This text follows the original printed work; inconsistent and unusual spelling have been retained, except as mentioned below. The riddle number provides a link to the answer; the answer number links back to the riddle. Depending on the hard- and software used to read this text, not all elements may display as intended. Changes made: page iii: page number 5 changed to v page 10: for writing os changed to for writing es; testament a drain changed to testament drain; XIOU88 changed to X10U88 (nr. 5); page 12: ro yreg changed to ro yrag page 18: earth agrain changed to earth a grain page 32: Athough a part changed to Although a part page 72: punctuation corrected to conform with the solution page 73: whole is a proverb changed to My whole is a proverb page 83: Bead a tool changed to Behead a tool page 110: on the ample book changed to in the ample book; They can not find changed to They cannot find |