
Many of the actors in the Revolution of 1848 are comparatively unknown in England. I did not wish to encumber these Recollections with foot-notes; and I have preferred, instead, to amplify the following Index by giving, in the majority of cases, the full names and titles of these participants, with the dates of their birth and death.

A. Teixeira de Mattos.

Abdul Medjid, Sultan of Turkey (1823-1861), on question of Hungarian refugees, 373.
d'Adelsward, in the National Assembly, 162.
AmpÈre, Jean Jacques (1800-1864), character of, 87.
Andryane, in the Chamber of Deputies, 72.
Arago, Étienne, on the barricades, 387.
Austria, her relations with Hungary and Russia, 335.
—— Tsar's views on, 337.
Austrians, in Italy, 333.
—— submits to the influence of Russia, 352 (foot-note).
—— and Piedmont, 353.
—— demands Hungarian refugees from Turkey, 361.
Baden, revolution put down in, 342.
—— Tocqueville interferes on behalf of the rebels (foot-note), 342.
Banquets, the, affair of, 18.
Banquet in Paris, forbidden by Government, 30.
—— Rivet's statement in regard to, 390
BarbÈs, Armand (1810-1870), in the National Assembly, 164.
—— goes to the HÔtel de Ville, 168.
—— impeached by the Assembly, 173.
Barricades, the, construction of, 47.
Barrot, Camille Hyacinthe Odilon (1791-1873), alliance of, with Thiers, 19.
—— replies to HÉbert in Chamber of Deputies, 28.
Barrot, recoils from Banquet in Paris, 31.
Barrot, sent for by Louis-Philippe, 45.
—— on the Revolution, 59.
—— and the barricades, 74.
—— in Committee of Constitution, 243, 246, 250, 255.
—— tries to form a new Cabinet, 267.
—— succeeds, 277.
—— with Beaumont, &c., 379.
—— his version of the abdication of Louis-Philippe, 385.
Bastide, gets the Assembly to appoint Cavaignac Military Dictator, 204.
Beaumont, Gustave de la BonniniÈre de (1802-1866), Tocqueville's conversation with, 41.
—— is sent for by Louis-Philippe, 45.
—— tells Tocqueville of abdication of Louis-Philippe, 58.
—— meets Tocqueville, 74.
—— sits with Tocqueville in National Assembly, 142.
—— in Committee of the Constitution, 252.
—— his interview with Tocqueville and political friends, 267.
—— sent as Ambassador to Vienna, 321.
—— letter of Tocqueville to, on the Hungarian refugees, 370.
—— his account of the abdication of Louis-Philippe, 379.
Beaumont, Madame de, notice of, 41.
Bedeau, General Marie Alphonse (1804-1863), on the Place Louis XV, 51.
—— character of, 52.
—— nearly killed in Insurrection, 227.
—— his interview with Tocqueville and his political friends, 267.
Berlin, Persigny sent to, 323.
Berryer, Pierre Antoine (1790-1868), his discussion with Tocqueville on the proposed Constitution, 394.
Billault, Auguste Adolphe Marie (1805-1863), in the Chamber of Deputies, 74.
—— and banquets, 390.
Blanc, Jean Joseph Louis (1811-1882), in the National Assembly, 166.
Blanqui, Louis Auguste (1805-1881), in the National Assembly, 163.
Blanqui, Adolphe JÉrÔme (1798-1854), anecdote of, 197.
Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, Lord (1802-1879), British Minister at St Petersburg, 374.
—— snubbed by Nesselrode, idem.
Broglie, Achille Charles LÉonce Victor Duc de (1785-1870), his seclusion, 106.
—— and foreign affairs, 330.
Buchez, Philippe Benjamin Joseph (1769-1865), in the National Assembly, 162.
Bugeaud, Thomas Robert Marshal, Marquis de la Piconnerie, Duc d'Isly (1784-1849), in favour of the Duchesse d'OrlÉans, 72.
