

Having now introduced our readers to Science which they can find for themselves in the open air, and the pursuit of which will both instruct and amuse, we will proceed to investigate the Branch of Science called Physics.

Physics may be briefly described as the Branch of Natural Science which treats of such phenomena as are unaccompanied by any important changes in the objects wherein such phenomena are observed.

For instance, the sounding of a bell or the falling of a stone are physical phenomena, for the objects which cause the sound, or the fall, undergo no change. Heat is set free when coal burns. This disengagement of heat is a physical phenomenon; but the change during combustion which coal undergoes is a chemical phenomenon. So the objects may be the same, but the circumstances in which they are placed, and the forces which act upon them, may change their appearance or position.

This brings us at once to the Forces of Nature, which are three in number; viz., Gravity, Cohesion, and Affinity, or Chemical Attraction. The phenomena connected with the last-named forms the Science of Chemistry. We give these three Forces these names. But first we must see what is Force, for this is very important. Force is a CAUSE—the cause of Motion or of Rest. This may appear paradoxical, but a little reflection will prove it. It requires force to set any object in motion, and this body would never stop unless some other force or forces prevented its movement beyond a certain point. Force is therefore the cause of a change of “state” in matter.

We have said there are three forces in nature. The first is Gravity, or the attraction of particles at a distance from each other. We may say that Gravity, or Gravitation, is the mutual attraction between different portions of matter acting at all distances,—the force of attraction being, of course, in proportion to the mass of the bodies respectively. The greatest body is the Earth, so far as our purposes are concerned. So the attraction of the Earth is Gravity, or what we call Weight.

We can easily prove this. We know if we jump from a chair we shall come to the floor; and if there were nothing between us and the actual ground sufficient to sustain the force of the attracting power of the earth, we should fall to the earth’s surface. In a teacup the spoon will attract air bubbles, and large air bubbles will attract small ones, till we find a small mass of bubbles formed in the centre of the cup of tea. Divide this bubble, and the component parts will rush to the sides of the cup. This form of attraction is illustrated by the accompanying diagrams.

Fig. 14.

Suppose two balls of equal magnitude, A and B (fig. 14). These being of equal magnitude, attract each other with equal force, and will meet, if not opposed, at a point (M) half-way between the two. But they do not meet, because the attraction of the earth is greater than the attraction they relatively and collectively exercise towards each other. But if the size of the balls be different, the attraction of the greater will be more evident, as shown below, where the points of meeting are indicated respectively (figs. 15 and 16). These experiments will illustrate the phenomena of falling bodies. Gravity is the cause of this, because every object on the surface of the earth is very much smaller than the earth itself, and therefore all bodies fall towards the centre of the earth. A certain time is thus occupied, and we can find the velocity or rapidity of a falling body very easily. On the earth a body, if let fall, will pass through a space sixteen feet in the first second; and as the attraction of the earth still continues and is exercised upon a body already in rapid motion, this rate of progress must be proportionately increased. Just as when steam is kept up in an engine running down hill, the velocity of the train will rapidly increase as it descends the gradient.

Figs. 15 and 16.

A body falling, then, descends sixteen feet in the first second, and for every succeeding second it assumes a greater velocity. The distance the body travels has been calculated, and the space it passes through has been found to increase in proportion to the square of the time it takes to fall. For instance, suppose you drop a stone from the top of a cliff to the beach, and it occupies two seconds in falling, if you multiply 2 × 2, and the result by sixteen, you will find how high the cliff is: in this (supposed) case it is (omitting decimals) sixty-four feet high. The depth of a well can also be ascertained in the same way, leaving out the effect of air resistance.

But if we go up into the air, the force of gravity will be diminished. The attraction will be less, because we are more distant from the centre of the earth. This decrease is scarcely, if at all, perceptible, even on very high mountains, because their size is not great in comparison with the mass of the earth’s surface. The rule for this is that gravity decreases in proportion to the square of the distance. So that if at a certain distance from the earth’s surface the force of attraction be 1, if the distance be doubled the attraction will be only one quarter as much as before—not one-half.

