Hetty had spread a shawl on the forward end of the house, and, with her arm resting on the slide of the companionway, sat with an unopened book in her lap and looked out across the shining sea. It was three bells or more, and the morning sun was warm upon her face, and painted with rainbow hues the spray that the fresh northwest wind clipped from every toppling wave. The brig was sliding down the seas like a boy let loose from school, now dipping her nose into a long roller with chuckling hawse-pipes, now sinking into the blue hollows, sending the sheeted spray outward for yards as her counter came home with a jarring thud. The spars whined unceasingly, The scene, with the vividness of its new sensations, now for the first time experienced, impressed itself upon Drew's mind as something wholly mysterious and strangely moving. After the first night, when there had been no sea, he had remained steadily below, too ill to rise; but the sickness had now passed, and it was with only the uncertainty of gait of one not yet accustomed to the motion of the vessel that he had made his way to the deck and looked out over the watery world. With a sense of aloofness, of absolute separation, from all that he had ever known, he gazed about him. The words, "Look'd at each other with a wild surmise. Silent, upon a peak in Darien," "The brig was sliding down the seas like a boy let loose from school" She looked up brightly. "Oh," she said, "I was wishing for some one to enjoy it with. I tried to get my mother, but she would not come up. She said she could feel it; that was enough for her. I hope it is not enough for you." "No," he answered; "there is more in seeing it: it is strange and overwhelming. I am inland-bred, you know: I feel as if all known things had passed away." "To me it is like coming home," she declared. "I cannot remember when it was not familiar. Now it is like lifting the latch of the door at home after a long absence." "I cannot imagine any one thinking of it as companionable, as a part of actual experience. I need hills and old trees and remembered turns in roads to feel the intimacy of the world. This is strange and beautiful, but leaves me an alien. It is like a kaleidoscope: nothing is twice the same." "I do not care for things that are twice the same," she told him. "Here something is always likely to happen. The only certain thing I know of to-morrow is that we shall have plum-duff." She laughed. He looked at her, gravely smiling. "A certain noble discontent—you know the thought—is well; but—" he was thinking of her mother's concern, and her words carried him toward it; yet he hesitated, doubtful if it might not be too soon to speak—"but constant change means lack of purpose, doesn't it? If you set your heart on something,—something vastly different "I know what you mean," replied the girl, looking seaward with troubled eyes. "I suppose mother has told you what I wish. But it isn't a mere desire for change, and everybody's disapproval only makes me more eager to go. Isn't that a proof that the desire is something to be obeyed—a real call? How can I be sure that it is not, unless I try? Do you think me a silly person?" She looked at him with a suggestion of defiance, but smilingly, too. "I should be the last one to think that," he told her. "Only look at it from all sides—that is all your friends can ask." "Not father," she answered laughingly. "If I can be made to look at it from his She pointed to the bird, the black-and-white little creature which always seems to be hurrying home, wherever it may be. Far to the southeast a trail of smoke from an unseen steamer blotched the white sky. On the main-deck the second mate and a sailor were patching a topsail; from the galley drifted aft the cheerful whistling of the steward, like a flock of blackbirds, and the homelike sound of rattling pans. Only the man at the wheel was aft, now bending to the spokes, now glancing at the binnacle, and now turning his eye aloft to the luff of the mainsail. It was the morning of the third day out. Drew was silent so long that she turned a troubled face to him. "You must not think that I do not care "I know, I know," he hastened to say. "But I was really thinking of something quite different—that three days ago I had not even seen you; now our lives seem intimately near. Only at sea could that happen." "Yes," she agreed; "people grow into friendship quickly at sea—and grow apart as quickly. I have heard my father say that is a reason for the cruelty and harshness on shipboard—that men's tempers become warped when they cannot escape from one another and they find no common ground for companionship. He says there have been "Let us hope that we may escape that disaster," he said, with a smile. He wondered if Medbury had been in her thoughts. They had scarcely spoken, he had observed. He himself had seen little of the younger man, and he was quite prepared to rate him her inferior, in spite of his physical attractiveness. He seemed a mere boy in his impulses; he doubted not that he would keep his boyishness to the end