THE TOPOPHONE—THE MEGAPHONE—THE AUTOPHONE—THE AUDIPHONE—THE TELEPHONE—THE PHONOGRAPH—THE MICROPHONE. We propose in this chapter to give as shortly as possible a description of the various instruments lately come into use, by means of which, and electricity, sounds can be carried from place to place, and their locality identified. It is only within the last few years that these wonderful inventions have come into use, and in a measure superseded the at one time invincible electric telegraph. The Telephone is now in daily use in London and other places, and its novelty, if not all its capability, has been discounted. The Phonograph has also been frequently seen. So we will on this occasion commence with the Topophone, a rather novel instrument. As the name indicates, the Topophone is an apparatus for discovering the position of a sound, from the Greek words signifying a “place” and “sound.” The sources of sound can be found by it, and indeed this is its actual and practical use. It is claimed for this new apparatus that it stands in the same relation to the sailor as his old and trusty friends, the compass and sextant. These in navigation inform the steersman as to his course, and tells him his position by observation. The Topophone will tell him whence a sound arises, its origin wherever it may be; and this in a fog is no mean advantage. Suppose a ship to be approaching a dangerous coast in a fog. We are all aware how deceptive sounds are when heard through such a medium. We cannot tell from what precise direction the horn, whistle, or bell is sounding. The Topophone will give us the exact spot, and we can then, from our general knowledge of the locality, work our vessel up the river, or into the harbour, in safety. The Topophone was invented in 1880, by Professor Alfred Mayer, an American, and is based upon the well-known theory of sound waves. These, as we have already explained, exist in the air; and if the theory of sound waves has perfected the Topophone, we can fairly say that it has confirmed the supposed form of the sound waves. “Sound,” says the inventor of the apparatus, “is supposed to be a particle continually expanding in the air, composed of a wave produced by compression, and followed by rarefaction. Now, suppose a person up to his shoulders in a pond of water, and someone throws a stone into it. If that person extend his arms and hands at right angles facing the sound, each hand would touch the edge of a ripple as it came towards him across the pond. He would then be facing the source of the ripples or waves, and look along a radius of the circle formed by the waves. But if he please, he can move his body so that both hands shall touch the same wave at the same time, or he might turn away from the source, and only one hand would touch the wave. But when both hands are actually washed by the same circular ripple he must be facing the source of it. Any position in which his fingers did not touch the ripple almost at the same instant, would not be facing the source of the wave ripples. So by turning and extending his hands, he could with his eyes shut find out whether he was or was not facing the original source of the waves. This applied to sound waves in the air is the whole theory of the Topophone, which, however, depends for its usefulness upon the same note being sounded by all horns and whistles. One note must be better than all the others, and that note, probably C (treble), caused by about two hundred and sixty vibrations per second, has been found most applicable. If all whistles and horns can by law be compelled to adjust themselves to this note, then the Topophone will be a real and lasting benefit. Let us now look at the apparatus itself. It being conceded that the resonators are in the same key as the Foghorn,—and this is necessary,—they are placed upon the deck of the vessel. An ear-tube of indiarubber is carried from each of these “resonators” into the cabin. These tubes unite and again separate, ending in small pieces ready to be fitted to the ears. The apparatus is fixed on deck, and the arrangement which supports it passes into the cabin, and can be turned about in any direction. Of course in this case a dial point is necessary to indicate the direction in which the instrument is turned. If the machine be worn on the shoulders of the officer of the watch he can move as he pleases, and wants no indicator. The Topophone when used is so constructed, that when a horn is heard, and when the listener is facing the sound, he can hear nothing! When not facing the origin of the sound he can hear the horn very well, but the moment the resonators receive the sound together as they face the source, a very low murmur is heard, or perhaps no sound at all.—Why? A certain pitch of tone is composed of vibrations or waves of equal length. In all waves there is a hollow and a crest. One neutralizes the other. The hollow of a sound wave meeting the crest of another wave “interferes” to produce silence, stillness, a dead level. So in “light”; two rays will produce darkness. We will endeavour to explain this. If we have two equal strings, each performing an equal number of In the case of light suppose a red ray strikes the eye, and another red ray to come upon it from somewhere else. If the difference between its distance and the other point from the spot in the retina on which the first ray fell, is the 258/1000 part of an inch, or exactly twice, thrice, four times as much, etc., that distance, the light will be seen twice as strong. But if the difference in the distances between the points whence the light comes be only one-half the 258/1000 part of an inch, or 1½, 2½, 3½, or 4½ times that distance, one light will extinguish the other, and darkness will be the result. Now this is precisely what happens in the