1. When his capital is doubling (Dublin). 2. Effigy (F. E. G.). 3. It is a bad habit. 4. Draw a line across “XII,” and leave “VII.” 5. Because he should always keep good time (thyme). 6. Wet. 7. It is inactivity (in activity). 8. In the dark. 9. Because it is aversion (a version). 10. Silence. 11. Magpies. 12. He is likely to reign. 13. A Dutch S (duchess). 14. XL. 15. MT. 16. LOOT (Elder-blow-tea). 17. P. D. 18. S X. 19. Because his gait is broken and his locks are few. 20. Throw him out of a three-story window, and he will come down plump. 21. An acre. 22. When they chatter. 23. A Dutch Y (a duchy). 24. Juniper. 25. Sound. 26. When it is attached to a painter. 27. Aye. 28. When it’s without a veil (avail). 29. When they are inbred (in bread). 30. Curasoa (cure a sore). 31. Do-nations. 32. Because there’s a bell fast (Belfast) in it. 33. Rome answers (romancers). 34. It makes light blight. 35. Ann, sir (answer). 36. Belle Igerent. 37. Miss Chief. 38. How can you take a man’s word, if he always keeps it? 39. When he’s a shaving. 40. Better-halves. 41. A nail in a horse-shoe. 42. They are notable (not able). 43. On his feet. JOHN H. TINGLEY, 1521/2 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Game of Familiar Quotations, New Game of Authors, Game of Great Events, Game of Red, White and Blue, Game of Battles North and South, Sole Agent for Judge Whitty’s Pantological Game of Juvenile edition 75 cents. Any of the above Games sent free, by mail, |