Gravity has exactly the same influence upon all bodies, and the force of the attraction is in proportion to the mass. All bodies of equal mass will fall in the same time in a given distance. Two coins (or a coin and a feather in vacuo) will fall together. But in the air the feather will remain far behind the coin, because nearly all the atoms of the former are resisted by the air, while in the coin only some particles are exposed to the resistance, the density of the latter preventing the air from reaching more than a few atoms, comparatively speaking. The theory of weight and gravitation, and experiments relating to the falling of bodies, may be easily demonstrated with ordinary objects that we have at hand. I take a halfpenny and a piece of paper, which I cut in the shape of the coin, and holding them side by side, I drop them simultaneously; the halfpenny reaches the ground some time before the paper, a result quite in accordance with the laws of gravitation, as one must bear in mind the presence of air, and the different resistance it offers to two bodies differing in density. I next place the paper disc on the upper surface of the piece of money, and then drop them simultaneously. The two objects now reach the ground at the same time, the paper, in contact with the halfpenny, being preserved from the action of the air. This experiment is so well known that we need not further discuss it; but it must be plainly evident that it is capable of development in experiments on phenomena relating to falling bodies.7 When a body influenced by the action of a force acts, in its turn, upon another, the latter reacts in an opposite manner upon the first, and with the same intensity.

The Attraction of Cohesion is the attraction of particles of bodies to each other at very small distances apart. Cohesion has received various names in order to express its various degrees. For instance, we say a body is tough or brittle, or soft or hard, according to the degrees of cohesion the particles exercise. We know if we break a glass we destroy the cohesion; the particles cannot be reunited. Most Liquid particles can be united, but not all. Oil will not mix with water.

The force of cohesion depends upon heat. Heat expands everything, and the cohesion diminishes as temperature increases.

There are some objects or substances upon the earth the particles of which adhere much more closely than others, and can only, with very great difficulty, be separated. These are termed Solids. There are other substances whose particles can easily be divided, or their position altered. These are called Fluids. A third class seem to have little or no cohesion at all. These are termed Gases.

Adhesion is also a form of attraction, and is cohesion existing on the surfaces of two bodies. When a fluid adheres to a solid we say the solid is wet. We turn this natural adhesion to our own purposes in many ways,—we whitewash our walls, and paint our houses; we paste our papers together, etc.

On the other hand, many fluids will hot adhere. Oil and water have already been instanced. Mercury will not stick to a glass tube, nor will the oiled glass tube retain any water. We can show the attraction and repulsion in the following manner:—Let one glass tube be dipped into water and another into mercury, you will see that the water will ascend slightly at the side, owing to the attraction of the glass, while the mercury will be higher in the centre, for it possesses no attraction for the glass (fig. 17). If small, or what are termed capillary (or hair) tubes, be used (fig. 18), the water will rise up in the one tube, while in the other the mercury will remain lower than the mercury outside the tube. (See Capillarity.)

Figs. 17. and 18.

Chemical Attraction is the force by which two different bodies unite to form a new and different body from either. This force will be fully considered in Chemistry, in a future part.

It is needless for us to dwell upon the uses of these Forces of Nature. Gravity and Cohesion being left out of our world, we can imagine the result. The earth and sun and planets would wander aimlessly about; we should float away into space, and everything would fall to pieces, while our bodies would dissolve into their component parts.

The Balance and Centre of Gravity.—We have spoken at some length about Gravity, and now we must say something respecting that point called the Centre of Gravity, and the Balance, and upon the latter we have a few remarks to make first, for a well-adjusted balance is a most useful thing, and we will show you how to make one, and then proceed to our illustrations of the Centre of Gravity, and explain it.

