODON EUROPÆUSPlate 13 SKELETON AND LUNGS OF MESOPLODON EUROPÆUSMesoplodon europÆus. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Cat. No. 23346, U.S.N.M. Fig. 1. VertebrÆ, from right to left as follows: 7th thoracic, 8th thoracic, 1st lumbar, 1st caudal. Scale, 1/3.7 nat. size. 2. Sternum. Anterior aspect. 3. Left scapula. External surface. Scale 1/3.6 nat. size. 4. Right pectoral limb. External surface. Scale 1/3.7 nat. size. 5. Lungs. Dorsal aspect. About 1/8 nat. size. Plate 14 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 14 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. (Type of Ziphius semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. Female, young. Cat. No. 21975, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. Tip of beak slightly defective. 2. Skull. Barnegat City, New Jersey. Female, adult. Cat. No. 20971, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. Plate 15 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 15 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. Bering Island. (Topotype of Ziphius grebnitzkii.) Female (?), adult, Cat. No. 22069, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. 2. Skull. Bering Island. (Topotype of Ziphius grebnitzkii.) Dorsal aspect. Cat. No. 21246. ? nat. size. Plate 16 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 16 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. (Type of Ziphius grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Bering Island. Male (?). Cat. No. 20993, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. 2. Skull. (Topotype of Ziphius grebnitzkii.) Bering Island. Adult. Cat. No. 21245, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. Plate 17 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 17 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. (Topotype of Ziphius grebnitzkii.) Bering Island. Male (?), adult. Cat. No. 21248, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. 2. Skull. Newport, Rhode Island. Male, adult. Cat. No. 49599, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. ? nat. size. Plate 18 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 18 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. (Type of Ziphius semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. Ventral aspect. ? nat. size. 2. Skull. Barnegat City, New Jersey. Ventral aspect. ? nat. size. Plate 19 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 19 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. (Type of Ziphius grebnitzkii.) Bering Island. Cat. No. 20993, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. ? nat. size. 2. Skull. Newport, Rhode Island. Ventral aspect. ? nat. size. Plate 20 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 20 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. (Type of Ziphius semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. Cat. No. 21975, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. ? nat. size. 2. Skull. Barnegat City, New Jersey. Lateral aspect. ? nat. size. 3. Skull. (Type of Ziphius grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Bering Island. Cat. No. 20993, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. ? nat. size. Plate 21 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 21 SKULLS OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Skull. Newport, Rhode Island. Lateral aspect. 1/7 nat. size. 2. Skull. (Type of Ziphius semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. Posterior aspect. 1/7 nat. size. 3. Skull. Barnegat City, New Jersey. Posterior aspect. 1/7 nat. size. 4. Skull. (Topotype of Ziphius grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Posterior aspect. 1/7 nat. size. 5. Skull. Newport, Rhode Island. Posterior aspect. 1/7 nat. size. Plate 22 MANDIBLES OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 22 MANDIBLES OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISMandibles of Ziphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Charleston, South Carolina. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) 2. Newport, Rhode Island. 3. Bering Island. Cat. No. 22069, U.S.N.M. 4. Bering Island. Cat. No. 21248, U.S.N.M. All figures about ? nat. size. Plate 23 MANDIBLES OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 23 MANDIBLES OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISMandibles of Ziphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Bering Island. (Type of Ziphius grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Cat. No. 20993, U.S.N.M. About ? nat. size. 2. Newport, Rhode Island. Symphysis. Dorsal aspect. 3. The same. Ventral aspect. Plate 24 MANDIBLES AND VERTEBRÆ OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 24 MANDIBLES AND VERTEBRÆ OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISMandibles and vertebrÆ of Ziphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. Cat. No. 21975, U.S.N.M. ? nat. size. 2. (Type of Z. grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Bering Island. Cat. No. 20993, U.S.N.M. About ? nat. size. 3. Barnegat, New Jersey. About ? nat. size. 4. VertebrÆ. