HEAT—WHAT IT IS—THEORY OF HEAT—THE THERMOMETER—EXPANSION BY HEAT—EBULLITION AND DISTILLATION—LATENT HEAT—SPECIFIC HEAT. What is Heat?—We will consider this question, and endeavour to explain it before we speak of its effects on water and other matter. Heat is now believed to be the effects of the rapid motion of all the particles of a body. It is quite certain that a heated body is no heavier than the same body before it was made “hot,” so the heat could not have gone into it, nor does the “heat” leave it when it has become what we call “cold,” which is a relative term. Heat is therefore believed to be a vibratory motion, or the effects of very rapid motion of matter. The Science of Heat, as we may term it, is only in its infancy, or certainly has scarcely come of age. Formerly heat was considered a chemical agent, and was termed caloric, but now heat is found to be motion, which affects our nerves of feeling and sight; and, as Professor Stewart tells us, “a heated body gives a series of blows to the medium around it; and although these blows do not affect the ear, they affect the eye, and give us a sense of light.” Although it is only within a comparatively few years that heat has been really looked upon as other than matter, many ancient philosophers regarded it as merely a quality of matter. They thought it the active principle of the universe. Epicurus declared that heat was an effluxion of minute spherical particles possessing rapid motion, and Lucretius maintained that the sun’s light and heat are the result of motion of primary particles. Fire was worshipped as the active agent of the universe, and Prometheus was fabled to have stolen fire from heaven to vivify mankind. The views of the ancients were more or less adopted in the Middle Ages; but John Locke recognized the theory of heat being a motion of matter. He says: “What in our sensation is heat, in the object is nothing but motion.” Gradually two theories arose concerning heat;—one, the Material theory—the theory of Caloric or Phlogiston; the other, the Kinetic theory. Before the beginning of the present century the former theory was generally accepted, and the development of heat was accounted for by asserting that the friction or percussion altered the capacity for heat of the substances acted upon. The heat was squeezed out by the hammer, and the amount So the two theories concerning heat arose at the end of the last century. One, as we have said, is known as the Material, the other as the Kinetic theory. The latter is the theory of motion, so called from the Greek kinesis (motion), or sometimes known as the Dynamic theory of heat, from dunamis (force); or again as Thermo-dynamics. But any possibility of producing a new supply of heat was denied by the materialists. They knew that some bodies possessed a greater capacity for heat than others; but Count Rumford, at Munich, in 1797, astonished an audience by making water boil without any fire! He had observed the great extent to which a cannon became heated while being bored in the gun factory, and influenced by those who maintained the material theory of heat, paid great attention to the evolution of heat. He accordingly endeavoured to produce heat by friction, and by means of horse power he caused a steel borer to work upon a cylinder of metal. The shavings were permitted to drop into a pan of water at 60° Fahrenheit. In an hour after the commencement of the operation the temperature of the water had risen to 107°: in another half-hour the heat of it was up to 142°: and in two hours had measured 170°. Upon this he says: “It is hardly necessary to add that anything which any insulated body or system of bodies can continue to furnish without limitation cannot possibly be a material substance, and it appears to me to be extremely difficult, if not quite impossible, to form any distinct idea of anything capable of being excited and communicated in these experiments except by motion.” A few years later Sir Humphrey Davy made his conclusive experiments, and the Material theory of heat received its death-blow. Sir Humphrey Davy—referring to the fact that water at a freezing temperature has “more heat in it” (as it was believed) than ice at the same temperature—said: “If I, by friction, liquify ice, a substance will be produced which contains a far greater absolute amount of heat than ice. In this case it cannot reasonably be affirmed that I merely render sensible heat which had been previously insensible in the frozen mass. Liquification will conclusively prove the generation of heat. This reasoning could not be doubted. Sir Humphrey Davy made the experiment. He rubbed together two pieces of ice in the air, and in a vacuum surrounded by a freezing mixture. The ice became liquified, and so the generation of heat by “mechanical means” was proved. Its immateriality was demonstrated, but the Material theory was not even then abandoned by its adherents. So things continued, until in 1842-3, Doctor Julius Meyer, of Heilbronn,