Fig. 19.—Torsion balance, which can easily be constructed, capable of weighing a milligram one-tenth of full size.

All those who cultivate experimental science are aware that it is useful to unite with theoretical ideas that manual dexterity which is acquired by the student accustoming himself to practical operations. One cannot too strongly urge both chemists and physicists to exercise themselves in the construction of the appliances they require, and also to modify those already existing, which may be adapted to their wants. In a large number of cases it is possible to manufacture, at small expense, delicate instruments, capable of rendering the same service as the most elaborate apparatus. Important scientific labours have often been undertaken by men whose laboratories were most simple, who, by means of skill and perseverance, knew how to do great things with small resources. A delicate balance, for instance, indispensable alike to chemist and physicist, can be manufactured at little cost in different ways. A thin platinum wire and a piece of wood is all that is needed to make a balance capable of weighing a milligram; and to make a very sensitive hydrostatic balance, little is required besides a glass balloon. Fig. 19 represents a small torsion balance of extreme simplicity. A thin platinum wire is stretched horizontally through two staples, from the wooden supports, A B, which are fixed in a deal board. A very thin, delicate lever, C D, cut in wood, or made with a wisp of straw, is fixed in the centre of the platinum wire by means of a small clip, which secures it firmly. This lever is placed in such a manner that it is raised perceptibly out of the horizontal line. At D is fixed a paper scale, on which is put the weight of a centigram. The lever is lowered to a certain point, slightly twisting the platinum wire. Near the end of the lever a piece of wood, F, is fixed, on which is marked the extreme point of its movements. Ten equi-distant divisions are marked between these two points, which represent the distance traversed by the lever under the weight of the milligram. If a smaller weight than a centigram is placed on the paper scale the lever falls, and balances itself after a few oscillations. If it falls four divisions, it is evident that the substance weighs four milligrams. Taking a rather thicker platinum wire, to which a shorter lever must be adapted, one can weigh the decigram, and so on. It would be an easy matter, also, to make, on the same model, balances for weighing considerable weights. The platinum wire should be replaced by iron wires of larger diameter, firmly stretched, and the lever should be made of a piece of very resisting wood. One can also, by adaptation, find the exact value of the most trifling weights. By lengthening a very fine platinum wire several yards, and adapting a long, slender lever, it will not be impossible to ascertain the tenth of a milligram. In this latter case the balance can be set when it is wanted.

Fig. 20.—Nicholson’s Areometer, contrived to serve as a balance.

Fig. 20 represents Nicholson’s Areometer, which any one may construct for himself, and which, as it is here represented, constitutes another kind of balance. A glass balloon, filled with air, is hermetically closed with a cork, through which is passed a cylinder of wood, surmounted by a wooden disc, D. The apparatus is terminated at its lower end by a small tray, C, on which one can put pieces of lead in variable quantities. It is then plunged into a glass filled with water. The pieces of lead on the tray, C, are added by degrees, until the stem of the areometer rises almost entirely above the level of the water; it is next passed through a ring, which keeps it in position, and which is fastened to the upper part of the glass by means of four iron wires in the shape of a cross. The stem is divided in such a way that the space comprised in each division represents the volume of a cubic centimetre. Thus arranged, the apparatus constitutes a balance. The object to be weighed is placed on the disc, D, and the areometer sinks in the water, oscillates, and then remains in equilibrium. If the stem sinks five divisions, it is evident that the weight of the object corresponds to that of five cubic centimetres of displaced water, or five grams.

It is obvious, therefore, from the preceding examples, that it is not impossible to construct a weighing apparatus with ordinary and very inexpensive objects. We can, in the same way, show that it is possible to perform instructive experiments with no appliances at all, or, at any rate, with common things, such as everyone has at hand. The lamented Balard, whose loss science has had recently to deplore, excelled in chemical experiments without a laboratory; fragments of broken glass or earthenware were used by him for improvising retorts, bottles and vases for forming precipitates, and carrying on many important operations.