of life. Certainly, he told himself, he was lacking in her capacity for growth. Meanwhile his own first opinion of her beauty had not changed; it was as apparent as ever, he told himself, and had taken on an added grace with his widening knowledge of her many changing moods. As he gazed at her now, he had an impression of distinction, but distinction united with a certain They did not speak of her desire again that day; indeed, eight days passed before he ventured to refer to it. Meanwhile they had become great friends. The pleasant It was morning again, the morning of the eleventh day out, and they sat in the same place, with much the same scene about them, though now with a tropical softness flooding the world, and less heeded as their thoughts turned more to themselves. He had been reading aloud while she worked at some trifle, but suddenly he closed the book. "That is enough of other men's dreams," he said. "What of yours?" She did not even look up as she replied: "Mine are poor enough; I prefer those of others. Besides, I have scarcely thought of them for days." "Are they less insistent?" he asked. "Don't!" she appealed. "Don't! I am not yet ready to face them. I have lost my courage." She looked up now. "Are you against me, too?" she demanded. "Can you believe that?" he asked. "I had thought that I was for you—as we all are." She smiled. "You are all making it very hard for me," she told him. A step sounded on the forward companionway, and Medbury appeared. He glanced past them to the man at the wheel, looked aloft, then walked slowly to the break of the deck. Suddenly he came back and seated himself on the corner of the house near them. Apparently he had wearied of self-suppression. He was manifestly trying to appear wholly at ease, and he began to talk at once, and "When ought we to get out, Tom?" asked Hetty. She bit off her thread as she spoke, and, spreading her work on her lap, examined it absent-mindedly. "If the wind holds, in four or five days," he answered; "but I'm afraid it won't. The sea's beginning to look oily now; the snap has gone out of the wind. We'll be slatting and rolling in a dead calm by the middle of the afternoon. I noticed the change in my bunk, and couldn't sleep." "I thought sailors could always sleep." This was Hetty's contribution to the conversation as she still studied her work. "Well, I couldn't," he answered. "I was a hundred and twenty days on my last voyage—from Singapore," said Medbury. "I am beginning to grasp the reason for the sailor's rapt, far-seeing look," said Drew. "It is not strange that he never loses it, with his constant study of invisible signs and meanings. But a hundred and twenty days! What changes may take place in that time!" "We find changes enough," Medbury answered. "Sometimes I think we sailors are the only things that do not change, except to grow older and sadder. We always hope to find everything just as we left it, but we never do." Hetty looked steadily seaward, and a fine flush came to her face; but Drew was struck with the philosophy of the situation. Hetty's face was turned forward, and now she leaped to her feet. "What is that, Tom?" she exclaimed. "We are running on a sand-bar!" A hundred yards ahead of them stretched a great golden-brown field that looked like a salt-meadow in April. Above it wheeled a flock of sea-birds. Medbury scarcely turned his head. "Sargasso weed," he answered, and grinned. "It's always waltzing about in these latitudes." The girl walked to the main-rigging, and, Instantly the sounds of the sea were hushed; there was only the soft hissing of the weed as it swept past the side of the brig. "Come up to the forecastle-deck and see it pile up on the bow," Medbury said to the girl. She did not stir. "Won't you come?" "No," she answered. He leaned across the sheer-pole with her a moment in silence. The bell forward struck four sharp strokes; it was like a cry in the night. Then a sailor came lurching aft to relieve the man at the wheel. "Is it always going to be like this, Hetty?" Medbury asked her in a low voice. "You want it so?" "I said, 'I suppose so.'" "It's the same thing," he remarked drearily, and sighed. The sigh seemed to irritate her, for she turned upon him suddenly. "Why did you speak like that—before a stranger?" "Like what?" he asked, in astonishment. "About coming home unchanged, and finding nothing as you had left it. Of course he knew what you meant. And it wasn't true, for I have not changed. I could have sunk through the deck for shame." "Oh, that," he replied. "He didn't understand; he thought it was a text." "A text!" She turned away in scorn. A moment he stood looking outboard with unseeing eyes; then he stooped and drew a boat-hook from the slings beneath the rail. She hesitated a moment, and then came back to his side. "Yes," she said. He drew in a great bunch and spread it at her feet, and she picked up a bit with dainty fingers. "It's no longer beautiful," she said in disappointment, and dropped it on the house. "No," he answered soberly, and tossed the weed back into the sea. |