THE LOADSTONE—MAGNETIC CURVES—THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE—THE MARINER’S COMPASS—MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY. We have already mentioned some of the properties of the loadstone or magnet; but as we are now about to enter more fully into the considerations of its attributes and of the compass, etc., we will add some further interesting particulars. Ancient writers (Pliny, Homer, and Aristotle) mentioned the existence of the magnet, and Humboldt refers to the knowledge of it possessed by the ancients. Pliny says “the magnet-stone is found in Cantabria,” and we have heard of the loadstones that are supposed to support Mahomet’s coffin at Medina. The origin of this fable was (probably) owing to the order given by Ptolemy to his architect, Dinochares. Ptolemy wished the roof of a temple at Alexandria to be roofed with the magnet-stone, so that the own image of his sister, Arsinoe, should remain suspended therein. But the death of the king and his architect prevented the project from being carried out. The name “magnet” is said to have been derived from a shepherd named Magnes, who, when tending his flock on Mount Ida, found that his iron crook was attracted to a certain stone; and six hundred years before the Christian era Thales wrote respecting amber and the magnet; and because they attracted various substances, he supposed they possessed life and power. They were the germs of the science now so developed in their applications, and whose full powers we are scarcely yet acquainted with. We may remark that other bodies besides iron and steel are capable of magnetization; nickel and cobalt have the like property. Magnetism, properly so called, treats of certain bodies known as Magnets, describes the properties they possess, and the influence of magnetic force upon other substances. Electricity and magnetism are always associated, but practically the force is the same, electricity being the current or motive power, so to speak; and it is to Faraday that the world is indebted for the discovery of magneto-electricity. Epinus’ theory of magnetism was that all bodies possessed a substance he termed magnetic fluid, the particles of which repelled each other. But Fig. 263.—Lines of magnetic force. Fig. 264.—Magnetization. The manner of magnetization has already been mentioned, but here we will give further illustrations of the method of magnetization. Four magnets are used, two being placed with their opposite poles apart, and upon them is placed the bar of which a magnet is to be made. Two other magnets separated by a piece of wood are then brought near, and subsequently drawn from the centre to the ends of the bar. This is the separated touch system; the double touch of Mitchell is completed by moving the upper two magnets from end to end backwards and forwards, and finally lifting them away from the centre. A magnet, then, is a bar of steel endowed with certain properties, such as attracting iron, etc.; and electro-magnetism is the term applied to the production of magnetism by means of electricity, the medium being the It was Œrsted who observed that when a magnet is placed within reach of an electric current and free to move, it sets itself at right angles to the direction of the current; and AmpÈre defined the law already referred to when treating of the electric current,—viz., “that if a person be imagined as placed in the wire so that the current shall pass through him from feet to head, if he turn his face toward the magnetic needle the north pole will always be deflected to his left-hand side.” When the current is passed above the needle from south to north poles, the deflection is to the west; when from north to south the deflection is east. When the current is below the needle the contrary is the case. AmpÈre decided that currents circulating in the same direction attracted each other, and when running in opposite ways they repelled each other. He supposed currents to circulate within all magnetic substances, and then—that is, when the body is magnetized—these currents flow in planes parallel to each other, and the material which offers the least resistance to the circulation of these currents becomes the most magnetic. The earth being supposed to be an immense magnet has currents circulating through it in a direction from east to west; and having the property or power of turning a magnetized bar in a direction similar to that in which the bar would be turned by a magnet, the earth is considered a magnetic mass. This influence is due to what is called “terrestrial magnetism.” If we suspend a bar by a thread it will point in no particular direction, but may be turned towards any side we please. But when once the needle is magnetized it will point north and south; or, as we say (but not correctly), the north pole of the magnet points to the north of the globe. It is really the south pole that points to the north, and the north pole of the magnet points south, as can be proved by suspending the bar over another magnetized bar. So if the earth be considered a magnet our English terms are inconsistent with our theories. Continental writers are more correct. The line of