Transcriber's Notes


1. Copyright notice was provided as in the original printed text—this e-text is public domain in the country of publication.

2. Obvious typographical errors were silently corrected; non-standard spellings and dialect were retained.

3. On page 23, an “i” was changed to an “I” where the meaning was first person singular, nominative case.

4. Typo on page 23: “Habden” was changed to “Hebden”.

5. A section header was added for any section listed in the Table of Contents which didn’t show in the text (other than as a page header).

6. In the first pararaph on page 98 there is an arithmetical error which has been left uncorrected.

7. On p. 126, the first paragraph of quotation, “non-professional educational” was changed to “non-professional education” to be parallel to previous sentence.

8. On p. 173, both of the spellings, “preses” and “prÆses”, were used. Neither is considered wrong. (It means President of a college.)


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