The following bibliography includes: (a) histories of economic thought; almost all of these have only a cursory chapter on Greek theory, and several of them deal largely with economic conditions; (b) histories of socialism and social theory, to which the foregoing statement applies to a large extent; (c) chapters in works on different phases of Greek economic history; (d) other works of a more general type, which deal more or less extensively with Greek economic or social ideas; (e) articles and dissertations; (f) editions of Greek authors that are of special interest for our subject. It is manifestly impossible to name many of these latter, and we shall content ourselves with the mention of a few that have proved especially helpful. The works are listed in alphabetical order, for greater convenience in reference, and those of chief interest are starred. Adam, James (The Republic of Plato, 1902). Adler, G. Geschichte des Socialismus und Kommunismus von Plato bis zur Gegenwart (1899), pp. 6-52. On Greek. Alesio. “Alcune riflessioni intorno ai concetti del valore nell’antichitÀ classica,” Archivio Giuridico, 1889. Ashley, W. J. “Aristotle’s Doctrine of Barter,” Quarterly Journal of Economy, 1895. An interpretation of Ar. Pol. i. 1258b27 ff. Barker, E. Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle (1906), pp. 357-404.* Blanqui, M. Histoire de l’Économie politique en Europe (1842; 4th ed., 1860), I, 33-92. Somewhat indiscriminate in appreciation of Greek thinkers. Bonar. Philosophy and Political Economy (1893).* Brants, V. Xenophon Economiste, reprint from Revue Catholique de Louvain, 1881.* Bussy, M. Histoire et RÉfutation du Socialisme depuis l’antiquitÉ, jusqu’À nos jours (1859). Superficial and prejudiced. Cossa, L. Histoire des doctrines Économiques (1899) (trans. from the Italian of 1876), pp. 144-50.* ——. “Di alcuni studii storici sulle teorie economiche dei Greci,” Saggi di Economia Politica, 1878, pp. 3-14. De Sam-Cognazzi. Analisi dell economia publica e privata degli antichi (1830). Du Mesnill-Marigny. Histoire de l’Économie politique des anciens peuples (1878, 3 vols.). Superficial. Dietzel. “BeitrÄge zur Geschichte des Socialismus und des Kommunismus,” Zeitschrift fÜr Literatur und Geschichte der Staatswissenschaften, I (1893), 373 ff.* DÖring, A. Die Lehre des Socrates als soziales Reform-System (1895). DuBois, A. PrÉcis de l’histoire des doctrines Économiques dans leurs rapports avec les faits et avec les institutions (1903), pp. 23-53. A good partial bibliography.* DÜhring, E. Kritische Geschichte der NationalÖkonomie und des Socialismus (3d ed., 1879), pp. 19-25. Dunning, W. A. Political Theories Ancient and Mediaeval (New York, 1913). Economic material only incidental. Eisenhart, H. Geschichte der NationalÖkonomie (2d ed., 1891). Mostly on economic history. Espinas. Histoire des doctrines Économiques (1891), chap, i.* ——. “L’art Économique dans Platon,” Revue des Etudes Grecques, XXVI (1914), 105-29, 36-65.* Ferrara, J. “L’economica politica degli antichi,” Journal de Statis. de Palerme, 1836. Fontpertuis, F. de. “Filiation des ideÉs Économiques, dans l’antiquitÉ,” Journal des Écon., September, 1871 ff.* Francotte, H. L’Industrie dans la GrÈce ancienne (Brussels, 1900). Sections on Greek theories of labor and socialism.* Glaser. “De Aristotelis doctrina de divitiis” (dissertation, 1850), Jahrb. fÜr Gesellschafts- und Staatswissenschaft, 1865. GÖttling. De Notione servitutis apud Aristotelem (dissertation, Jena, 1821). Grote, G. Plato (4 vols.). ——. Aristotle (2 vols.). Guiraud, P. La main-d’oeuvre industrielle dans l’ancienne GrÈce (1900), pp. 36-50. On theory.* ——. La propriÉtÉ fonciÈre en GrÈce jusqu’À la conqÛete Romaine (1893), pp. 573-612. On socialistic ideas.* ——. Etudes Économiques sur l’antiquitÉ (1905), chap. i. On the importance of economic questions in Greece.* Hagen. Observationum oeconomico politicarum in Aeschinis dialogum qui Eryxias inscribitur (dissertation, 1822). Haney, L. W. History of Economic Thought (1911), pp. 39-52.* Heidel, W. A. Pseudo-Platonica (dissertation, Chicago, 1896), pp. 59-61. On Eryxias. Herzog, C. “Communismus und Socialismus in Alterthum,” Beilage zur allgemeine Zeitung, 1894, No. 166. Conservative on the influence of socialism in the ancient world. Hoderman, M. “Quaestionum oeconomicarum specimen,” (dissertation, Berlin, 1896), Berlin Studien fÜr class. Philol. und Arch., XVI, No. 4. On the so-called Economica. Ingram, J. K. History of Political Economy (1907), pp. 7-26.* Jowett and Campbell. Republic of Plato (3 vols., 1894). Kaulla, R. Die geschichtliche Entwickelung der modernen Werttheorien (1906), pp. 3 f. On Aristotle. Kautsky, K. Die Geschichte des Socialismus in Einzeldarstellungen (1897), I, 1. Kautz. Theorie und Geschichte der national Oekonomie (Wien, 2d ed., 1860), pp. 102-43.