- FRONTISPIECE. Aerial photograph of Denver.
- 1. Index map 3
- 2-3. Maps showing:
- 2. Physical divisions of the United States and maximum extent of the continental ice sheets 6
- 3. The Great Plains province and its sections 8
- 4. Photograph of Mescalero escarpment and southern High Plains 9
- 5. Geologic time chart 12
- 6-8. Maps showing:
- 6. Paleogeography of U.S. in Late Cretaceous 14
- 7. Structural setting of the Great Plains 14
- 8. Progressive southward expansion of areas of deposition 17
- 9. Photograph of Big Horn strip mine at Acme, Wyo. 18
- 10. Black Hills diagram 21
- 11-16. Photographs showing:
- 11. Weathering of granite at Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills 22
- 12. Capulin Mountain National Monument, N. Mex. 24
- 13. Mesa de Maya, Colo. 25
- 14. Spanish Peaks, Colo. 26
- 15. “The Gangplank,” Wyo. 27
- 16. Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebr. 28
- 17. Aerial photograph of the Nebraska Sand Hills 30
- 18. Map of the Nebraska Sand Hills 31
- 19-30. Photographs showing:
- 19. Loess plain in Nebraska 32
- 20. Ground moraine on the Coteau du Missouri in North Dakota 34
- 21. Slump blocks in North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, N. Dak. 36
- 22. Highwood Mountains, Mont. 37
- 23. Devils Tower National Monument, Wyo. 38
- 24. Glaciated valley in Crazy Mountains, Mont. 39
- 25. Powder River Basin in vicinity of Tongue River 40
- 26. Badlands National Monument, S. Dak. 41
- 27. Badlands of Little Missouri River in South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, N. Dak. 42
- 28. Hogback ridges along the Front Range, Colo. 43
- 29. Pawnee Buttes, Colo. 44
- 30. Edwards Plateau, Tex. 47