—— dying of cholera, 290.
—— his ambition, 380.
Buffel, Minister of Agriculture, 276.
Cabinet, Members of the, 278.
Cavaignac, General Louis EugÈne (1802-1857), in the Insurrection of June, 195.
—— made Military Dictator, 204.
—— Tocqueville votes for, 263.
—— speech of, 297.
Chamber of Deputies, the, state of in 1848, 10.
—— Tocqueville's speech in, on 27th January 1848, 14.
—— Speeches in, by HÉbert and Barrot, 28.
—— state of, on 22nd February, 33.
—— state of, on 23rd February, 36.
—— Guizot in, 36.
—— state of, on 24th February, 56.
—— Tocqueville's estimate of its utility, 58.
—— Duchesse d'OrlÉans in, 60.
—— invaded by the people, 62.
Chambers, one or two? debate on, in the Committee of the Constitution, 242.
Changarnier, General Nicolas Anne ThÉodule (1793-1877), RulhiÈre's jealousy of, 279.
—— sent for, 295.
—— puts down insurrection, 298.
Champeaux, his relation with Lamartine, 147.
—— his relation with Tocqueville, 149.
Charles X., King of France and Navarre (1757-1836), flight of, in 1830, 85.
Chateaubriand, FranÇois RenÉ, Vicomte de (1768-1848), death of, 230.
Committee for the Constitution, appointed, 233.
—— proceedings of, 235.
ConsidÉrant, Victor, appointed on Committee of the Constitution, 233.
—— escapes after insurrection, 299.
Constituent Assembly, prohibits Government from attacking Rome, 288.
Coquerel, Athanase Laurent Charles (1795-1875), in the Committee of the Constitution, 246.
Corbon, on the Committee of the Constitution, 257.
Corcelles, with Lanjuinais and Tocqueville on the boulevards, 48.
—— sits with Tocqueville in National Assembly, 142.
—— in the Insurrection of June, 191.
—— his interview with Tocqueville and his political friends, 267.
Cormenin, Louis Marie de la Haye, Vicomte de (1788-1868), appointed a Commissioner for Paris, 206.
—— appointed on the Committee of the Constitution, 232.
—— in the Committee of the Constitution, 247, 257.
Council General, the, meets at Saint-LÔ, 125.
Courtais, General, in the National Assembly, 171.
—— impeached by Assembly, 173.
CrÉmieux, Isaac Adolphe (1796-1880), in the Chamber of Deputies, 65.
—— appointed a Commissioner for Paris, 206.
—— what Janvier said of him, 210.
DegousÉe, in the National Assembly, 159.
Dembinski, General Henry (1791-1864), flees to the Turks, 361.
DornÈs, appointed on the Committee of the Constitution, 235.
Dufaure, Jules Armand Stanislas (1798-1881), Tocqueville's conversation with, 17.
—— character of, 40.
—— tells Tocqueville of his interview with Louis-Philippe, 47.
—— sits with Tocqueville in National Assembly, 142.
—— converses with Tocqueville, Thiers, Barrot, RÉmusat, and Lanjuinais, 203.
—— appointed on the Committee of the Constitution, 233.
—— conduct of, in the Committee, 243, 255.
—— his interview with Tocqueville and his political friends, 267.
—— made Minister of the Interior, 272.
—— with the President, 296.
—— rupture with Falloux, 307.
—— speech in Assembly, 310.
—— character of, 313.
—— with the President, 322.
—— and banquets, 390.
—— his conduct on 24th February 1848, 393.
DuchÂtel, Charles Marie Tannequi, Comte (1803-1867), Minister of the Interior, character of and conversation with, 23.
—— want of tact in his speech on the banquets, 27.
—— flight of, 136.
Dupin, AndrÉ Marie Jean Jacques (1783-1865), speech of, in the Chamber of Deputies, 62.
—— in the Committee of the Constitution, 243.