Fig. 76.—Melting a piece of tin on a card. This is the “mechanical equivalent of heat.” The first paper written by Mr. Joule demonstrated that the temperature of water rises when forced through narrow tubes; and to heat it one degree, the force of 770 foot pounds was necessary, which means that the 1 lb. of water falling 770 feet, got hotter by one degree when it reached the earth. He subsequently arrived at the more exact conclusions quoted above. So heat is now known to be a series of vibrations, or vibratory motions, as sound vibrations, which we cannot hear nor see, but the effects of which are known to us as light and heat. In considering heat we must put aside the idea of warmth and cold, for they are only different degrees of heat, not the absence of it. The study of heat can be briefly undertaken without any complicated apparatus. If we desire a proof of the great conducting power of metals, let us place a fine piece of muslin tightly stretched over a lump of polished metal. On the muslin we put a burning ember, and excite combustion by blowing on it; the muslin is not burned in the least, the heat being entirely absorbed by the metal, which draws it through the material into itself. Fig. 76 represents a similar experiment: it consists of melting some tin on a playing card, held over the flame of a spirit lamp. The metal becomes completely melted without the card being burnt. It is through a similar effect that metals appear cold to us when we take them in our hands; by their conductibility they remove the heat from our hands, and give us the peculiar impression which we do not experience when in contact with substances that are bad conductors, such as wood, woollen materials, etc. Fig. 77.—Boiling water in a paper case. Fig. 77 shows the method of boiling water in paper. We make a small paper box, such as those made by school-boys, and suspend it by four threads to a piece of wood held horizontally at a suitable height. We fill this improvised vessel with water, and place it over the flame of a spirit lamp. The paper is not burnt, because the water absorbs all the heat into itself. After a few minutes the water begins to boil, sending forth clouds Fig. 78.—Experiment on the regelation of ice. Fig. 78 shows the arrangement of a very remarkable experiment, but little known, on the refreezing of ice. A block of ice is placed on the edge of two iron chairs, and is encircled by a piece of wire, to which is suspended the weight of say five pounds. The wire penetrates slowly, and in about an hour’s time has passed completely through the lump of ice, and the weight, with the piece of wire, falls to the ground. What happens then to the block of ice?—You imagine, doubtless, that it is cut in two. No such thing; it is intact, and in a single lump as it was previous to the experiment. In proportion as the wire was sunk through the mass, the slit has been closed again by refreezing. Ice or snow during the winter may serve for a number of experiments relating to heat. If we wish to demonstrate the influence of colours on radiation, we take two pieces of cloth of the same size,—one white, and the other black,—and place them both on the snow, if possible, when there is a gleam of sunlight. In a short time it will be found that the snow underneath the black cloth has melted to a much greater extent than that beneath the white cloth, because black absorbs heat more than white, which, on the contrary, has a tendency to reflect it. We perceive very plainly the It is hardly necessary to point out experiments on the expansion of bodies. They can be performed in a number of different ways; by placing water in a narrow-necked bottle, and warming it over the fire, we can ascertain the expansion of liquids under the influence of heat. We may in this way construct a complete thermometer. We may now consider the Sources of Heat, or causes of its development, which are various, and in many cases apparent. The first great source is the Sun, and it has been calculated that the heat received by the earth in one year is sufficient to melt an envelope of ice surrounding it one hundred and five feet thick. Of course the heat at the surface of the sun is enormously greater than this, about one-half being absorbed in the atmosphere before it reaches us at all. In fact, it is impossible to give you an idea of the enormous heat given out by the sun to the earth (which is a very small fraction indeed of the whole), stars, and planets, all of which give out heat. We know that heat is stored in the earth, and that it is in a very active condition we can perceive from the hot springs, lava, and flame which are continually erupting from the earth in various places. These sources of heat are beyond our control. But apart from the extra- and intra-terrestrial sources of heat there are mechanical causes for its generation upon our globe, such as friction, percussion, or compression. The savage or the woodman can procure heat and fire by rubbing a pointed stick in a grooved log. The wooden “breaks” of a locomotive are often set on fire by friction of the wheels, so they require grease, and the wheels on the rails will develop heat and sparks. Our matches, and many other common instances of the generation of heat (and fire) by friction, will occur to every reader. Water may be heated by shaking it in a bottle, taking care to wrap something round it to keep the warmth of the hand from the glass. By percussion, such as hammering a nail or piece of iron, the solid bar may be made “red-hot”; and when cannon are bored at Woolwich the shavings of steel are too hot to hold even if soap-and-water has been playing upon the boring-machine. The production of heat by chemical action is termed combustion, and this is the means by which all artificial heat for our daily wants is supplied. We can also produce heat by electricity. A familiar and not always pleasant instance of this is seen in the flash of lightning which will fuse metals, and experiment may do the same upon a smaller scale. These are, in brief, the Sources of Heat, and