Active Prominence of the Sun, 140,000 Miles High | Frontispiece
Nicholas Copernicus | 64 |
Galileo Galilei | 64 |
Johann Kepler | 65 |
Sir Isaac Newton | 65 |
The Hundred-Inch Reflecting Telescope at Mount Wilson | 96 |
The Forty-Inch Refracting Telescope, Yerkes Observatory | 96 |
150-Foot Tower, Mount Wilson, a Diagram of Tower and Pit | 97 |
150-Foot Tower—Exterior View | 97 |
View Looking Down into the Pit Beneath 150-Foot Tower | 97 |
Mount Wilson Solar Observatory—the 100-Foot Dome | 128 |
Mount Chimborazo, the Best Site in the World for an Observatory | 128 |
Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, California | 129 |
Photographing with the 40-inch Refractor | 129 |
Great Sunspot Group of August 8, 1917 | 160 |
Calcium Flocculi on the Sun | 161 |
Eclipse of the Moon, with the Lunar Surface Visible | 161 |
Moon's Surface in the Region of Copernicus | 192 |
South Central Portion of the Moon, at Last Quarter | 193 |
Corona of the Sun During an Eclipse | 224 |
Venus, in the Crescent Phase | 225 |
Mars, Showing Bright Polar Cap | 225 |
Jupiter, the Giant Planet | 256 |
Neptune and Its Satellites | 256 |
Saturn, with Edge of Rings only in View | 257 |
Saturn, with Rings Displayed to Fullest Extent | 257 |
Two Views of Halley's Comet | 288 |
Swift's Comet, which Showed Remarkable Transformations | 288 |
Meteor Trail in Field with Fine NebulÆ | 289 |
Ring Nebula in Lyra | 320 |
Dumb-bell Nebula | 321 |
Star Clouds and Black Holes in Sagittarius | 352 |
Great Nebula in Andromeda | 353 |