A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W. | NO. | Aldrich, James (1810-1856), | CCXCVII | Alford, Henry, b. 1810, | CCC | Arnold, Edwin, b. 1831, | CCLXXXVII | Arnold, Matthew, b. 1822, | CCLVIII | Aytoun, Sir Robert (1570-1638), | XIV | | Bacon, Lord (1561-1616), | IV | Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851), | CLXXXVII | Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), | CXXXII | Beaumont (1586-1616) and Fletcher (1576-1625), | XXIV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XLIII | Beaumont, Francis (1586-1616), | LV | Beaumont, Sir John (1582-1628), | LIII | Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (1803-1849), | CCXXXI | Berkeley, George (1684-1753), | CXXXVII | Blackstone, Sir William (1723-1780), | CXXXVIII | Blake, William (1757-1828), | CLXXV, CLXXXIII, CXCIV, CCXXXVI, CCXXXIX | Bowles, William L., (1762-1850), | CLXXVIII | Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682), | CXXXI | Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1809-1861), | CCXL, CCLIV | Browning, Robert, b. 1812, | CCLIX, CCLXXXVIII, CCLXXXIX | Bryant, William Cullen, b. 1794, | CCLX, CCLXIII | Buchanan, Robert, b. 1841, | CCXCIV | Burbidge, Thomas, b. 1816, | CCLXI, CCLXIV | Burns, Robert (1759-1796), | CXLVIII, CLIV, CLXV | Byron, Lord (1788-1824), | CLXXXVI, CCIII, CCXIII, CCXXIV | | Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844), | CLXXI, CCVII, CCVIII, CCL | Campion, Thomas, | XXII | Carew, Thomas (1589-1639), | LXV, LXXX, CXX | Charles I. (1600-1649), | CII | Clare, John (1793-1864), | CLXXVII | Cleveland, John (1613-1659), | XLVI | Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819-1861), | CCXXV, CCXXIX, CCXXXV | Coleridge, Hartley (1796-1849), | CLXXXVIII, CXCV, CXCVI | Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834), | CLXXIX, CLXXXV, CCXVI, CCXX | Collins, William (1720-1756), | CXLV, CXLVII | Cotton, Charles (1630-1687), | LXXXVII | Cowley, Abraham (1618-1677), | LXXXVIII, CV, CVI | Cowper, William (1731-1800), | CLX, CLXI, CLXVI | Crashaw, Richard (1600-1650), | CXVII | Croly, George (1780-1860), | CLXXXIV | Cunningham, Allan (1784-1842), | CCLII | | Davenant, Sir William (1605-1668), | C, CVII, CXXVI, CLII | De Vere, Aubrey, b. 1814, | CCLXXXI | Donne, John (1573-1631), | LXIV, CXXIII, CXXIV | Doubleday, Thomas, | CLXXXI, CLXXXII | Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings, b. 1810, | CCLXXIII | Drayton, Michael (1563-1631), | XXXV, XLI | Drummond, William (1585-1649), | XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, LI | Dryden, John (1631-1700), | LXXXIX, XC, CXIII, CXXIV | | Eastman, Charles Gammage, | CCXCVI | Elliot, Ebenezer (1781-1841), | CC | Elliott, Jane (1727-1805), | CXLII, CC | Emerson, Ralph Waldo, b. 1803, | CCLXII, CCLXXV | | Falkland, Lord (1610-1643), | CXIV | Fanshawe, Sir Richard (1608-1666), | LXIX | Forster, John, b. 1812, | CCLXXX | | Gay, John (1688-1732), | CXXXIX | Glen, William, | CXLIII | Glover, Richard (1712-1785), | CXLI | Gray, David (1838-1861), | CCXXXIII, CCXXXIV, CCXXXV | Gray, Thomas (1716-1771), | CXLIX, CLVII, CLXVIII | Greene, Robert (1560-1592), | XXI | | Habington, William (1605-1645), | LXX, LXXI | Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676), | CIX | Hallam, Arthur Henry (1811-1834), | CCII | Hamilton, William (1704-1754), | CLV | Herbert, George (1593-1632), | LXXXI, CXXVII | Herrick, Robert (1591-1674), | LXVI, LXXXII | Holmes, Oliver Wendell, b. 1809, | CCCI | Holyday, Barten (1593-1661), | XCI | Hood, Thomas (1798-1845), | CCXLVI | Houghton, Lord, b. 1809, | CCLXV, CCLXXIV | Hume, Alexander (1560-1607), | VIII | Hunnis, William, | XIII | Hunt, Leigh (1784-1859), | CXCVII | | Irving, Edward (1792-1834), | CCLV | | James, Thomas (17th Century), | CXIX | Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784), | CLXIV | Jones, Sir William (1746-1794), | CXLIV | Jonson, Ben (1574-1637), | XXIII, XL, XLII, XLV | | Keats, John (1795-1821), | CXCIII, CCI, CCXXII, CCXXVII | Keble, John (1792-1866), | CCXLIV, CCLIII | King, Henry (1591-1669), | LXXII, CVIII, CXXI | Kingsley, Charles, b. 1819, | CCLXXXII, CCXCV | Knowles, Herbert (1798-1817), | CCXLVII | | Lamb, Charles (1775-1835), | CCXXXII, CCXLII | Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864), | CCXLIII, CCLI | Lindsay, Lady Anne (1750-1825), | CLVI | Logan, John (1748-1788), | CXLVI | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, b. 1807, | CCLXXVI, CCLXXXIII | Lovelace, Richard (1618-1658), | XCVII, XCVIII | Lushington, Henry (1812-1855), | CCXV | | Macaulay, Lord (1800-1859), | CCV | Macdonald, George, b. 1824, | CCLXXXIV | Marlowe, Christopher (1562-1593), | XIX | Marvell, Andrew (1620-1678), | LXXIX, CIII, CXXIX | Mickle, William Julius (1734-1788), | CLIII | Milton, John (1608-1674), | LXXVIII, LXXXIII, LXXXV, LXXXVI, CIV, CXVI, CXXV, CCXLIX | Montgomery, James (1771-1854), | CLXXII | Montrose, Marquis of (1612-1651), | XCVI | Moore, Thomas (1780-1852), | CCXXX, CCXLIX | | Nairn, Lady (1766-1845), | CLXVII | Newcastle, Duchess of (1624-1673), | XCII | Newman, John Henry, b. 1801, | CCXC, CCCII | | Oxford, Earl of (1534-1604), | XI | | Palmer, John Williamson, | CCXCIII | Patmore, Coventry, b. 1823, | CCLXIX, CCLXX | Philips, Ambrose (1671-1749), A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.
align="bottom" class="rt">135 | Her sufferings ended with the day!, | 378 | He safely walks in darkest ways, | 351 | Hope, of all ills that men endure, | 95 | How fresh, oh Lord, how sweet and clean, | 79 | How happy is he born and taught, | 57 | How sleep the brave, who sink to rest, | 175 | How soon doth man decay!, | 149 | How wisely Nature did decree, | 76 | | I do confess thou ’rt smooth and fair, | 18 | If all the world and Love were young, | 23 | If aught of oaten stop, or pastoral song, | 177 | If, dumb too long, the drooping Muse hath stayed, | 201 | If I had thought thou could’st have died, | 305 | If the base violence of wicked men, | 352 | If thou wilt ease thine heart, | 301 | If to be absent were to be, | 107 | If women could be fair, and yet not fond, | 16 | I give thee treasures hour by hour, | 351 | I hear no more the locust beat, | 347 | I love to rise ere gleams the tardy light, | 229 | I mourn no more my vanished years, | 386 | I’m wearing awa’, John, | 211 | In May, when sea-winds pierced our solitudes, | 356 | In this marble buried lies, | 134 | In this marble casket lies, | 130 | In vain to me the smiling mornings shine, | 180 | 224 | O Rose, who dares to name thee?, | 307 | O Time! who know’st a lenient hand to lay, | 230 | O trifling toys that toss the brains, | 1 | Our life is only death! time that ensu’th, | 141 | Over the mountains, | 69 | O waly, waly up the bank, | 66 | O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being, | 283 | O Winter, wilt thou never, never go?, | 303 | | Philosophy! the great and only heir, | 120 | Poor Soul, the centre of my sinful earth, | 46 | Praised be Diana’s fair and harmless light, | 34 | Preserve thy sighs, unthrifty girl, | 108 | Proud Maisie is in the wood, | 240 | | Rise, said the Master, come unto the feast, | 382 | River is time in water; as it came, | 99 | Rose-cheeked Laura, come, | 24 | Roses, their sharp spines being gone, | 26 | Rudely thou wrongest my dear heart’s desire, | 20 | | Sad is our youth, for it is ever going, | 362 | Say not, the struggle nought availeth, | 299 | See how the orient dew, | 151 | See how the small concentrate fiery force, | 355 | See the chariot at hand here of Love, | 25 | Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green, | 14 | She dwells by great Kenhawa’s side, | 357 | She dwelt among the untrodden ways, | 243 | LONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET |   |