1. Ire—fire. 2. C. I. D. 3. Scrap, cap, rap, ape, pear, ear,—scrape. 4. Fowl, owl. 5. Prussia, Russia. 6. Tear, tea, head—thread. 7. Goat, oat, goa. 8. Take N from None, and leave One. 9. Wheel, heel, eel. 10. A, an, Ann, Anna, annal, annals. 11. Murmur. 12. Pay up. 13. Alice, malice. 14. Snail, nail, ail. 15. Palm, lamp. 16. Beet, bee, bet. 17. Pap, Papa. 18.
19. Pain. 20. Rome (more, or, me, mer, O ore). 21. CIVIL. 22. Flower-pot. 23. Jay, J, ay, y (Why!) 24. Glance. 25. Troy, tory, tyro. 26. Garden, danger. 27. Dennis. 28. Spark, park, ark. 29. Done, one, Don. 30. Prelate. 31. Arm, harm, charm. 32. Boat, oat, boa. 33. Tear, ear, tea. 34. Tame, team, meat, mate. 35. This, his, is. 36. Ned, end, den. 37. Levi, veil, live, evil. 38. Heart, ear, hear, eat, tear, earth. 39. Clear, Lear, ear, Ar, lea. 40. Unreal, real. 41. At, eat, heat, wheat. 42. Chair, hair, air. 43. Rite, right, write, wright. 44. Thorn, horn, Thor, north. 45. Murder (red rum). 46. Ark, lark. 47. Rat, tar, art. 48. Stare, tare, are, ear. 49. Tars, rats, arts, star. 50. Devil, evil, vile, il, lie. 51. Place, lace, ace (three fifths of brace). 52. Rite, write, right, wright. 53. Ladder, lad, adder. 54. Anna. 55. J.U.L.I.A. 56. Claw, law. 57. Cod (Od, Co, O, C, D). 58. Fire-side. 59. Star, rats. 60. Your. |