- Abraham, 165.
- Adam, fall of, 118, 122.
- Age, consummation of, 139, 152.
- Amusements, harmful, 105; maintained by coercion, 106.
- Anger, the commandment against, 70 et seq.; destructive of happiness, 247; temptations to, 247.
- ????????, meaning of, 146.
- Army, the Christophile, 15.
- Art has forsaken the Church, 224.
- auferstehn, meaning of, 146.
- Aurelius, Marcus, 126.
- Average man, the, and the problem of existence, 229.
- Belief, if true, always brings forth works, 160 et seq.
- Believers, and the problem of existence, 228.
- Berditchef, circus at, 135, 157.
- Bible, 17.
- Biblical references.—O. T.: Gen. (iii. 22) 149; Exod. (iii. 6) 144; Levit. (xix. 12) 86, (xix. 17, 18) 94; Deut. (xiii. 21, 34) 86, (xxiv. 1) 77, (xxx. 15-19) 150, (xxxii. 39, 40) 149; Judges (ix. 4) 76; Sam. (I. viii.-xii.) 18; Isaiah (lxi. 1, 2) 110. N. T.: Matt. (iv. 1-11) 178, (iv. 37) 253, (v.) 17, (v., vi., vii.) 5, (v. 17-20) 51, 52, 53, (v. 18) 262, (v. 19) 70, (v. 21-26) 70, 76, (v. 21-48) 69, (v. 22-44) 109, (v. 27-32) 77, (v. 28-32) 109, (v. 32) 79, 81, (v. 33-37) 86, 91, (v. 34-37) 109, (v. 36) 89, (v. 38, 39) 7, 8, (v. 38-42) 92, 93, 110, (v. 40) 26, (v. 43-48) 95, 110, (v. 44) 256, (vii. 1) 23, (vii. 12) 57, (x. 10) 200, 254, (xi. 30) 14, (xii. 16-21) 138, (xii. 3
- Enemy, love for, 95 et seq.; meaning of, 98.
- Epictetus, 89, 126, 127.
- Error, temptation of Jesus by, 178; the cohesive power of, 262.
- Esdras, 56.
- Evil, submission to, 8 et seq., 13, 92-94; resistance to, 15; destructive of happiness, 253; to speak, 28, 32.
- Existence, its futilities, 226.
- Faith, defined, 115, 162, 166, 244; and works, 160, 169; based on the dictates of reason, 170; source of, 171; the false, 173.
- Fall, dogma of the, 120, 153.
- Family, the, a condition of happiness, 187.
- Foreigners, hostility toward, 100; destructive of happiness, 255.
- Formalism, evils of, 68.
- fornicatio, meaning of, 83.
- Free-will, an illusion, 124.
- French war of 1870, 198.
- Galilee, 41, 44, 48, 49, 178.
- Galileans, massacre of, 135.
- Germans, 45, 259.
- Ghengis Khan, 36.
- God, service of, 21; appears to Elijah, 48; commandments of, 51; kingdom of, 108, 111, 160; how brought, 209.
- Gospels, exegesis, 1, 55, 75.
- Griesbach, 175.
- Happiness, conditions of, 185-189.
- hayai leolam, meaning of, 148.
- Health, a condition of happiness, 189.
- Hebrews, 176.
- Hegelianism, 122.
- Herod, 25, 146.
- High Priests, 25, 59.
- Householder, parable of, 168.
- hurerei, meaning of, 83.
- Husbandmen, parable of, 125.
- ?????, meaning of, 56.
- Oaths, the commandment against, 87 et seq.; destruction of happiness, 252; evils of, 252.
- Origen, 102.
- Pascal, 134.
- Paul, x., 30, 56, 80, 88, 115; his metaphysico-cabalistic doctrine, 219.
- Peace, the reign of, 108; how violated, 109.
- Penalty, the death, 36.
- Pentateuch, 57, 148.
- Persons, respect of, 29.
- Pessimism, 122.
- Peter, 11, 145, 167, 168, 180.
- Pharisees, 54, 59, 60, 85, 88, 143, 178.
- Philosophers, and the problem of existence, 229.
- Pilate, 135, 175.
- ???????, meaning of, 83; et seq.
- Poverty, the blessings of, 199; indispensable to the follower of Jesus, 200.
- prissaiaga, meaning of, 85.
- Prophets, the Hebrew, 43, 57, 143.
- qum, meaning of, 146.
- raca, meaning of, 73, 76.
- Reason, authority of, 124.
- Redemption, dogma of, 120, 122, 153.
- Religions, requirements of, 220.
- Renan, 31, 93.
- Repentance, 60; necessity of, 135.
- Resurrection, not taught by Jesus, 143.
- resusciter, meaning of, 146.
- Reuss, 79.
- Revolution, the French, 36.
- Revolutionists, atheistic, 39; Christian, 39.
- Riches, the struggle for, 184.
- Righteousness, progress toward, 48.
- Sadducees, 60, 143.
- Samaritan, 98.
- Sanhedrim, 25.
- Schopenhauer, Transcriber's Notes:
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