we may speak of its effects. We may take it for granted that no matter from what source heat is derived, it exhibits the same phenomena in its relation to objects. One of the most usual of these phenomena is expansion. Let us take water, and see the effect of heat upon it. We know that a certain weight of water under the same conditions We can easily establish these statements. A metallic ring when heated is larger than when cool. A small quantity of air in a bladder when heated will fill the bladder, and water will boil over the vessel, or expand into steam, and perhaps burst the boiler. So expansion is the tendency of what we term heat. We make use of this quality of heat in the thermometer, by which we can measure the temperature not only of liquids or solids, but of the atmosphere. The reading of the thermometer varies in different countries, for the degrees are differently marked, but the construction of the instrument is the same. It is called thermometer from two Greek words signifying the measure of heat. It is a notable fact that Castelli, writing in 1638, says to Ferdinand CÆsarina: “I remembered an experiment which Signor Galileo had shown me more than thirty-five years ago. He took a glass bottle about the size of a hen’s egg, the neck of which was two palms long, and as narrow as a straw. Having well heated the bulb in his hands, he placed its mouth in a vessel containing water, and withdrawing the heat of his hand from the bulb, the water instantly rose in the neck more than a palm above the level of the water in the vessel.” Here, then, we have an air-thermometer, but as it was affected by the pressure as well as the temperature of the atmosphere, it could not be relied upon as a “measurer of heat.” Until Torricelli propounded the principle of the barometer, this “weather-glass” of Galileo was used, for the philosopher divided the stem into divisions, and the air-thermometer served the purpose of our modern instruments. The actual inventor of the thermometer is not known. It has been attributed to Galileo, to Drebbel, and to Robert Fludd. There is little doubt, however, that Galileo and Drebbel were both acquainted with it, but whether either claimed the honour of the invention, whether they discovered it independently, or together, we cannot say. Sanctorio, of Padua, and Drebbel have also been credited with the invention. We may add that the spirit thermometer was invented in 1655-1656. It was a rough form of our present thermometer, and roughly graduated. But it was hermetically closed to the air, and a great improvement on the old “weather-glass. Edmond Halley introduced mercury as the liquid for the instrument in 1680. Otto von Guerike first suggested the freezing point of water as the lowest limit, and Renaldini, in 1694, proposed that the boiling and freezing points of water should be the limit of the scale. Let us now explain the construction and varied markings of the three kinds of thermometers in use. By noting the differences between the scales Fig. 79.—Thermometer. [We used to hear the expression, “Heat expands, and cold contracts,” but we trust that all our readers have now learnt that there is no such thing as cold. It is only a negative term. We feel things cold because they extract some warmth from our fingers, not because the substances have no heat.] Thermometers are made of very fine bore glass tubes. One end has a bowl, or bulb, the other is at first open. By heating the bowl the air in the tube is driven away by the open end, which is quickly dipped in a bowl of mercury. The mercury will then occupy a certain space in the tube; and if it be heated till the liquid boils, all the air will be driven out by the mercurial vapour. By once again dipping the tube in the quicksilver the glass will be filled. Then, before it cools, close the open end of the tube, and the thermometer is so far made. Having now caught our thermometer we must proceed to mark it, which is an easy process. By plunging the mercury into pounded melting ice we can get the freezing point, and boiling water will give us the boiling point. The intermediate scale can be then indicated. If mercury and glass expanded equally there would be no rise in the latter. Extreme delicacy of the thermometer can be arrived at by using a very fine tube, particularly if it be also flat. The freezing point in Fahrenheit’s scale is 32°; in the Centigrade it is 0°, and the boiling point 100°. This was the scale adopted by Celsius, a Swede, and is much used. RÉaumur called the freezing point 0°, and the boiling point 80°. There is another scale, almost obsolete,—that of Delisle, who called boiling point zero, and freezing point 150°. There is no difficulty in converting degrees on one scale into degrees on the other. Fahrenheit made his zero at the greatest cold he could get; viz., snow and salt. The freezing point of water is 32° above his zero. Therefore 212-32 gives 180° the difference between the freezing and boiling points of water. So 180° Fahr. corresponds to 100° Cent., and to 80° RÉaumur, reckoning from freezing point. The following tables will explain the differences:—
