
Hypatia married, yet said to die a Maid. Isidorus, her Husband, the most eminent Philosopher of his Time.

It would be as great a Prodigy in Nature as Hypatia was herself, if a Lady of such Beauty, Modesty, Wisdom, and Virtue, were not by many eagerly sought in Marriage: And, in Effect, we find that she was actually married to the Philosopher Isidorus, tho’ Suidas says she died a Maid; which is not so irreconcilable a Thing, as People may be apt to imagine on first Thoughts, but, as we shall shew, very likely to be true. This Isidorus succeeded Marinus in the School, and his Life has been written by Damascius, one of Theon’s Scholars, who therefore had all imaginable Opportunities to know whatever regarded Hypatia and Isidorus. His Life was abridged by Photius, but we have it not so perfect as he left it; for besides the extreme Confusion and Incorrectness which appears thro’ the whole, the learned Valesius gave the World Expectations, that he would, one Time or other, publish it twice larger than that we read now in Photius. However, in such as it still is, Damascius bestows such Elogies on Isidorus, as put him almost above Humanity; yet, no way concerning Hypatia, I pass them over in Silence. I frankly confess, that I more than suspect many of the Things he reports as knowing that Damascius was a great Visionary, and, like Philostratus with respect to Apollonius Tyaneus, designed to oppose Isidorus to those Christian Saints, who were celebrated for their miraculous and supernatural Attainments. But this ought not to affect his Credit in Matters of an ordinary Nature, and therefore I do not in the least hesitate to believe him, when he positively affirms that Hypatia was Wife to Isidorus.


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