(1) Popes. - John X., 914–928.
- Leo VI., 928–929.
- Stephen VII., 929–931.
- John XI., 931–936.
- Leo VII., 936–939.
- Stephen VIII., 939–942.
- Martin III. or Marinus II., 942–946.
- Agapet II., 946–955.
- John XII., 955–963.
- Leo VIII., 963–964.
- Benedict V., 964–965.
- John XIII., 965–972.
- Benedict VI., 972–974.
- Benedict VII., 974–983.
- John XIV., 983–984.
- Boniface VII., Antipope, 974–984;
- John XV., 985–996.
- Gregory V., 996–999.
- John XVI., 997–998 (partisan of Crescentius).
- Sylvester II., 999–1003.
- John XVII., 1003.
- John XVIII., 1003–1009.
- Sergius IV., 1009–1012.
- Benedict VIII., 1012–1024.
- John XIX., 1024–1033.
- Benedict IX., 1033–1046. ??? ??? ??? ??? } deposed in 1046.
- [Antipope, Sylvester III., 1044–1046.] } deposed in 1046.
- Gregory VI., 1044–1046. ??? ??? ??? ??? ?} deposed in 1046.
- Clement II., 1046–1047.
- Damasus II., 1048.
- Leo IX., 1048–1054.
- Victor II., 1055–1057.
- Stephen IX., 1057–1058.
- [Antipope, Benedict X., 1058–1059.]
- Nicholas II., 1058–1061.
- Alexander II., 1061–1073.
- [Antipope, Honorius, 1061–1062.]
- Gregory VII., 1073–1085.
- [Antipope, Clement III., 1080–1100.]
- Victor III., 1086–1087.
- Urban II., 1088–1099.
- Paschal II., 1099–1118.
- [Antipopes, Albert, Theodoric, and Sylvester IV.]
- Gelasius II., 1118–1119.
- [Antipope, Gregory VIII., 1118–1121.]
- Calixtus II., 1119–1124.
- Honorius II., 1124–1130.
- Innocent II., 1130–1143.
- [Antipopes, Anacletus, 1130–1138.
- Victor, 1138 (abdicated).]
- Celestine II., 1143–1144.
- Lucius II., 1144–1145.
- Eugenius III., 1145–1153.
- Anastasius IV., 1153–1154.
- Adrian IV., 1154–1159.
- Alexander III., 1159–1181.
- [Antipopes, Victor, 1159–1164.
- Paschal III., 1164–1168.
- Calixtus III., 1168–1178.
- Lando, 1178–1180.]
- Lucius III., 1181–1185.
- Urban III., 1185–1187.
- Gregory VIII., 1187.
- Clement III., 1187–1191.
- Celestine III., 1191–1198.
- Innocent III., 1198–1216.
- Honorius III., 1216–1227.
- Gregory IX., 1227–1241.
- Celestine IV., 1241.
- Innocent IV., 1243–1254.
- Alexander IV., 1254–1261.
- Urban IV., 1261–1264.
- Clement IV., 1265–1268.
- Gregory X., 1271–1276.
(2) Emperors and Kings of the Romans. - Henry I. (the Fowler), 918–936.
- *Otto I. (the Great), 936–973.
- *Otto II., 973–983.
- *Otto III., 983–1002.
- *Henry II. (the Saint), 1002–1024.
- *Conrad II. (the Salic), 1024–1039.
- *Henry III. (the Black), 1039–1056.
- *Henry IV., 1056–1106.
- [Rivals—Rudolf of Swabia, 1077–1080.
- Hermann of Luxemburg, 1082–1093.
- Conrad of Franconia, 1093–1101.]
- *Henry V., 1106–1125.
- *Lothair II., 1125–1138.
- Conrad III., 1138–1152.
- *Frederick I. (Barbarossa), 1152–1190.
- *Henry VI., 1190–1197.
- *Otto IV., 1197–1212, ?} Rivals.
