fancy T

The Enigma is of such ancient and R E speckedable origin, that eye shall ask no 1 2 XQQ me 4 offering this book 2 the public. Enigmatical ?? R frequent inn the Scriptures, and inn olden times of10 contained a grate deal of FvOaRlMuAaTbIlOeN.

top of fancy T
middle of fancy T
bottom of fancy T

The Enigma is of such ancient and R E speckedable origin, that eye shall ask no 1 2 XQQ me 4 offering this book 2 the public. Enigmatical ?? R frequent inn the Scriptures, and inn olden times of10 contained a grate deal of FvOaRlMuAaTbIlOeN.

I inn10’d, my deer young friends, 2 combine instruction with MUUment: and do knot fear butt what my X speckedations will B suffishently realeyesd. Right well eye know, little boyS and girls , U cannot fail 2 B dlighted when eye am making such Fforts in ewer B 1/2; so, heartily shaking U awl by the hand

eye remane
ewers truly,



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