the magnetic needle’s direction, which differs in different places, is called the magnetic meridian, and the amount of its divergence from the astronomical meridian is termed its declination or variation. When the amount of this variation is known it is allowed for, and the needle can be considered as pointing due north and south. But the needle does not assume a position perfectly parallel to the horizon. It dips down in different hemispheres. As we approach the north pole the dip or inclination will become greater, and the same effect is observable at the south pole. Again, there are certain places on the earth where the attraction is so evenly balanced that the needle is perfectly horizontal. The line uniting these places is the magnetic equator. This does not coincide with the earth’s equator any more than the magnetic poles coincide with the geographical poles of the earth. The declination of the needle varies from the meridian of Greenwich at The variation, however, is not always the same in the same place. In the year 1580, in London, for instance, the variation was 11° 11´ E. A little more than one hundred years later London was on the line of no variation, and now the tendency is westerly. On the other hand, there are places where there is no deviation, and Sir John Herschell says that West India property has been saved from litigation in consequence of the invariability of magnetic declination there, for all surveys were made by the compass. Lines of equal variation are called isogonial; those of equal dip or inclination, isoclinical; and those of equal intensity, isodynamical. As we have said, the magnetic elements are not always the same, and the variations of the compass are daily and annually observed with certain instruments. What are termed secular variations take place at long intervals, as the following table will show:—
In the year 1818 therefore the maximum declination was reached in London. In Paris the maximum was arrived at in 1814, and was 22° 34´. The rate of decrease is about 8´ a year, but varies in different periods, as may be seen. The discovery of the fact that an annual variation took place in the angle of declination, is attributable to Cassini, and the diurnal variation was discovered by Graham in 1722. From 8 o’clock in the morning, when the needle is pointing a little to the east of its “mean position,” it turns towards the west until 1 p.m. It then returns towards the east again, and passing westerly again between midnight and three o’clock a.m., settles down till eight a.m., when it begins afresh. This variation does not apply to all places. Magnetic inclination is besides subject to changes. There are also variations of magnetic force which occur at very irregular periods, and cannot be said to follow any laws. These disturbances are called Magnetic Storms, of which the Aurora Borealis is one result. Professor Faraday in his memorable experiments divided a long list of different substances into para-magnetic and dia-magnetic bodies. He classed them under these two heads, according as they took up a certain position parallel or perpendicular to the axial or equatorial line. This definition of “dia-magnetic” was “a body through which the lines of magnetic force are passing, and which does not by their action assume the usual magnetic state of iron or loadstone.” He concluded that all bodies were magnetic, and by suspending a great number of various substances he found they placed themselves axially,—that is, lying between the poles of the magnet, or equatorially,—viz., at right angles to that line. If the magnets be suspended at each side the same bodies will assume a position with their longest diameters between the poles, while others will be repelled by the magnets even if the poles be reversed. So those bodies which are attracted and lie in the axial line are termed para-magnetic; those repelled into the equatorial line are termed dia-magnetic. In the “Proceedings of the Royal Society for 1846,” Faraday’s account of the various experiments can be studied in detail. We can only give a brief resumÉ of them here; and he showed that the motions displayed by dia-magnetic bodies in a magnetic field are all reducible to one simple law—viz., that the particles of the dia-magnetic tend to move into the positions of the weakest magnetic force. He experimented upon a large number of bodies and gases; he tested crystals, metals, liquids, and solids, and proved in whatever state a body might be in the effect was the same; whether simple or compound, it made no difference. Of course in a compound the preponderance of the dia-magnetic or para-magnetic property would influence the result, and the medium in which the body operated on was placed, was a condition in the experiment. He proved that if a body be suspended in a medium or surrounded by a medium whose power either way is stronger than the body, that body is para-magnetic or dia-magnetic, according as it is surrounded by a medium whose power is weaker or stronger than the body itself. The arrangement of the bodies is as follows, from the para-magnetic to the dia-magnetic, bismuth being the most dia-magnetic of all:— Para-magnetic Metals.
