Active Prominence of the Sun, 140,000 Miles High Frontispiece
Nicholas Copernicus 64
Galileo Galilei 64
Johann Kepler 65
Sir Isaac Newton 65
The Hundred-Inch Reflecting Telescope at Mount Wilson 96
The Forty-Inch Refracting Telescope, Yerkes Observatory 96
150-Foot Tower, Mount Wilson, a Diagram of Tower and Pit 97
150-Foot Tower—Exterior View 97
View Looking Down into the Pit Beneath 150-Foot Tower 97
Mount Wilson Solar Observatory—the 100-Foot Dome 128
Mount Chimborazo, the Best Site in the World for an Observatory 128
Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, California 129
Photographing with the 40-inch Refractor 129
Great Sunspot Group of August 8, 1917 160
Calcium Flocculi on the Sun 161
Eclipse of the Moon, with the Lunar Surface Visible 161
Moon's Surface in the Region of Copernicus 192
South Central Portion of the Moon, at Last Quarter 193
Corona of the Sun During an Eclipse 224
Venus, in the Crescent Phase 225
Mars, Showing Bright Polar Cap 225
Jupiter, the Giant Planet 256
Neptune and Its Satellites 256
Saturn, with Edge of Rings only in View 257
Saturn, with Rings Displayed to Fullest Extent 257
Two Views of Halley's Comet 288
Swift's Comet, which Showed Remarkable Transformations 288
Meteor Trail in Field with Fine NebulÆ 289
Ring Nebula in Lyra 320
Dumb-bell Nebula 321
Star Clouds and Black Holes in Sagittarius 352
Great Nebula in Andromeda 353


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