Introduction, Page xiii.
Article I.
The Symptoms.
Sect. I. Description drawn from the Works of Physicians, P. 1.
II. Observations communicated, 17.
III. Descriptions taken from the Book entitled Onania, 20.
IV. The Author’s Observations, 24.
V. Consequences of self-pollution to the female sex, 46.
Article II.
The Causes.
Sect. VI. Importance of the seminal liquid, 56.
VII. An examination of the circumstances which accompany the emission, 68.
VIII. Causes of the dangers particular to self-pollution, 86.
Article III.
Curative Indications.
Sect. IX. Means of Cure proposed by other Physicians, 106.
X. The Author’s Practice, 122.
Air, 126.
Aliments, 131.
Sleep, 151.
Motion, 155.
Evacuations, 157.
The Passions, 160.
Remedies. 163.
Article IV.
Accessory, or Relative Diseases.
Sect. XI. Nocturnal Pollutions, 195.
XII. The Gleet, or simple Gonorrhoea, 218.


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