Common air was also discovered to have a magnetic action, and hot air is more dia-magnetic than cold. Oxygen is as para-magnetic in the air as iron is on the earth, and this, it was considered, may give rise to magnetic storms, and account for the declination of the needle. We may now proceed to consider the Mariner’s Compass. The compass, or the mariner’s compass, is so common that it is scarcely necessary The Chinese put the south first when speaking of the points of the compass, and in the Chinese empire and Thibet west goes likewise before east. So the imperial edifices in China face the south, and the needle, in their expression, points south and north—not as we say, north and south. The antiquity of the compass may be inferred from the recorded fact in Chinese chronicles, written in the second century before the Christian Era, that nine hundred years previously to the date of the chronicle the Emperor gave magnetic cars to certain ambassadors to guide them home in safety. These cars were fitted with a magnetic needle which communicated with a figure. Its outstretched hand and finger followed the compass-direction, and pointed out the way. The Chinese subsequently (in the twelfth century) suspended the needle by a thread, and it is said their philosophers at that time noticed the variation of the needle. But Columbus first, in 1492, and Cabot, in 1540, certainly remarked it in Europe. It is to Marco Polo that we are indebted for the direct introduction of the needle into Europe, although it probably had been in use in the Levant previously, for we have seen a quotation by an Arab writer, who, in 1242, described the needle as being used at that time on his voyage from Tripoli in Syria to Alexandria, two years previously. Friar Bacon possessed a loadstone, and there are many instances in which it is referred to in ancient writings. The inventor of the compass we cannot trace, but no doubt exists as to its being of Chinese origin. The ordinary compass is shown in the illustration herewith (fig. 265). It consists of a magnetized needle, suspended freely, and fixed to a circular card, which is divided and subdivided into thirty-two points, as in the cut. This compass is suspended upon gimbals to keep it in an upright position when the vessel rolls or plunges. The gimbals are concentric rings, the compass being fastened to the inner one, and keeps its position in all weathers. It is then enclosed in the binnacle, a glass receptacle. The card moves with the needle which points north. There is a dark line (lubber line) which indicates the ship’s course, and when sailing the steersman must keep that line opposite the compass direction-point which indicates the course. At night a lamp is lighted in the binnacle, and the card being transparent and the points opaque they are easily seen. The magnetism of iron ships has a tendency to disturb the needle, and many suggestions have been made and discussed with a view to obviate this. To put the compass at the mast-head was one, to surround the compass The Azimuth Compass is a mariner’s compass fitted with brass uprights slit through the centre, through which the heavenly bodies may be seen. These are the sights. The card is divided into degrees and quarters. A fine wire is fixed upon one of the sights, and in the other slit is a prism to reflect the divisions of the card to the eye. The object—the azimuth distance of which it is desirable to know—is looked at through the slit, and bisected by the wire. The divisions of the scale are at the same time reflected, and the number read gives the azimuth distance required. Fig. 265.—Compass. The compass has led us away slightly from our consideration of the electro-magnet, but we will now examine it and its effects as briefly as possible. An electro-magnet is formed by wrapping a copper wire round a piece of soft iron shaped like a horse-shoe; the wire should be insulated with silk. If the wire be wound round the iron in the same direction, and a current be merely sent through the coil, it will be found that the horse-shoe iron is highly magnetic, but if the current be stopped the power is lost. Such magnets will carry weights much heavier than themselves, and by careful consideration of certain laws, and with reference to the number of coils and the strength of the current, these magnets will sustain a weight some thousands of times greater than their own weight. Fig. 266.—Electro-Magnet. If we cover a non-magnetic piece of iron with a wire coil, and taking a magnet turn it rapidly beneath the wire-bound iron, so that the magnetic poles approach each other alternately, an electrical current will be generated in the wire. The electro-magnetic machine is thus made; but although strong currents may be generated as a source of motive power it is a failure. To Faraday our knowledge of magneto-electricity is due. “He knew” (says Professor Tyndall in his interesting work, “Faraday as a Discoverer”) “that under ordinary circumstances the presence of an electrified body was sufficient to excite by induction an unelectrified body. He knew that the wire which carried an electric current was an electrified body, and still all attempts had failed to make it excite in other wires a state similar to its own.” But while he was making his experiments on the induction of electric currents he noticed that at the time the current was passing from the battery Œrsted had already demonstrated that all magnetic effects were attributable to the attraction and repulsion of electric currents; and founding his views upon the theory of AmpÈre, Faraday came to the conclusion that electricity could be produced from magnetism, or that the electric current could be obtained from magnets. This he succeeded in doing. By inserting a steel magnet about half its length into a coil of wire, Faraday induced a current to pass through the wire in two directions. Thus he proceeded to solve all the mysteries of magneto-electricity, and stated that to produce currents it was only necessary to “cut appropriately the lines of magnetic force.” The application of the magnet to the machines for electric lighting will be shown further on. Very powerful currents are obtained by the induction coil; but the currents would not be of practical service were it not for the apparatus called a Commutator, or key, which reverses the connection of the bobbins, and turns the current at every half revolution. Just as if a current were being sent across and back over a table, and when the current has reached the end, an instantaneous wheel round, or pivoting of the table, sends the current on, in continuation (but on the table all the time), because of the sudden change of its position. The back rush being on the table, the movement of the latter really makes the line continuous, and by quickly breaking and reversing the current in the commutator, the effect is gained in the machine. Electro-magnets and bobbin, etc. (Clarke’s machine) |