case of the Topophone. To return to our simile of water waves. If two stones be cast into a pond, and two equal and similar waves produced, and if they reach a certain place at the same moment, they will make one large wave. But if If amongst our readers there be any who wish to make for themselves an acoustic signalling apparatus there is physically nothing to prevent them from constructing such an instrument as that shown in the annexed woodcut (fig. 185). It is founded upon the speaking-trumpet principle, which is supposed to have been originated by Samuel Markland, in 1670. Kircher, in his “Ars magna et umbra,” and in his “Phonurgia,” mentions a kind of speaking-trumpet, or porte voix, of gigantic dimensions, and called the “Horn of Alexander.” According to Kircher, the instrument was used by Alexander the Great to summon his soldiers from a distance of ten miles. The diameter of the circumference was about eight feet, and Kircher conjectured that the instrument was mounted upon three supports. During the last century, a German professor, named Huth, made a model of the horn, and found it answered every purpose of a speaking-trumpet with most powerful results, but we beg leave to doubt whether the instrument really carried the voice to any very great distance. The Acoustic Cornet, which is the counterpart of the speaking-trumpet, has been made in many different forms during the last two centuries, but none of them to the present time consist of anything more intricate than a simple tube with a mouthpiece and bell-shaped orifice. Professor Edison, however, in his researches regarding the conveyance of sounds, has made numerous and interesting experiments. On one occasion, with his Megaphone he carried on a conversation at a distance of nearly two miles, without any other assistance from instruments except a few little cornets of cardboard. These constitute the Megaphone, which may be regarded as a curiosity, considering the effects produced by such simple means. The illustration (fig. 185) represents the instrument which is (or was lately) fixed upon the balcony of Mr. Edison’s house. At a mile-and-a-half distant from the house, at a spot indicated by the two birds in the picture, another instrument was fixed, and conversation was carried on with ease. Perhaps the present opportunity will be the most convenient to speak of the Autophone, although it is more a musical than an acoustic instrument. Until lately Barbary organs and piano organs have been the only means by which poor people have been able to hear any music, and that not of a very elevated class. Besides, there is a good deal of expense connected with the possession of an organ. But the Americans, with a view to popularize music, have invented the Autophone, which is simply a The principle of the instrument is represented in fig. 186, and is extremely simple. An upright frame carries within it on one side a bellows, and on the other a flexible air chamber, which serves as a reservoir. The upper portion contains a set of stops like an accordeon, but the escape of the air through the small vibrating plates can only take place by the upper surface of the frame work, upon which slides a thin plate of Bristol board pierced with holes at convenient distances, and set in motion by the mechanism shown in the annexed diagram (fig. 187). The figure represents an axle furnished with a series of “washers,” which, acting upon the plate, cause it to move round. It is the bellows movement that turns the axle by the aid of two “catches,” B and C, which work upon a toothed wheel fixed upon it. The “catch” B moves the paper on which the tune is “perforated,” when the bellows is empty, the other catch when it is distended; but a counter catch, D, represented by the dotted lines in the illustration, is so arranged that the paper cannot pass on except the tooth of the catch D is opposite a hole pierced upon the plate above. In the contrary case there is no movement of the paper during the dilatation of the bellows. The effect of this very ingenious arrangement is to give to the “musical” band of “board” an irregular movement, but it economises it in the case of sustained notes. The whole action of the instrument depends upon the correct working of the bellows. The effect, from an artistic point of view, certainly leaves something to be desired, but the instrument is cheap, and not cumbersome, and the The Audiphone is an instrument to conduct sound to the ear, to supplement it when temporary or partial deafness has occurred. Very likely many of our readers have observed ladies carrying large black fans on occasions,—at church, or lecture, or theatre,—and wondered why, perhaps. Those “fans” are Audiphones. The instrument is made of vulcanized rubber, and consists of a long flexible disc supported by a handle. To the upper edge of the “fan” are attached cords, which pass through a clip on the handle. If the person who wishes to hear by means of the Audiphone will hold the fan against the upper teeth,—the convex side of the fan outward,—he or she will hear distinctly, for the vibrations of sound are collected and strike upon the teeth and bones, and act upon the auditory nerves from within, precisely as the vibrations act from without through the auricle. We need hardly add that if the ear be injured the Audiphone will be of no use. A writer says: “From personal observation with the Audiphone it appears to convey the sonorous vibrations to the ear through the teeth, just as a long wooden rod held in the teeth will convey the vibrations of the sounding-board of a piano, though the piano is in another room and out of hearing by the ear. In using the Audiphone during conversation there is no movement or vibration felt by the teeth; in listening to a piano there is a very faint sensation