Alcohol is used in thermometers in very cold districts, as it does not freeze even at a temperature of -132° Fahr. We have now explained the way in which we can measure heat by the expansion of mercury in a tube. We can also find out that solids and gases expand also. Engineers always make allowances for the effects of winter and summer weather when building bridges; in summer the bridge gets longer, and unless due provision were made it would become strained and weakened. So there are compensating girders, and the structure remains safe. The effects of expansion by heat are very great and very destructive at times. Instances of boilers bursting will occur to every reader. It is very important to be able to ascertain the extent to which solid bodies will expand. Such calculations have been made, and are in daily use. We can crack a tumbler by pouring hot water into it, or by placing it on the “hob.” A few minutes’ consideration will assure us that the lower particles of the glass expanded before the rest, and cracked our tumbler. A gradual heating, particularly if the glass be thin, will ensure safety. Thick glass will crack sooner than thin. Again, many people at railway stations have asked us, “Why don’t they join the rails together on this line?” We reply that if every length of rail were tightly fixed against its neighbour, the whole railway would be displaced. The iron expands and joins up close in hot weather. In wet weather, also, the wooden pegs and the sleepers swell with moisture, and get tightened up. Everyone knows how much more smoothly a train travels in warm, wet weather. This is due to the expansion of the iron and the swelling of the sleepers and pegs in the “chairs.” A railway 400 miles long expands 338 This can be proved. Iron expands 0·001235 of its length for every 180° Fahr. Divided by 180 it gives us the expansion for 1°, which is 0·00000686, taking the difference of winter and summer at 70° Fahr. Multiply these together, and the result (0·00048620 of its length) by the number of yards in 400 miles, and we find our answer 338 yards. Expansion acts in solids and most liquids by the destruction of cohesion between the particles. Gases, however, having much less cohesion amid the particles, will expand far more under a given heat than either solids or liquids, and liquids expand more than solids for the same reason, and more rapidly at a high temperature than at a low one. We have spoken of expansion. We may give an instance in which the subsequent contraction of heated metal is useful. Walls sometimes get out of the perpendicular, and require pulling together. No force which can be conveniently applied would accomplish this so well as the cooling force due to the potential energy of iron. Rods are passed through the walls and braced up by nuts. The rods are then heated, and as they cool they contract and pull the walls with them. When glass is suddenly cooled, the inner skin, as it were, presses with great force against the cooled surface, but as it is quite tight no explosion can follow. But break the tail, or scratch it with a diamond, and the strain is taken off. The glass drop crumbles with the effect of the explosion, as in the cases of Prince Rupert’s drops, and the Bologna flasks; the continuity is broken, and pulverization results. But a very curious exception to the general laws of expansion is noticed in the case of nearly freezing water. We know water expands by heat, at first gradually, and then to an enormous extent in steam. But when cooling water, instead of getting more and more contracted, only contracts down to 39·2° Fahr., it then begins to expand, and at the moment it freezes into ice it expands very much—about one-twelfth of its volume, but according to Professor Huxley it weighs exactly the same, and the steam produced from that given quantity of water will weigh just exactly what the water and the ice produced by it weigh individually. At 39·2° Fahr. water is at its maximum density, or in other words, a vessel of a certain size will hold more water when it is at 39° Fahr. than at any other time. Whether the water be heated or cooled at this temperature, it expands to the boiling or freezing point when it becomes steam or ice, as the case may be. Water, when heated, is lighter than cold water. You can prove this in filling a bath from two taps of hot and cold water at the same time. The cold falls to the bottom, and if you do not stir up the water when mixed you will have a hot surface and a cold foundation. The heat increases the volume of water, it becomes lighter, and comes uppermost. Steam and Water and Ice are all the same things under different conditions, although to the eye they are so different. They are alike inasmuch Let us now consider the Effects of Heat upon Water. We have all seen the vapour that hangs above a locomotive engine. We call it “steam.” It is not pure steam, for steam is really invisible. The visible vapour is steam on its way to become water again. On a very hot dry day we cannot distinguish the vapour at all. The first effect of heat upon water is to expand it; and as the heat is applied we know that the water continues to expand and bubble up; and at last, when the temperature is as high as 212°, we say water “boils”—that is, at that heat it begins to pass away in vapour, and you will find that the temperature of the steam is the same as the boiling water. While undergoing this transformation, the water increases in volume to 1,700 times its original bulk, although it will weigh the same as the water. So steam has 1,700 less specific gravity than water. It is perhaps scarcely necessary to remind our readers that water, when heated, assumes tremendous force. Air likewise expands with great violence, and the vessels containing either steam or air frequently burst, with destructive effects. Solid bodies also expand when heated, and the most useful and accurate observations have