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) From right to left, as follows: 1-3 cervicals, 1st thoracic, 7th thoracic, 8th thoracic, 1st lumbar, 1st caudal. About ¼ nat. size. Plate 25 SKELETON OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 25 SKELETON OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISZiphius cavirostris (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) Fig. 1. Atlas. Anterior surface. Defective on left side. 2. Sternum. Ventral aspect. 3. Right pectoral limb. Scapula somewhat defective. About ? nat. size. Plate 26 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 26 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIBerardius bairdii. Fig. 1. Type-skull. Bering Island. Immature. Cat. No. 20992, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. About 1/10 nat. size. Frontals and zygomatic processes somewhat defective. 2. Skull. St. George Island, Pribilof Group, Alaska. Female, adult. Cat. No. 49726, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. About 1/10 nat. size. 3. Skull. Centerville, California. Male (?), adult. Cat. No. 49725, U.S.N.M. Dorsal aspect. All figs. about 1/10 nat. size. Plate 27 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 27 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIBerardius bairdii. Fig. 1. Type-skull. Bering Island. Immature. Cat. No. 20992, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. 2. St. George Island, Alaska. Female, adult. Cat. No. 49726, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. 3. Centerville, California. Male (?), adult. Cat. No. 49725, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. All figs. about 1/10 nat. size. Plate 28 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 28 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIBerardius bairdii. Fig. 1. Skull. St. George Island, Alaska. Female, adult. Cat. No. 49726, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. 2. Skull. Centerville, California. Male (?), adult. Cat. No. 49725, U.S.N.M. Lateral aspect. 3. The same skull. Posterior aspect. 4. Type-skull. Bering Island. Cat. No. 20992, U.S.N.M. Posterior aspect. All figs. about 1/10 nat. size. Plate 29 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 29 SKULLS OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIBerardius bairdii. Figs. 1-4. Bering Island. Young. Cat. No. 142118, U.S.N.M. 5. Skull. St. George Island, Alaska. Male, immature. Cat. No. 29727, U.S.N.M. Posterior aspect. 1/10 nat. size. Plate 30 MANDIBLES OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 30 MANDIBLES OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIMandibles of Berardius bairdii. Fig. 1. Bering Island. Young. Cat. No. 142118, U.S.N.M. 2. St. George Island, Alaska. Male, immature. Cat. No. 49727, U.S.N.M. 3. Bering Island. Adult. (From mounted skull.) Dorsal aspect, 1/10 nat. size. Plate 31 MANDIBLES OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 31 MANDIBLES OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIMandibles of Berardius bairdii. Fig. 1. Bering Island. Young. Cat. No. 142118, U.S.N.M. 2. St. George Island, Alaska. Male, immature. Cat. No. 49727, U.S.N.M. 3. Bering Island. (From type-skull.) Immature. Cat. No. 20992, U.S.N.M. 4. Centerville, California. Male (?), adult. Cat. No. 49725, U.S.N.M. 5. Bering Island. Adult. (From mounted skull.) Lateral aspect. 1/10 nat. size. Plate 32 BERARDIUS BAIRDII AND HYPEROÖDON AMPULLATUSPlate 32 BERARDIUS BAIRDII AND HYPEROÖDON AMPULLATUSBerardius bairdii. Fig. 1. VertebrÆ. St. George Island, Alaska. Female, adult. Cat. No. 49726, U.S.N.M. The vertebrÆ from left to right are as follows: 1-3 cervicals, 1st thoracic, 8th thoracic, 9th thoracic, 10th thoracic, 1st lumbar, 1st caudal. 2. The same specimen. Sternum. Ventral aspect. About 1/7 nat. size. 3. HyperoÖdon ampullatus. Newport, Rhode Island. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Plate 33 SKELETON OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 33 SKELETON OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIFig. 1. Berardius bairdii. Atlas. St. George Island, Alaska. Female, adult. Cat. No. 49726, U.S.N.M. Anterior surface. 1/7 nat. size. 2. The same specimen. Right scapula. 1/7 nat. size. 3. The same specimen. Humerus. 1/7 nat. size. 4. Berardius bairdii. St. George Island, Alaska. Left pectoral limb. Cat. No. 49727. Male, immature. ? nat. size. Plate 34 TYMPANIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSPlate 34 TYMPANIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSTympanic bones of Mesoplodon, Ziphius, and Berardius. Fig. 1. Mesoplodon densirostris (?). Annisquam, Massachusetts. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. 3. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. 4. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Bering Island. 5. Ziphius cavirostris. Barnegat City, New Jersey. 6. Ziphius cavirostris. Newport, Rhode Island. 