Duvergier de Hauranne, Prosper (1798-1881), interview with, 22.
—— with Beaumont, &c., 379.
—— refuses to compromise on the banquet, 392.
Duvivier, killed in Insurrection, 227.
England, Tocqueville's estimate of the policy of, 359.
—— on question of Hungarian refugees in Turkey, 366.
Falloux, Alfred FrÉdÉric Pierre, Comte de (1811-1886), proposes the dissolution of the National Workshops, 193.
—— Minister of Public Instruction, 273.
—— leader of majority in the Cabinet, 281.
—— his influence with Louis Napoleon, 303.
—— intercourse with Tocqueville, 305.
—— rupture with Dufaure, 307.
—— with the President, 322.
—— on the question of the Hungarian refugees, 369.
Faucher, LÉon (1803-1854), Minister of the Interior, 266.
Feast of Concord, the, proposal to hold, and celebration of, 174.
France, state of, when Tocqueville becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs, 339.
Frederic William IV., King of Prussia (1795-1861), the Tsar's opinion of, 337.
—— his character and his aims for Germany, 346.
—— his coquetting with revolt, 351.
—— submits to the influence of Russia, 352 (foot-note).
General Election, the, antecedents of, 105.
—— new, 265.
Germany, state of, 333.
—— Confederation of States in, 347.
—— views of Baron Pfordten in regard to, 348.
—— views of Tocqueville in regard to, 349.
—— views of Tsar in regard to, 350, 353.
Goudchaux, Michel (1797-1862), appointed a Commissioner for Paris, 206.
—— his conduct in that capacity, 213.
Guizot, FranÇois Pierre Guillaume (1787-1874), opinion of, 9.
—— in Chamber of Deputies, 36.
—— resigns Government, 36.
—— opinion of, on the Revolution, 79.
—— flight of, 136.
Havin, LÉonor Joseph (1799-1868), chairs meeting for Tocqueville, 122.
—— and Barrot, 389.
HÉbert, Minister of Justice, character of and speech by, 28.
Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord (1809-1885), Tocqueville breakfasts with, 184.
Huber, in National Assembly, 167.
Hungary, revolting against Austria, 335.
—— Tsar's views on, 337.
—— Tocqueville's instructions concerning, 360.
Insurrection of June, nature of narrative of, 187.
Italy, the Tsar's views on, 338.
Kossuth, Louis (1802-1894), flees to the Turks, 361.
Lacordaire, Jean Baptiste Henri Dominique (1802-1861), in the National Assembly, 161.
Lacrosse, character of, 280.
La Fayette, Edmond de, and his life-preserver, 175.
Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis Prat de (1790-1869), in the Chamber of Deputies, 62, 66.
—— reads out the list of the Provisional Government, 70.
—— gets embarrassed in the Chamber of Deputies, 71.
—— his conduct and character, 145.
—— Tocqueville's relations with, 147.
—— his connexion with Champeaux, 147.
—— his speech in the Assembly, 151.
—— his sudden departure from the Assembly, 159.
—— reappears in National Assembly, 171.
Lamartine, at the Feast of Concord, 180.
—— shot at in the Insurrection of June, 194.
Lamartine, Madame de, notice of, 154.
Lamennais, Hugues FÉlicitÉ Robert de (1782-1855), appointed on Committee of the Constitution, 233.
LamoriciÈre, General Christophe LÉon Louis Juchault de (1806-1865), character of, 91.
—— in Insurrection of June, 192, 220.
—— his interview with Tocqueville and his political friends, 267.
—— sent as Ambassador to Russia, 303.
—— letter about the Tsar of Russia, 336.
—— instructions of Tocqueville to, 360.
—— letter of, to Tocqueville, 364.
—— letter of Tocqueville to, on Hungarian refugees, 370.
—— conduct of, in regard to them, 372.
Lanjuinais, Victor Ambroise de (1802-1869), Tocqueville in company of, 42.