been made, so that the temperatures at which solid bodies expand are now exactly known. Air also expands by heat. While speaking of Expansion by Heat, we may remark that a rapid movement is imparted to the air by Heat. In any ordinary room the air below is cool, while if we mount a ladder to hang up a picture, for instance, we shall find the air quite hot near the ceiling. This is quite in keeping with the effects of heat upon water. The hot particles rise to the top in a vessel, and thus a motion is conveyed to the water. So in our rooms. The heated air rushes up the chimney and causes a draught, and this produces motion, as we have seen by fig. 39, in which the cardboard spiral was set in motion by heated air. A balloon will ascend, because it is filled with heated air or gas; and we all have seen the paper balloons which will ascend if a sponge containing spirit of wine be set on fire underneath them. Winds are also only currents of air produced by unequal temperature in different places. The heated air ascends, and the colder fluid rushes in sometimes with great velocity to fill the space. “Land” and “sea” breezes are constant; the cool air blows in from the sea during the day, and as the land cools more rapidly at night, the breeze passes out again. When we touch upon Meteorology, we will have more to say respecting Air Currents and the various Atmospheric Phenomena. We know that water can be made to boil by heat, but it is not perhaps generally known that it will apparently boil by cold, and the experiment may Ebullition and Evaporation may be now considered, and these are the two principal modes by which liquids assume the gaseous condition. The difference is, when water boils we term it ebullition (from the Latin ebullio, I boil); evaporation means vapour given out by water not boiling (from evaporo, I disperse in vapour). There are two operations based upon the properties which bodies possess of assuming the form of vapour under the influence of heat, which are called Distillation and Sublimation. These we will consider presently. Ebullition then means a bubbling up or boiling; and when water is heated in an open vessel two forces oppose its conversion into vapour; viz., its own cohesive force and atmospheric pressure. At length, at 212° Fahr., the particles of water have gained by heat a force greater than the opposing forces; bubbles of vapour rise up from the bottom and go off in vapour. This is ebullition, and at that point the tension of the vapour is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere, for if not, the bubbles would not form. All this time of boiling, notwithstanding any increase of heat, the thermometer will not rise above 212° (Fahr.), for all the heat is employed in turning the water to steam. We have said the ebullition takes place at 212° Fahr. (or 100° C.), but that is only at a certain level. If we ascend 600 feet high we shall find that water will boil at a less temperature; and on the top of a mountain (say Mont Blanc) water will boil at 185° Fahr.; so at an elevation of three miles water boils at a temperature less by 27° Fahr. An increase of pressure similarly will raise the boiling point of water. The heights of mountains are often ascertained by noticing the boiling point of water on their summits, the general rule being a fall of one degree for every 530 feet elevation at medium altitudes. We append a few instances taken at random:—
[The difference for a degree depends upon the height, varying between 510 and 590 feet, according to the elevation reached. The approximate height of a mountain can be found by multiplying 530 by the number of degrees between the boiling point and 212°. In some very elevated regions travellers have even failed to boil potatoes.] The boiling point of liquid may be altered by mixing some substance with it; and although such a substance as sawdust would not alter the boiling point of water, yet if the foreign matter be dissolved in the liquid it will alter the boiling point. Even the air dissolved in liquids alters their boiling point, and water freed from air will not boil till it is raised to a temperature much higher than 212° Fahr. Water will boil at a higher temperature in a glass vessel than in metal, because there is a greater attraction between water and glass. We said above that an increase of pressure will raise the boiling point of water. Under the pressure of one atmosphere—that is, when there is a pressure of 15 lbs. on the square inch—water boils at 212°. But under a pressure of two atmospheres, the boiling point rises to 234°, and of four atmospheres, 294°. So we see by increasing the pressure the water may be almost indefinitely heated, and it will not boil. We can understand that in a very deep vessel the layer of water at the bottom has to sustain the pressure of the water in addition to the weight of the atmosphere above it. The pressure of thirty-four feet of water is equal to the atmospheric pressure of 15 lbs. on the square inch, and thus at such a distance water must be heated to 234° before it will boil. Professor Bunsen founded his Theory of the Geysers upon this fact, for he maintained that water falling into the earth lost much air, and required with the super-incumbent pressure a very high temperature to boil it. When it did boil it generated steam so suddenly that it exploded upwards, throwing up vapour and the water with it, as water poured into a very hot basin will do. Evaporation may now be considered, and is distinguished from Ebullition by the