as if the Audiphone vibrated slightly, while with the handle of the Audiphone resting on the sounding-board of the piano the vibrations are so violent as to be painful to the teeth. By closing the ears a person with even acute hearing can observe the admirable manner in which the instrument conveys spoken words to the ear. The Audiphone will prove to be of great value to deaf mutes, as it enables them to hear their own voices, and thus to train them to express words, while, before, they could only make inarticulate sounds.” We have a variation of this instrument which has been introduced employing a diaphragm held in a telephone mouthpiece, and free to vibrate under the influence of sounds. This is connected by a string to a bit of wood that may be held in the teeth. In use the hearer places the wood between his teeth, the string is drawn tight, and the speaker speaks through the telephone mouthpiece, the vibrations of the diaphragm being then conveyed to the teeth through the stretched string. This apparatus works very successfully, and ladies use it, but it is not so convenient for general use as the Audiphone. The Telephone is now in daily use in London, and is by no means strange to the majority of our countrymen, still some description of it will probably be acceptable, and a glance at its history may prove interesting. In speaking of the Telephone, we must not lose sight of the facts before mentioned, as regards our sense of hearing, and the manner in which the ear acts by the series of bones termed the hammer, the anvil, and stirrup. In the process of reproduction of tone in the magnetic instruments, the mechanism of the human ear was, to a certain extent, imitated, and a diaphragm, by vibrations, generates and controls an electric current. Professor Wheatstone was the first person to employ the electric wire for the transmission of sounds, but Professor Philip Reiss, of Friedrichsdorf, was the first to make the experiment of producing musical sounds at a distance. His In fig. 188, it will be seen that there is an aperture on the top and one at the side; the latter is the mouthpiece. The top aperture is covered with a membrane which is stretched very tightly. When a person speaks or sings into the mouthpiece his voice is at once concentrated upon the tight membrane, which it causes to vibrate in a manner corresponding with the vibrations of the voice. There are two binding screws, one at each side. To the centre of the tight membrane a piece of platinum is fixed, and this is connected with the binding screw on one side, in which a wire from the battery is fixed. On the membrane is a tripod, the feet of which (two) rest in metal cups, one of them being in a mercury cup connected with the binding screw at the opposite side to that already mentioned. The third “foot”—a platinum point—is on the platinum in the centre of the membrane or top, and moves with it. Every time the membrane is stretched by a vibration the platinum point is touched, and the closed circuit is broken by the return of each vibration. The receiving instrument (fig. 189) consists of a coil enclosing an iron rod, and fixed upon a hollow sounding box. It is founded upon a fact discovered by Professor Henry, that iron bars when magnetized by an electric current become a little longer, and at the interruption of the current resume their former length. Thus in the receiver the iron will become alternately longer and shorter in accordance with the vibrations of the membrane in the box far away, and so the longitudinal vibrations of the bar of iron will be communicated to the sounding box, and become perfectly audible. This instrument, however, could only produce the “pitch” of sound, “not different degrees of intensity, or other qualities of tones.” It merely sang But in 1874, Mr. Elisha Gray, of Chicago, improved Reiss’ instrument, and discovered a method by which the intensity or loudness of tones, as well as their “pitch,” were transmitted and reproduced. In this method he employed electrical vibrations of varying strength and rapidity, and so was enabled to reproduce a tune. Subsequently he conceived the notion of controlling the vibrations by means of a diaphragm, which responded to every known sound, and by this he managed to transmit speech in an articulate manner. In 1876, Professor Graham Bell sent a Telephone to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. Mr. Bell, according to the report, managed to produce a variation of strength of current in exact proportion to the particle of air moved by the sound. A piece of iron attached to a membrane, and moved to and fro in proximity to an electro magnet, proved successful. The battery and wire of the electro magnet are in circuit with the telegraph wire, and the wire of another electro magnet at the receiving station. This second magnet has a solid bar of iron for core, which is connected at one end, by a thick disc of iron, to an iron tube surrounding the coil and bar. The free circular end of the tube constitutes one pole of the electro magnet, and the adjacent free end of the bar core the other. A thin circular iron disc held pressed against the end of the tube by the electro-magnetic attraction, and free to vibrate through a very small space without touching the central pole, constitutes the sounder by which the electric effect is reconverted into sound. The accompanying illustrations (figs. 190, 191) show Mr. Bell’s Telephone as described. The Telephone, subsequently simplified by Professor Bell, is shown in the two following illustrations (figs. 192, 193). The voice strikes against the Mr. Edison also invented a Telephone like Gray’s, and made the discovery, that when properly prepared, carbon would change its resistance with pressure, and that the ratio of these changes corresponded