Transcriber's Notes Made minor punctuation, spelling, and hyphenation changes for consistency. Corrected the following typos: Page 81: Changed Pharasaic to Pharisaic. (come into being a Pharisaic legalism) Page 140: Changed subconsious to subconscious. (the slumbering subconsious mind) Page 193: Changed independant to independent. (guided by their own independant judgment) Page 217: Changed terriffic to terrific. (What a terriffic price to pay to learn the lesson) Page 221: Changed symathy to sympathy. (He had, as we have seen, infinite symathy for and forbearance) Page 232: Changed accompaniament to accompaniment. (Misunderstanding is not infrequently its accompaniament.) Page 237: Changed viligant to vigilant. (And unless viligant and determined) Page 245: Changed tyrany to tyranny. (ungoverned by the law of mutuality, becomes tyrany.) Page 245: Changed malignent to malignant. (the use of force to restrain malignent evil,) Page 253: Changed inaliable to inalienable. (the inaliable right that every child has) Page 258: Changed impertinances to impertinences. ("sectarian peculiarities are obsolete impertinances.") Page 259: Changed Chrisitianity to Christianity. (Chrisitianity of the Christ) Page 260: Changed heirarchy to hierarchy. (The real Church of Christ is not an heirarchy,) Page 262: Changed that to than. (human service of greater importance that mere matters of opinion.) |