production of vapour on the surface of liquids, the latter term signifying the formation of vapour in the body of the liquid. Evaporation takes place at all temperatures, and from every liquid surface exposed to the air. We know what we call a “drying wind.” The air in fresh layers continually passing over the wet ground, takes up the moisture; like the east wind, for instance, which has great capabilities of that nature. Damp air can only take up a certain quantity, and when it contains as much water as corresponds to the temperature it can take no more, and is “saturated with moisture”; then evaporation ceases. Heat is a great cause of evaporation, and the greater the surface the more rapid the process, and in a vacuum more readily than in atmospheric air. Evaporation is resorted to very commonly to produce coolness; for instance, the universal fan, by increasing evaporation from a heated skin, generates a feeling of coolness; and we know the vaporization of ether will freeze into insensibility. When a fluid evaporates we can tell that the heat passes away at the same time, for we Sir John Leslie invented a method of freezing water by rapid evaporation on sulphuric acid under the receiver of an air-pump, and water has been frozen even on a hot plate by these means. By pouring sulphurous acid and water on this plate, the acid evaporates so quickly that it produces sufficient cold to freeze the water it quitted into solid ice. We leave the phenomena of clouds and watery vapour in the atmosphere for consideration on another opportunity, under the head of Meteorology, Rain, etc. Fig. 80.—Apparatus for freezing carafes of water. An experiment is often performed by which water is frozen in a vacuum. By putting a saucer full of water under the receiver of an air-pump it will first boil, and then become a solid mass of ice. It is not difficult to understand the cause of this. The water boils as soon as the air is removed; but in order to pass from the liquid to the gaseous state without the assistance of exterior heat, it gives out heat to the surroundings, and in so doing becomes ice itself. This fact Mr. CarrÉ has made use of in the apparatus shown above (fig. 80). A small pump creates a vacuum in the water bottles, and ice is formed in them. This apparatus might easily be adopted in country houses, and in places where ice is difficult to procure in summer. The only inconvenience attending it is the employment of sulphuric acid, of which a considerable quantity is The mode of proceeding is as follows:—The bottle full of water is joined to the air-pump by a tube, and after a few strokes the water is seen in ebullition. The vapour thus disengaged traverses an intermediate reservoir filled with sulphuric acid, which absorbs it, and immediately condenses it, producing intense cold. In the centre of the liquid remaining in the carafe some needles of ice will be seen, which grow rapidly, and after a few more strokes of the pump the water will be found transformed into a mass of ice. This is very easy of accomplishment, and in less than a minute the carafe full of water will be found frozen. The problem for the truly economical formation of ice by artificial means is one of those which have occupied chemists for a long time, but hitherto, notwithstanding all their efforts, no satisfactory conclusion has been arrived at. Nearly every arrangement possesses some drawback to its complete success, which greatly increases the cost of the ice, and causes inconvenience in its production. The usual mode in large towns is to collect the ice, in houses constructed for the purpose, during the winter, and this simple method is also the best, so far as at present has been ascertained. Fig. 81.—Retort and Receiver. In connection with vaporization we may now mention two processes referred to just now (page 83); viz., sublimation and distillation. The former is the means whereby we change solid bodies into vapour and condense the vapour into proper vessels. The condensed substances when deposited are called sublimates, and when we go into Chemistry we shall hear more of them. The mode of proceeding is to place the substance in a glass tube, and apply heat to it. Vapour will be formed, and will condense at the cool end of the tube. The sublimate of sulphur is called “Flowers of Sulphur,” and that of perchloride of mercury “Corrosive Sublimate.” Distillation is a more useful process, or, at any rate, one more frequently employed, and is used to separate a volatile body from substances not volatile. A distilling apparatus (distillo, to drop) converts a liquid to vapour by means of heat, and then condenses it by cold in a separate vessel. The distilling apparatus consists of three parts,—the vessel in which the liquid is heated (the still, or retort), the condenser, and the receiver. The simple retort and receiver are shown in fig. 81. But when very volatile vapours are dealt with, the arrangement shown on next page is used (fig. 82). Fig. 82.—Distilling apparatus. The apparatus for distilling spirits is shown below. The “still” A is fitted into a furnace, and communicates with a worm O in a metal cylinder filled with water, kept constantly renewed through the tube TT'. This spirit passes through the spiral, and being condensed, goes out into the receiver C. Fig. 83.—Spirit still. There are even more simple apparatus for spirit distilling, but the diagram above will show the principle of all “stills.” In former days, in Ireland, whiskey was generally procured illegally by these means. |