href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@49524@49524-h@49524-h-8.htm.html#Cupar_and_Jedburgh_Justice" class="pginternal">138.
  • Jury, Trial by, 111.
  • King’s-Book, the, 116.
  • King and Queen, 89.
  • Knighthood, Expense of, 97.
  • Law, Statute and Common, 104.
  • Legal Hints, 129.
  • Legitimacy and Government, 5.
  • Lenses, Burning, 182.
  • Leonard’s, St., Lord, his Handy-Book, 129.
  • Leopold, King of the Belgians, 54.
  • Libel, the Law of, 113.
  • Libel, Propagation of, 115.
  • Liberty of Conscience, 281.
  • Life, Periods and Conditions of, 233.
  • Life, Uncertainty of, 262.
  • Life, What do we know of it, 70.
  • Light, Velocity of, how measured, 216.
  • Lightning, Death by, 226.
  • Lightning, Force of, 226.
  • Lime, Phosphate of, what is it? 194.
  • London, Ancient and Modern, 81.
  • London, the See of, 96.
  • Loot, derivation of, 229.
  • Lottery, the First, 160.
  • Louis Philippe, Fall of, 40.
  • Lucifer Match, Safety, 195.
  • Luxury, what is it? 70.
  • Machiavelism, 9.
  • Majesty, title of, 90.
  • Marriage Fines, 119.
  • Marriage Law of England, 118.
  • Marriage, Solemnization of, 123.
  • Marriages, Irregular, 120.
  • Martyrs, Religious, Last, in England, 281.
  • May Fair Marriages, 120.
  • Mechanical Arts, the, 178.
  • Mechanical Effects, Imposing, 197.
  • Medicine, brief History of, 248.
  • Medicine, what has Science done for it? 249.
  • Melbourne, Lord, Statesmanship of, 44.
  • Metals, Precious, What becomes of, 158.
  • Meteorological Observations, Value of, 218.
  • Methylated Spirit, 193.
  • Militia, what it can do, 48.
  • Mind and Organization, Relations of, 253.
  • Mineralogy, Uses of, 185.
  • Mining, Vicissitudes of, 183-185.
  • Ministries, Whig and Tory, 2.
  • Money, Interest of, 162, 163.
  • Money Panic of 1832, 36.
  • Moonlight and Blindness, 227.
  • Moonlight, Effect of, on Vegetation, 177.
  • Thistle, the Scotch, 88.
  • Ticket-of-Leave Men, 137.
  • Tory Ministry, 2.
  • Town and Country Air, 243.
  • Treasure-Trove, Usage of, 126-129.
  • Trial, what is it? 111.
  • Trial by Jury, 111.
  • Tribute-money, 159.
  • Trinity High-Water Mark, 150.
  • Underneath the Skin, 253.
  • Union, the Irish, 19.
  • Union-Jack, the, 101.
  • Utter-Barristers, 109.
  • Ventilation, Artificial, 241.
  • Victoria, 92.
  • Vienna Congress, Lord Castlereagh at, 33.
  • Vitiating a Sale, 130.
  • Votes, memorable, 78.
  • Wages heightened by Machinery, 167.
  • Wales, Prince of, his Plume and Motto, 91.
  • Wars by trivial Causes, 77.
  • Washington, Ancestors of, 16.
  • Water, Running Force of, 180.
  • Waterloo, Battle of, 31, 32.
  • Waterloo, Prince of, 96.
  • Watt and Telford compared, 177.
  • “We,” the Royal, 90.
  • Weather Signs, various, 220-222.
  • Weights and Measures, Uniformity of, 149.
  • Wellington’s Defence of the Waterloo Campaign, 32.
  • Wellington’s Military Administration, 38.
  • Wellington predicts the Peninsular Campaign, 30.
  • Whig and Tory Ministries, 2.
  • Whiteboys, 49.
  • Wild Oats, 73.
  • Will, Duty of Making, 133.
  • Will, Don’t make your own, 134.
  • Wills, making of, 170.
  • Wills, a Year’s, 169.
  • Wood, how long will it last? 194.
  • Wood, what is it? 194.
  • Wounds, Compensation for, 260.
  • Wounds, New Remedy for, 260.
  • Yellow Fever, Cure for, 240.
  • THE END.