- Philip II., 1197–1208, } Rivals.
- *Frederick II., 1212–1250.
- [Rivals—Henry Raspe, 1246–1247;
- William of Holland, 1247–1256.]
- Conrad IV., 1250–1254.
- The Great Interregnum, 1254–1273.
- Richard, Earl of Cornwall, } Rivals, 1257–1272.
- Alfonso X., King of Castile, } Rivals, 1257–1272.
* An asterisk is affixed to these Kings who were crowned Emperors by the Pope. (3) Eastern Emperors. - Constantine VII. (Porphyrogenitus), 912–959.
- [Joint-rulers—Alexander, 912–913.
- Romanus I. (Lecapenus), 919–945.]
- Romanus II., 959–963.
- Basil II. (Bulgaroctonus), 963–1025.
- [Joint-rulers—Nicephorus II. (Phocas), 963–969.
- John I. (Zimisces), 969–976.]
- Constantine VIII., 1025–1028.
- Romanus III. (Argyrus), 1028–1034.
- Michael IV. (the Paphlagonian), 1034–1041.
- Michael V., 1041–1042.
- Constantine IX. (Monomachus), 1042–1054.
- Theodora, 1054–1057.
- Michael VI. (Stratioticus), 1057.
- Isaac I. (Comnenus), 1057–1059.
- Constantine X. (Ducas), 1059–1067.
- Michael VII. (Ducas), 1067–1078.
- [Joint-ruler—Romanus IV. (Diogenes), 1068–1071.]
- Nicephorus III. (Botaniates), 1078–1081.
- Alexius I. (Comnenus), 1081–1118.
- John II. (Comnenus), 1118–1143.
- Manuel I. (Comnenus), 1143–1180.
- Alexius II. (Comnenus), 1180–1183.
- Andronicus I. (Comnenus), 1183–1185.
- Isaac II. (Angelus), 1185–1195.
- Alexius III. (Angelus), 1195–1203.
- Isaac II. (restored) } Joint-rulers 1203–1204.
- Alexius IV. (Angelus) } Joint-rulers 1203–1204.
- Alexius V. (Ducas), 1204.
(4) Latin Emperors of the East. - Baldwin I., 1204–1205.
- Henry of Flanders, 1205–1216.
- Peter of Courtenay, 1216–1219.
- Robert, 1219–1228.
- Baldwin II., 1228–1261.
(5) Kings of Jerusalem. - Godfrey of Boulogne, 1099–1100 [refused the title].
- Baldwin I. of Edessa, 1100–1118.
- Baldwin II. of Edessa, 1118–1130.
- Fulk of Anjou, 1130–1143.
- Baldwin III., 1143–1163.
- Amalric I., 1163–1174.
- Baldwin IV. (the Leper), 1173–1185.
- Baldwin V. (the Child), 1185–1186.
- Guy of Lusignan, 1186–1194.
- [Conrad of Montferrat, 1191–1192.]
- [Henry of Champagne, 1192–1197.]
- Amalric II. of Lusignan, 1197–1205.
- Amalric III., 1205–1206.
- John of Brienne, 1210–1225.
- Iolande of Brienne, 1225–1228.
- Frederick II., 1228–1250.
- Hugh of Lusignan (King of Cyprus), 1268–1284.
(6) Kings of France. - Charles the Simple, 896–929.
- [Rivals—Robert of Paris, 922–923;
- Rudolf of Burgundy, 923–936.]
- Rudolf of Burgundy, 929–936.
- Louis IV., 936–954.
- Lothaire, 954–986.
- Louis V., 986–987.
- Hugh Capet, 987–996.
- Robert II., 996–1031.
- Henry I., 1031–1060.
- Philip I., 1060–1108.
- Louis VI., 1108–1137.
- Louis VII., 1137–1180.
- Philip II., Augustus, 1180–1223.
- Louis VIII., 1223–1226.
- Louis IX. (Saint Louis), 1226–1270.