Scheele also operated in like manner; he knew how to make great discoveries with the humblest appliances and most slender resources. One cannot too earnestly endeavour to imitate such leaders, both in teaching others and instructing oneself.

The laws relating to the weight of bodies, the centre of gravity, and stable or unstable equilibrium, may be easily taught and demonstrated by means of a number of very familiar objects. By putting into the hands of a child a box of soldiers cut in elder-wood, the end of each fixed into half a bullet, we provide him with the means of making some easy experiments on the centre of gravity. According to some authorities on equilibrium, it is not impossible, with a little patience and delicacy of manipulation, to keep an egg balanced on one of its ends. This experiment should be performed on a perfectly horizontal surface, a marble chimney-piece, for example. If one can succeed in keeping the egg up, it is, according to the most elementary principles of physics, because the vertical line of the centre of gravity passes through the point of contact between the end of the egg and the surface on which it rests.

Fig. 21.—Experiment on “centre of gravity.”

Fig. 21 reproduces a curious experiment in equilibrium, which is performed with great facility. Two forks are stuck into a cork, and the cork is placed on the brim of the neck of a bottle. The forks and the cork form a whole, of which the centre of gravity is fixed over the point of support. We can bend the bottle, empty it even, if it contains fluid, without the little construction over its mouth being in the least disturbed from its balance. The vertical line of the centre of gravity passes through the point of support, and the forks oscillate with the cork, which serves as their support, thus forming a movable structure, but much more stable than one is inclined to suppose. This curious experiment is often performed by conjurors, who inform their audience, that they will undertake to empty the bottle without disturbing the cork. If a woodcock has been served for dinner, or any other bird with a long beak, take off the head at the extreme end of the neck; then split a cork so that you can insert into it the neck of the bird, which must be tightly clipped to keep it in place; two forks are then fixed into the cork, exactly as in the preceding example, and into the bottom of the cork a pin is inserted. This little contrivance is next placed on a piece of money, which has been put on the opening of the neck of the bottle, and when it is fairly balanced, we give it a rotatory movement, by pushing one of the forks as rapidly as we please, but as much as possible without any jerk (fig. 22). We then see the two forks, and the cork surmounted by the woodcock’s head, turning on the slender pivot of a pin. Nothing can be more comical than to witness the long beak of the bird turning round and round, successively facing all the company assembled round the table, sometimes with a little oscillation, which gives it an almost lifelike appearance. This rotatory movement will last some time, and wagers are often laid as to which of the company the beak will point at when it stops. In laboratories, wooden cylinders are often to be seen which will ascend an inclined plane without any impulsion. This appears very surprising at first, but astonishment ceases when we perceive that the centre of gravity is close to the end of the cylinder, because of a piece of lead, which has been fixed in it.

Fig. 22.—Another experiment on the same subject.
Fig. 23.—Automatic puppets.

Fig. 23 gives a very exact representation of a plaything which was sold extensively on the Boulevards at Paris at the beginning of the New Year. This little contrivance, which has been known for some time, is one of the most charming applications of the principles relating to the centre of gravity. With a little skill, any one may construct it for himself. It consists of two little puppets, which turn round axles adapted to two parallel tubes containing mercury. When we place the little contrivance in the position of fig. 24, the mercury being at a, the two dolls remain motionless, but if we lower the doll S, so that it stands on the second step (No. 2) of the flight, as indicated in fig. 25, the mercury descends to b at the other end of the tube; the centre of gravity is suddenly displaced; the doll R then accomplishes a rotatory movement, as shown by the arrow in fig. 25, and finally alights on step No. 3. The same movement is also effected by the doll S, and so on, as many times as there are steps. The dolls may be replaced by a hollow cylinder of cartridge paper closed at both ends, and containing a marble; the cylinder, when placed vertically on an inclined plane, descends in the same way as the puppets. The laws of equilibrium and displacement of the centre of gravity, are rigorously observed by jugglers, who achieve many wonderful feats, generally facilitated by the rotatory motion given to the bodies on which they operate, which brings into play the centrifugal force. The juggler who balances on his forehead a slender rod, on the end of which a plate turns round, would never succeed in the experiment if the plate did not turn on its axis with great rapidity. But by quick rotation the centre of gravity is kept near the point of support. We need hardly remark, too, that it is the motion of a top that tends to keep it in a vertical position.