7. Berardius bairdii. Centerville, California. Ventral aspect. Nat. size. Plate 35 TYMPANIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSPlate 35 TYMPANIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSTympanic bones of Mesoplodon, Ziphius, and Berardius. Fig. 1. Mesoplodon densirostris (?). Annisquam, Massachusetts. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. 3. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. 4. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. grebnitzkii Stejneger). Bering Island. 5. Ziphius cavirostris. Barnegat City, New Jersey. 6. Ziphius cavirostris. Newport, Rhode Island. 7. Berardius bairdii. Centerville, California. External surface. Nat. size. Plate 36 PERIOTIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSPlate 36 PERIOTIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSRight periotic bones of Mesoplodon, Ziphius, and Berardius. Fig. 1. Mesoplodon densirostris. (?) Annisquam, Massachusetts. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. 3. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. 4. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. grebnitzkii Stejneger.) Bering Island. 5. Ziphius cavirostris. Barnegat City, New Jersey. 6. Ziphius cavirostris. Newport, Rhode Island. 7. Berardius bairdii. Centerville, California. Inner aspect. Nat. size. Plate 37 PERIOTIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSPlate 37 PERIOTIC BONES OF MESOPLODON, ZIPHIUS, AND BERARDIUSRight periotic bones of Mesoplodon, Ziphius, and Berardius. Fig. 1. Mesoplodon densirostris. (?) Annisquam, Massachusetts. 2. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. 3. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope).) Charleston, South Carolina. 4. Ziphius cavirostris. (Type of Z. grebnitzkii Stejneger). Bering Island. 5. Ziphius cavirostris. Barnegat City, New Jersey. 6. Ziphius cavirostris. Newport, Rhode Island. 7. Berardius bairdii. Centerville, California. Outer aspect. Nat. size. Plate 38 TEETH OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISPlate 38 TEETH OF ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRISTeeth of Ziphius cavirostris. Fig. 1. Type of Z. semijunctus (Cope). Charleston, South Carolina. Cat. No. 21112, U.S.N.M. Left tooth. Inner surface. 2. The same. Right tooth. Outer surface. 3-4. Barnegat City, New Jersey. The two large teeth. 5. The same. One of the rudimentary teeth. 6. Topotype of Z. grebnitzkii. Cat. No. 22069, U.S.N.M. Bering Island. Left tooth. Outer surface. 7. The same. Right tooth. Inner surface. 8. Type of Z. grebnitzkii Stejneger. Cat. No. 20993, U.S.N.M. Bering Island. Left tooth. Inner surface. 9. The same. Right tooth. Outer surface. 10. Newport, Rhode Island. Cat. No. 49599, U.S.N.M. Left tooth. Inner surface. 11. The same. Right tooth. Outer surface. Plate 39 TEETH OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 39 TEETH OF BERARDIUS BAIRDIITeeth of Berardius bairdii. Fig. 1. Bering Island. Young. Cat. No. 142118, U.S.N.M. Left anterior tooth. Inner surface. 2. The same. Left posterior tooth. Inner surface. 3. St. George Island, Alaska. Male, immature. Cat. No. 49727, U.S.N.M. Right anterior tooth. Inner surface. 4. The same. Left anterior tooth. Outer surface. 5. Centerville, California. Male, adult. Cat. No. 49725, U.S.N.M. Left anterior tooth. Inner surface. 6. The same. Right posterior tooth. Outer surface. 7. St. George Island, Alaska. Female, adult. Cat. No. 49726. Left anterior tooth. Inner surface. 8. The same. Right posterior tooth. Outer surface. 9. The same. Left posterior tooth. Inner surface. All figures natural size. Plate 40 MESOPLODON EUROPÆUS AND M. STEJNEGERIPlate 40 MESOPLODON EUROPÆUS AND M. STEJNEGERIFig. 1. Stomach of Mesoplodon europÆus. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Cat. No. 23346, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. About ¼ nat. size. 2. The same. Dorsal aspect. About ¼ nat. size. 3. The same. Perineum. a, penis. b, rudimentary mammary slits. c, anus. About ¼ nat. size. 4. Mesoplodon stejnegeri. Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Cat. No. 143132, U.S.N.M. Head, showing teeth in natural position. Plate 41 MESOPLODON AND ZIPHIUSPlate 41 MESOPLODON AND ZIPHIUSFig. 1. Mesoplodon europÆus. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Male, young. Cat. No. 23346, U.S.N.M. Length 12½ feet. 2. The same. Dorsal aspect. 3. Ziphius cavirostris (?). Kiska Harbor, Alaska, 1904. 4. Ziphius cavirostris. Newport, Rhode Island. Male, adult. Length 20 feet 1 inch. Cat. No. 49599, U.S.N.M. Plate 42 BERARDIUS BAIRDIIPlate 42 BERARDIUS BAIRDIIFig. 1. Berardius bairdii. St. George Island, Alaska. Female, adult. Length 40 feet 2 inches. Cat. No. 49726, U.S.N.M. Ventral aspect. 2, 3. Berardius bairdii. Centerville, California. Male (?), adult. Cat. No. 49725, U.S.N.M. Length about 41 feet. Head from in front and from below. 4. The same. Skeleton. About ? nat. size. The pectoral fin is modeled from another specimen. It is on the wrong side in this figure. |