Transcriber's Notes:


Obvious punctuation errors corrected. Inconsistent hyphenation is primarily due to the large number of sources of the material, and has been retained as printed. Inconsistent use of double consonants (e.g. downfal, premisses) is common for the period and has been retained. There are numerous places in the printed book where letters or punctuation failed to print, and where the space reserved for them clearly indicates a printing error. These omissions have been restored.

A page number was corrected in the Table of Contents on page ix. (The Peruvian Quipus, 418)

“S” changed to “8” on page 99. (was abolished in 1858)

The words “Queen” on pages 107-108 are very stylized and could not be accurately represented, the tails of the “Q” extending beneath the u and first e.

“reponses” changed to “responses” on page 144. (the crowd making the responses)

There is a quote on page 165 which is unclosed. As it is uncertain where the quote actually finishes, it was left unclosed.

“Adminstrations” changed to “Administrations” on page 169. (a calendar of the Wills Administrations)

A printing failure on page 187 prevents an absolutely certain rendering of a fraction. It has been rendered as ½, but could possibly be ?. (9½ millions of tons)

“ecomies” changed to “economies” on page 200. (our national economies)

“vi” changed to “via” on page 203. (from the north, via Reading)

“endeavonrs” changed to “endeavours” on page 208. (he endeavours to remove them)

Arithmetic error on page 211 left as printed. (7912·40/5·49 = 1/1441). Similar error on page 212 also left.

“1S52” changed to “1852” on page 263. (New Year’s Day, 1852)

“107” changed to “197” in the index entry for Flint, use of, in Pottery, on page 290.

“107” changed to “197” in the index entry for Mechanical Effects, on page 292.

“59” changed to “53” in the index entry for Peel, Sir Robert and the Catholic Emancipation, on page 293.

“239” changed to “139” in the index entry for Pillory, the, in England, on page 293.

“79” changed to “73” in the index entry for Shyness, how it spoils Enjoyment, on page 293.


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