with the pressure. This solved the problem of the production of speech. The carbon is placed between two plates of platinum connected in the circuit and near the diaphragm, and the carbon receives the pressure from it by means of the mouthpiece. When we come to Magnetism and Electricity we may have some The Phonograph, a mechanical invention of Mr. Edison, does not make use of electricity, although the vibratory motion of the diaphragm is utilized. It, in a simple form, consists of a diaphragm so arranged as to operate upon a small stylus, placed just opposite and below the centre, and a brass cylinder, six or eight inches long, by three or four in diameter, mounted upon a horizontal axis, extending each way beyond its ends for a distance about its own length. “A spiral groove is cut in the circumference of the cylinder, from one end to the other, each spiral of the groove being separated from its neighbour by about one-tenth of an inch. The shaft or axis is also cut by a screw thread corresponding to the spiral groove of the cylinder, and works in screw bearings; consequently when the cylinder is caused to revolve, by means of a crank that is fitted to the axis for this purpose, it receives a forward or backward movement of about one-tenth of an inch for every turn of the same, the direction, of course, depending upon the way the crank is turned. The diaphragm is firmly supported by an upright casting capable of adjustment, and so arranged that it may be removed altogether when necessary. When in use, however, it is clamped in a fixed position above or in front of the cylinder, thus bringing the stylus always opposite the groove as the cylinder is turned. A small, flat spring attached to the casting extends underneath the diaphragm as far as its centre and carries the stylus, and between the diaphragm and spring a small piece of india-rubber is placed to modify the action, it having been found that better results are obtained by this means than when the stylus is rigidly attached to the diaphragm itself. “The action of the apparatus will now be readily understood from what follows. The cylinder is first very smoothly covered with tin-foil, and the diaphragm securely fastened in place by clamping its support to the base of the instrument. When this has been properly done, the stylus should lightly press against that part of the foil over the groove. The crank is now turned, while, at the same time, someone speaks into the mouthpiece of the instrument, which will cause the diaphragm to vibrate, and as the vibrations of the latter correspond with the movements of the air producing them, the soft and yielding foil will become marked along the line of the groove by a series of indentations of different depths, varying with the amplitude of the vibrations of the diaphragm; or in other words, with the inflections or modulations of the speaker’s voice. These inflections may therefore be looked upon as a sort of visible speech, which, in fact, they really are. If now the diaphragm is removed, by loosening the clamp, and the cylinder then turned back to the starting point, we have only to replace the diaphragm and turn in the same direction as at first, to hear repeated all that has been spoken into the mouthpiece of the apparatus; the stylus, by this means, being caused to traverse its former path, and consequently, rising and falling with the depressions in the foil, its motion is communicated to the diaphragm, and thence through the intervening air to the ear, where the sensation of sound is produced. “As the faithful reproduction of a sound is in reality nothing more than a reproduction of similar acoustic vibrations in a given time, it at once becomes evident that the cylinder should be made to revolve with absolute uniformity at all times, otherwise a difference more or less marked between the original sound and the reproduction will become manifest. To secure this uniformity of motion, and produce a practically working machine for automatically recording speeches, vocal and instrumental music, and per “The articulation and quality of the Phonograph, although not yet perfect, is full as good as the Telephone was. The instrument, when perfected and moved by clock-work, will undoubtedly reproduce every condition of the human voice, including the whole world of expression in speech and song, and will be used universally. “The sheet of tin-foil or other plastic material receiving the impressions of sound, will be stereotyped or electrotyped so as to be multiplied and made durable; or the cylinder will be made of a material plastic when used, and hardening afterward. Thin sheets of papier machÉ, or of various substances which soften by heat, would be of this character. Having provided thus for the durability of the Phonograph plate, it will be very easy to make it separable from the cylinder producing it, and attachable to a corresponding cylinder anywhere and at any time. There will doubtless be a standard of diameter and pitch of screw for Phonograph cylinders. Friends at a distance will then send to each other Phonograph letters, which will talk at any time in the friend’s voice when put upon the instrument.” (Scribner.) The Microphone (an outcome of the Telephone) was discovered by Professor Hughes, of London. It is an instrument which in its main features consists of a carbon “pencil,” so suspended that one end rests upon a carbon “die.” The instrument being connected with a Telephone by the circuit wires, will reproduce faint sounds very distinctly. Once a Microphone was put into a preacher’s pulpit, and joined to a private telegraph wire which led to a gentleman’s house. The owner was thus enabled to hear the sermon. So long as it is thus connected every minute sound, even a fly’s footstep, will be faithfully reproduced. |