Origin and Character of these Recollections—General aspect of the period preceding the Revolution of 1848—Preliminary symptoms of the Revolution3
The Banquets—Sense of security entertained by the Government—Anxiety of Leaders of the Opposition—Arraignment of Ministers19
Troubles of the 22nd of February—The Sitting of the 23rd—The New Ministry—Opinions of M. Dufaure and M. de Beaumont33
The 24th of February—The Ministers' Plan of Resistance—The National Guard—General Bedeau44
The Sitting of the Chamber—Madame la Duchesse D'OrlÉans—The Provisional Government56
My Explanation of the 24th of February, and my views as to its effects upon the future79
Paris on the morrow of the 24th of February and the next days—The socialistic character of the New Revolution90
Vacillation of the Members of the Old Parliament as to the attitude they should adopt—My own reflections on my mode of action, and my resolves102
My candidature of the department of la Manche—The aspect of the country—The General Election114
The First Sitting of the Constituent Assembly—The appearance of this Assembly129
My relations with Lamartine—His Subterfuges145
The 15th of May 1848156
The Feast of Concord and the preparations for the Days of June174
The Days of June187
The Days of June—(continued)215
The Committee for the Constitution233
My return to France—Formation of the Cabinet263
Aspect of the Cabinet—Its first Acts until after the insurrectionary attempts of the 13th of June278
Our domestic policy—Internal quarrels in the Cabinet—Its difficulties in its relations with the Majority and the President


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