
Of especial interest are the few stars that we know are the nearest to us, and the following table includes all those whose parallax is 0".20 or greater. There are nineteen in all and nearly half of them are binary systems. The radial motions given are relative to the sun. The transverse velocities are formed by using the measured parallaxes to transform proper motions into linear measures. They are given by Eddington in his "Stellar Movements":

Star's Name Magnitude Parallax in Seconds of Arc Proper Motion in Seconds of Arc Linear Velocity Km. per sec. Radial Velocity Km. per sec. Spectral Type Luminosity (Sun=1) Star Stream
Groombridge34 8.2 0.28 2.85 48 ? Ma 0.010 I
Eta Cassiop 3.6 0.20 1.25 30 +10 F8 1.4 I
Tau Ceti 3.6 0.33 1.93 28 -16 K 0.50 II
Epsilon Erid 3.3 0.31 1.00 15 +16 K 0.79 II
CZ 5h 243 8.3 0.32 8.70 129 +242 G-K 0.007 II
Sirius -1.6 0.38 1.32 16 -7 A 48.0 II
Procyon 0.5 0.32 1.25 19 -3 F5 9.7 I ?
Lal. 21185 7.6 0.40 4.77 57 ? Ma 0.009 II
Lal. 21258 8.9 0.20 4.46 106 ? Ma 0.011 I
OA (N) 11677 9.2 0.20 3.03 72 ? ? 0.008 I
AlphaCentauri 0.3 0.76 3.66 23 -22 G,K5
{ 2.0
OA (N) 17415 9.3 0.27 1.31 23 ? F 0.004 II
Pos. Med. 2164 8.8 0.29 2.28 37 ? K 0.006 I
Sigma Draco 4.8 0.20 1.84 43 +25 K 0.5 II
Alpha AquilÆ 0.9 0.24 0.65 13 -33 A5 12.3 I
61 Cygni 5.6 0.31 5.25 80 -39 K5 0.10 I
Epsilon Indi 4.7 0.28 4.67 79 -62 K5 0.25 I
KrÜger 60 9.2 0.26 0.92 17 ? ? 0.005 II
Lacaille 9352 7.4 0.29 7.02 115 +12 Ma 0.019 I

These stars are distant less than five parsecs (about 16 light-years) from the sun, so they make up the closest fringe of the stellar universe immediately surrounding our system. The large number of binary systems is quite remarkable. Why some stars are single and others double is not yet known. By the spectroscopic method the proportion is not so large; Campbell finding that about one quarter of 1,600 stars examined are spectroscopic binaries, and Frost two-fifths to a half. The exceptional number of large velocities is very remarkable; the average transverse motion of the nineteen stars is fifty kilometers per second, whereas thirty is about what would have been expected.

As to star streams to which these nearest stars belong, eleven are in Stream I and eight in Stream II, in close accord with the ratio 3:2 given by the 6,000 stars of Boss's catalogue. "We are not able," says Eddington, "to detect any significant difference between the luminosities, spectra, or speeds of the stars constituting the two streams. The thorough interpenetration of the two star streams is well illustrated, since we find even in this small volume of space that members of both streams are mingled together in just about the average proportion."

The Dumb-bell Nebula of Vulpecula. To take the photograph required an exposure of five hours. (Photo, Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory.)


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