—— with Tocqueville and Corcelles on the boulevards, 46.
—— sits with Tocqueville in the National Assembly, 142.
—— his interview with Tocqueville and his political friends, 267.
—— joins the Council, 274.
—— on the question of the Hungarian refugees, 369.
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste (1807-1874), in the Chamber of Deputies, 65, 71.
—— character of, 150.
—— in the National Assembly, 163.
—— has to escape from the National Assembly, 173.
—— demands the indictment of Louis Napoleon, 292.
—— escapes after the Insurrection, 299.
Legitimists, views and condition of, 302.
Lepelletier d'Aunay, Tocqueville meets, 213.
Louis Napoleon, Prince President of the French Republic (1808-1873), elected to the National Assembly, 183.
—— President of the Republic, 270.
—— character of, 283.
—— orders the attack on Rome, 289.
—— attacked in Assembly, 292.
—— puts down Insurrection, 298.
—— intrigues with Thiers and MolÉ, 315.
—— in connexion with Tocqueville, 317.
—— with Beaumont, Dufaure and Passy, 321-2.
—— his general ignorance, 331.
—— wishes to take Savoy, 332.
—— Tocqueville and Berryer's discussion about the powers of, 79.
—— on the General Election, 106.
—— defeated at the General Election, 136.
—— elected to the National Assembly, 182.
—— addresses Barrot, Dufaure, RÉmusat, Lanjuinais and Tocqueville in private, 202.
—— with LamoriciÈre, 225.
—— refuses to take office, 267.
—— with the President, 296.
—— intrigues with the President, 315.
—— on foreign affairs, 330.
—— with Beaumont, &c., 379.
—— advises Louis-Philippe to abdicate, 383.
—— his interview with Barrot, 385.
—— refuses to compromise on the banquets, 392.
Tocqueville, Charles Alexis Henri Maurice ClÉrel de (1805-1859), his purpose in writing these memoirs, 3.
—— his intercourse with Louis-Philippe, 7.
—— his estimate of the state of France in January 1848, 9.
—— picture of the state of the Chamber of Deputies in 1847, 12.
—— his speech in the Chamber of Deputies, 29th January 1848, 14.
—— remarks on this speech by Dufaure and others, 17.
—— his position on the affair of the banquets, 19.
—— his estimate of DuchÂtel, Minister of the Interior, 23.
—— his thoughts on the policy of the Radical party, 25.
—— his knowledge of how the affair of the banquets passed into an insurrection, 30.
—— his estimate of the selfishness of both sides, 39.
—— private conversation with Dufaure, 40.
—— private conversation with Beaumont, 41.
—— private conversation with Lanjuinais, 42.
—— hears of the firing in the streets on 24th February 1848, 44.
—— sees preparations for barricades, 46.
—— meets a defeated party of National Guards on the boulevards, and hears shouts of "Reform," 49.
—— reflections which this occasions, 50.
—— goes to Chamber of Deputies on 24th February, 51.
—— recognises Bedeau on his way, 52.
—— character of Bedeau and condition on that day, 53.
—— appearance presented by the Chamber of Deputies, 56.
—— sees the Duchesse d'OrlÉans and the Comte de Paris there, 60.
—— tries to get Lamartine to speak, 63.
—— his interest in the Duchess and her son, 69.
—— seeks to protect them, 69.
—— leaves the Chamber and meets Oudinot and Andryane, 72.
—— contradicts an assertion of Marshal Bugeaud, 72.
—— converses with Talabot about the movements of Thiers, 75.
—— his reflections on the fate of the Monarchy, 80.
—— spends the evening with AmpÈre, 87.
—— goes to inquire about his nephews on the 25th February, 90.
—— walks about Paris in the afternoon, 92.
—— reflections on what he sees, 93.
—— keeps in retirement for some days, 102.
—— further reflections on the Revolution, 103.
—— his own i



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