s="pginternal">20; of the Ancient Britons, 20, 68, 69; Assyrians, 20; Early Irish, 20; Egyptians, 3, 14, 20; Erichthonius, 5; Gauls, 20, 72; Greeks, 20; Hittites, 20; Libyans, 20; Persians, 20, 25; Romans, 72; Syria, 25; Thracians, 14, 15; Vedic Aryans, 20; with scythes, 25, 26 Charles I. institutes horse racing in Hyde Park, 224; interest in horses, 233; picture in National Gallery, 225; present of horses, 225; price of horses, 229; racecourses in time of, 245 Charles II., a good whip, 240; encouraged horse-breeding, 240; encouraged use of stage coaches, 240; horsemanship of, 227-229; love of horse-racing, 246, 259; restores horse racing, 245 Charles V. of Germany, 161, 171 Charles VIII. of France, 138, 139 Chaucer, 130-132 Chester Meeting, the, 208; Charles II. at, 247; rule for winning owner, 208, 209; silver bells run for, 208, 245 Circus riding, 7, 80, 184, 185 Cobs, 111, 205, 215 Coins, horses represented on, 26, 27, 65, 75, 103 Colour, attention to, by Elizabeth, 111, 175; by Henry II., 111; by John, 231; under Charles II., 254; James I., 205, 210-212 Gauls, the, 20, 70, 72, 75 Geldings, 207 Gentleness of horses, 104 George III., 271 Girth, the, 63 “Gladiateur,” 288 “Godolphin Arabian,” 269, 270, 289 Gradasso and Alfana, 94 “Great Horses,” 111, 127, 141, 206, 232, 237 Greek soldier, 19, 28, 46 Greeks, the, 21; esteemed horses highly, 29; had chariots with wheels, 20; harness of, 51; hogged manes patronised by, 48; horse breeding by, 14; horsemanship among, 7, 9, 16; horses of, 30, 102; horseshoes explained to, 73; race horses kept by, 49; taught to ride by the Libyans, 17; used horse-cloths, 19 Haddington Race Meeting, the, 172 Halters, 18, 286 “Hands,” 133, 227, 228 “Harkaway,” 288 Hector, 10 “Helmsley Turk,” 225, 257 Henry II., 110-113 Henry III., 119, 161 Henry VII., 141-147 Henry VIII., 148, 167, 187, 206, 250 Heraclios, 10 “Hermit,” 288 Hiero II. of Syracuse, 31, 68, 80, 140; prices of, 55, 125, 177, 178, 203, 214, 229, 235, 274; represented on coins, 26-27, 65, 75, 103; on vase painting, 51; on panels in Ireland, 115; sacrificed, 33-36, 78, 97, 104; scarcity of at Crecy, 125; among the Romans, 282; Shakespeare's, 181, 182; shire horses, 140, 144; Spanish Armada, 222; “starling-coloured,” 53; starvation of, 146, 147; stolen, 214; strength of, 105, 111, 112; superstitions about, 78, 79, 121, 123, 213; three-years-olds, 271, 288; trained to music, 8; transported to Cuba and Hispaniola, 169; unshod, 24; war horses, 104, 109-111, 131, 136-138, 199, 200, 283, 292; wealth expressed by number of, 81; with white star, 17, 54 Horse thieves, 120 Hunters, 183, 207 Hunting 118, 161, 162, 179, 180, 187, 192, 258, 259; Charles II.'s favourite meeting, 247, 248; described by Shadwell, 251, 252; early history of, 222; Edward II. stops a tournament at, 124; Elizabeth at, 175; famous flat race arranged at, 220; first important races at, 223; fox hunt near, 253; historic race meeting at, 248; horses of, 117, 118; Iceni at, the, 75; incident at, 254; James I. present at, 206, 209, 217; Marocco, foaled at, 184; rebuilding of race stand at, 247; Spanish Armada horses at, 222, 223; the royal village, 205; under William III., 263-265 Newspaper account of races, the first, 224 Normans, 20 Northern America, no horses in, 168 Nose bands, 18, 286 Numidians, the, 64, 281 Oaks, the, 290 O'Byrnes, the, 127, 128 Oliver Cromwell, 233, 234 Olympic games, the, 25, 27, 31, 32, 37 O'Moores, the, 127, 128 Opposition to coaches and railways, 237, 238 “Ormonde,” 288 Oxen used by Roman Catholics, 264 Pale, the, 127 Parthenon frieze, the, 29, 30, 39, 64 Patroclus, 12 Pausanias, 44 Pedigree through dams, 100, 101 Pegasus, 16, 98 Peloponnesian War, 24 Persia, 36, 251, 255, 261, 264, 265, 273-275, 288 Turkish horses, 215, 243, 244 Two Thousand, the, 288 Valerian, the Emperor, 43 Varni, the, 89 Vedic Aryans, the, 20 Veneti, the, 36, 101 Verus, the Emperor, 80 Veterinary surgeons, 221 Vicious breeds, 104 “Villiers Arabs,” 204 Wagers, at Newmarket, 205; between Charles II. and Sir Robert Carr, 254; by David Hume, 174; first allusion to, 11; in reign of Henry II., 113; in reign of Henry III., 116, 117; on flat racing, 218; on Lord Haddington's race, 220 “Warned off the Turf,” 174, 270 Washing horses' legs, 45 Wealth expressed by number of horses, 81 Weights, 262 Wellington's “Copenhagen,” 278, 279 Wheels of chariots, 20 White animals sacred, 33, 36 White hoof, a, 214 White horse, the, 21, 31, 32; banner of, 69, 91, 92; beloved of the gods, 33, 122; criminal act to wound a, 123; divination by sacred, 79; Joan of Arc's, 137, 138; Mahomet's Alborak, 89; Napoleon's, 279; not liked for work, 67; of Chinghas Khan, 121-123; of the Scandinavians, 95; of Selene, 98, 99; sacrificed, 33, 36, 50, THE RIVERSIDE PRESS LIMITED, EDINBURGH. Transcriber's Note: - The original spelling, hyphenation, and punctuation have been retained, with the exception of apparent typographical errors which have been corrected.
- Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained.
- Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant form was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.
- Mid-paragraph illustrations have been moved between paragraphs and some illustrations have been moved closer to the text that references them. The list of Illustrations paginations were changed accordingly.