* Knies, Karl. Die politische Economie vom geschichtlichen Standpunkt (1883). Of but slight interest for ancient theory. Loos, I. A. “Studies in the Politics of Aristotle and the Republic of Plato,” Bull. of the University of Iowa, 1899. Mabille. “Le communisme et le fÉminisme À AthÈnes.” MÉmoires de l’acadÉmie de Dijon, 4 sÉrie, t. 7, pp. 317 ff. (Paris, 1900). Martiis, S. de. Cognetti (Socialismo antico, Turin, 1899).* Menger, Karl. Art. “Geld,” HandwÖrterbuch der Staatswissenschaft (2d ed.), IV, 82 ff. Newman. The Politics of Aristotle (Oxford, 1877, 4 vols.).* Oncken, A. Geschichte der NationalÖkonomie (1902), I, 27-49. Palgrave’s Dictionary. Art. “Aristotle.” This and the above-named article on “Geld” will serve as sufficient notice of the several Dictionaries of Political Economy, to which other references might be made. Platon, G. “Le socialisme en GrÈce,” Devenir Social., January, 1897 ff. Poehlmann, R. Geschichte des antiken Socialismus und Kommunismus (MÜnchen, 1893-1901, 2 vols.; 2d ed., 1912, Geschichte der sozialen Frage und des Socialismus in der antiken Welt). A thorough treatment of Greek socialistic tendencies both in theory and in practice, though it exaggerates the development of capitalism in Greece, and draws analogies too freely between ancient and modern socialism. Our citations are from the second edition.* ——. “Die AnfÄnge des Sozialismus in Europa,” Sybel’s Hist. Zeitschrift, Bd. 79, H. 3, pp. 385-451. Rambaud, J. Histoire des Doctrines Économiques (Paris, 1902). Regnier, M. L’Économie politique et rurale des Grecs. Robin, L. “Platon et la science sociale,” Revue de metaphysique et de morale, March, 1913 (reprint by Armand Colin, Paris).* Roscher. “Ueber das VerhÄltniss der national Oekonomik[** NationalÖkonomie] zum klassischen Alterthume,” Ansichten der Volkswirtschaft, I (1878), 1-50.* Salvio, G. Salomo. Il concetto della schiavitu secundo Aristotile (Rome, 1881). ——. Communismo nella Grecia antiqua (Padua, 1883). Schneider. Die staatswirtschaftlichen Lehren des Aristotles (dissertation, Neu Puppin, 1873). Schrohl, O. De Eryxias qui fertur Platonis (dissertation, 1901). Chiefly on the authorship of the Eryxias. Schulte, J. Quomodo Plato in legibus publico Atheniensium instituta respexerit (dissertation, 1907). Sewall, H. “Theory of Value before Adam Smith,” Publication of American Economic Association, II, Part 3. Four pages on Aristotle. Shorey, Paul (“Plato’s Laws,” Classical Philology, October, 1914). Simey, Miss E. “Economic Theory among the Greeks and Romans,” Economic Review, October, 1900. Souchon, A. Les ThÉories Économiques dans la GrÈce antique (1898; a 2d ed. in 1906, but slightly changed).* Stein, Ludwig. Das erste Auftauschen der sozialen Frage bei den Griechen (dissertation, Bern, 1896). ——. Die soziale Frage im Lichte der Philosophie (Stuttgart, 1903, 2d ed.), pp. 150-82. ——. “Die staatswissenschaftliche Theorie der Griechen vor Arist. und Platon,” Zeitschrift fÜr die gesammte Wissenschaft, 1853, pp. 115-82 (TÜbingen). Stewart. Notes to Ar., Nic. Ethics (2 vols.).* St. Hilaire, B. Preface to translation of the Politics of Arist. Thill, J. Die Eigenthumsfrage im klassischen Alterthum (Luxembourg, 1892). Thomissen. Histoire du socialisms depuis l’antiquitÉ jusqu’À la constitution franÇaise du 14 jan., 1852. Trinchera, F. Storia critica dell’ economia publia (epoca antica) (Naples, 1873). Vanderkindere, L. “Le Socialisms dans la GrÈce antique,” Revue de l’UniversitÉ de Brussels, I, 4, pp. 241-46. Vogel, G. Die Oekonomik des Xenophon; eine Vorarbeit fÜr die Geschichte der griechischen Oekonomik (Erlangen, 1895). Walcker, K. Geschichte der NationalÖkonomie und des Socialismus (Leipzig, 1902). Wallon. Histoire de l’esclavage dans l’antiquitÉ (Paris, 1879, 2d ed.). One chapter on theories of slavery. Wolf, H. Geschichte des antiken Sozialismus und Individualismus (1909). A merely popular treatment. Wilhelm, F. “Die Oeconomica der Neupythagoreer,” Rhein. Mus., XVII, No. 2 (1915), 162 ff. Zmavc, J. “Die Werttheorie bei Arist. und Thos. Aquino,” Archiv fÜr die Geschichte der Philosophie (Berlin, 1899), pp. 407 ff.* As stated, a large number of the foregoing list deal chiefly with actual conditions, rather than with theory. Besides these, many other works on phases of Greek economic history are cited in the course of our discussion, the names of which, with page-references, may be found in the index. All other works that are incidentally cited are also listed there. For an excellent presentation of the political economy of John Ruskin, and a selected bibliography on his work as a social and economic reformer, cf. the Library Edition of his works, from which we have often cited (George Allen, London, Introduction to Vol. XVII, 1905; bibliography, p. cxii). |