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Large crown 8vo, crimson art canvas, 6s. LADY LEVALLION. By George Widdrington. Crown 8vo, heliotrope cloth elegant, 5s. WHEN ARNOLD COMES HOME. By Mary E. Mann, Author of "Susannah." With a Frontispiece by Alan Wright. Crown 8vo, blue cloth elegant, 3s. 6d. THE TYRANTS OF KOOL-SIM. By J. MacLaren Cobban, Author of "The Red Sultan." New and Cheaper Edition. With a Frontispiece by Alan Wright. Crown 8vo, brown and scarlet cloth extra, 3s. 6d. THERE WAS ONCE A PRINCE. By Mary E. Mann, Author of "When Arnold Comes Home." New and Cheaper Edition. With a Frontispiece by Alan Wright. Crown 8vo, blue cloth, 3s. 6d. London: H. HENRY & CO., Ltd., 93 St Martin's Lane, W.C. Transcriber's Notes:Obvious typesetting errors have been corrected. Questionable, vintage and British spellings have been left as printed in the original publication. Variations in spelling have been left as printed, unless otherwise noted in the following. Footnotes in the original text were marked at the page level, beginning at footnote 1 each time footnotes appeared on a page. Footnote numbers for the whole text have been replaced with sequential footnote numbers, from 1 to 36. Pages 260, 376 and 398 in the original publication are blank pages. The page numbers have been omitted in this transcription. Inconsistencies in the use of "St" and "St." as an abbreviation for "Saint" have been normalized in this transcription to "St". Page 238: Transcribed "likes" as "like". As originally printed: "likes the rouÉs of the Regency". Page 343 (footnote 19): The concluding sentence in a quoted letter by the author ends with a question mark in the original publication, a likely typesetting error for a period at the end of the sentence which would agree with the context. The punctuation has been left as printed in the original publication. |