Fig. 24.—First position of the puppets.
Fig. 25.—Second position of the puppets.

Many experiments in mechanical physics may occur to one’s mind. To conclude the enumeration of those we have collected on the subject, I will describe the method of lifting a glass bottle full of water by means of a simple wisp of straw. The straw is bent before being passed into the bottle of water, so that, when it is lifted, the centre of gravity is displaced, and brought directly under the point of suspension. Fig. 26 shows the method of operation very plainly. It is well to have at hand several pieces of straw perfectly intact, and free from cracks, in case the experiment does not succeed with the first attempt.

Having now seen how this point we call the centre of gravity acts, we may briefly explain it.

Fig. 26.—Lifting a bottle with a single straw.

The centre of gravity of a body is that point in which the sum of the forces of gravity, acting upon all the particles, may be said to be united. We know the attraction of the earth causes bodies to have a property we call Weight. This property of weight presses upon every particle of the body, and acts upon them as parallel forces. For if a stone be broken all the portions will equal the weight of the stone; and if some of them be suspended, it will be seen that they hang parallel to each other, so we may call these weights parallel forces united in the whole stone, and equal to a single resultant. Now, to find the centre of gravity, we must suspend the body, and it will hang in a certain direction. Draw a line from the point of suspension, and suspend the body again: a line drawn from that point of suspension will pass through the same place as the former line did, and so on. That point is the centre of gravity of that suspended body. If the form of it be regular, like a ball or cylinder, the centre of gravity is the same as the mathematically central point. In such forms as pyramids it will be found near the largest mass; viz., at the bases, about one-fourth of the distance between the apex and the centre of gravity of the base.

When the centre of gravity of any body is supported, that body cannot fall. So the well-known leaning towers are perfectly safe, because their lines of direction fall within the bases. The centre of gravity is in the centre of the leaning figure. The line of direction drawn vertically from that point falls within the base; but if the tower were built up higher, so that the centre of gravity were higher, then the structure would fall, because the line of direction would fall without the base.

We see that animals (and men) are continually altering the position of the centre of gravity; for if a man bears a load he will lean forward, and if he takes up a can of water in one hand he will extend the other to preserve his balance or equilibrium.

Fig. 27.—Balancing a weight on a nail and key.

The experiment shown in the accompanying illustration is apparently very difficult, but it will be found easy enough in practice if the hand be steady. Take a key, and by means of a crooked nail, or “holdfast,” attach it to a bar of wood by a string tied tightly round the bar, as in the picture. To the other extremity of the bar attach a weight, and then drive a large-headed nail into the table. It will be found that the key will balance, and even move upon the head of the nail, without falling. The weight is under the table, and the centre of gravity is exactly beneath the point of suspension.

Another simple experiment may prove amusing. Into a piece of wood insert the points of two knives, and at the centre of the end of the bar insert a needle between the knife handles. The wood and the knives may then be balanced on another needle fixed in a cork at A.

Fig. 28.—Another experiment.

We may conclude this chapter by summing up in a few words what the Centre of Gravity is. We can define it as “that point in a body upon which the body, acted on solely by the force of gravity, will balance itself in all positions.” Such a point exists in every body, and equally in a number of bodies fastened tightly together. The Centre of Gravity has by some writers been denominated the Centre of Parallel Forces, or the Centre of Magnitude, but the Centre of Gravity is the most usual and best understood term.

Cart on sloping ground


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