"On the August air arose the reports of many rifles and the terrifying whoops of the Indians" | Frontispiece | | FACING PAGE | "'What is that?' At the question the two pioneer boys stopped abruptly" | 10 | "He was a tall, lean man, quiet in his bearing, and with every indication of self-control, as well as of strength, stamped upon his face and form" | 28 | "The Indian had been able to draw his knife and struck at her again and again while the bear held him in one of her most fervent hugs" | 76 | "Boone quickly rallied his startled followers and when the red men returned the hardy settlers were ready and awaiting their coming" | 116 | "One of the men who had been stationed as a guard was shot early in the morning" | 126 | "The scout, with his family, returned to Boonesborough" | 220 | "Silently the men crossed the ford" | 276 |
Scouting with Daniel Boone