Institutiones PathologiÆ Medicin. Auctore H.D. Gaubio, Leyden, 1758. Not by intrinsic merit things are tried, But humor, character, their worth decide; Man judging as he’s, at the time, inclin’d, So versatile, so weak’s the human mind. ?. Myrrh. eclect. unc. S. Gum. Galb. extr. trifol. Terr. Japon. aa dr. ii. Sin. cort. aur. q. s. f. pil. gr. iii. To be taken an hour before breakfast, dinner, and supper, with three ounces of the following draught: ?. Cort. Peruv. ?ii. Cort. rad. capp. ?i. Cinnam. acut. ?ii. Lim. Mart. in nodul. lax. ?ß. S. cum aq. font. lib. ii ß. l. a, f. decoct. |