    Savill and Edwards, Printers, 4, Chandos-street, Covent-garden.


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    The Historical Finger-Post: A Handy Book of Terms, Phrases, Epithets, Cognomens, Allusions, &c., in connection with Universal History. By Edward Shelton, Assistant Editor of ‘The Dictionary of Daily Wants,’ &c. &c.

    pointing fingerThis book will be found to contain nearly three thousand explanatory articles, some idea of the varied nature of which may be gathered from the following list of its sections:—

    Section 1. Wars, Battles, Naval and Military Expeditions, &c. 2. Conspiracies, Plots, Revolts, Tumults, Riots, Insurrections, &c. 3. Factions, Political Parties, Secret Societies, Cliques, Coteries, &c. 4. Dynasties, Royal Houses, Noble and Illustrious Families, &c. 5. Empires, Territories, Divisions, Forms of Government, &c. 6. Dignities, Titles, Officers of State and Honour, &c. 7. Treaties, Conventions, Leagues, Convocations, Councils, Deliberative Assemblies, &c. 8. Religious Sects and Denominations, Ecclesiastical Orders, Divisions, &c. 9. Philosophies, Systems, Doctrines, &c. 10. Laws, Enactments, Codes, Constitutions, &c. 11. Places, Provinces, Districts, Territories, &c. 12. Races, Peoples, Classes, Tribes, &c. 13. Military Organisations. 14. Superstitions, Fables, Traditions, &c. 15. Romance, Legend, Imaginary and Mysterious Personages. 16. Personal Epithets, Surnames, Distinguishing Titles, &c. 17. National Epithets; Political, Classical, and Social Allusions. 18. Memorable Sayings, Mottoes, Party Cries, National Songs, Hymns, &c. 19. Books of Faith, Records, Remarkable Publications, &c. 20. Literature, Art, Science, Discoveries, Inventions, &c. 21. Insignia, Emblems, Orders of Knighthood, &c. 22. National Institutions, Customs, &c. 23. Objects of Curiosity, Interest, and Wonder. 24. Epochs, Anniversaries, Sports, &c. 25. Prisons, Punishments, Penalties, Taxes, &c. 26. Parliamentary Terms, Legal and Commercial Phrases, Sec. (The whole rendered available for instant reference by the addition of a copious Index.)

    Opinions of the Press.

    ‘A handy little volume, which will supply the place of “Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates” to many persons who cannot afford that work. Moreover, it contains some things that Haydn’s book does not.’—Bookseller.

    ‘It is to the historical student and antiquarian what “Enquire Within” is to the practical housewife—not dispensing with stores of hard-acquired and well-digested knowledge, but giving that little aid which, in moments of hurry and business, is the true economiser of time.’—Volunteer Service Gazette.

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    ‘Really a very useful work; and, at the present day, when everybody is expected to be up in everything, as good a handy-book for cramming on the current subjects of conversation as any that we know. About 3000 subjects have all their place in this extraordinary collection, and although tersely given, the account of each is sufficient for ordinary purposes.’—Era.

    ‘A very desirable companion, as containing a variety of information, much of which could only be got by diligent inquiry and research.... Deserves a place as a book of reference on the shelves of the study or library.’—Naval and Military Gazette.

    ‘This is a most useful book, but its title does not do it justice. A finger-post only points to what you want to arrive at, but in these pages are contained the very objects themselves. It is a very excellent collection, and we strongly recommend it to our readers as a cheap mine of useful information.’—Journal of Horticulture.

    ‘The scope of the work is comprehensive; its compilation must have required immense care; and to persons who in miscellaneous reading stumble on references to historical events, the details of which they would be glad to understand, it will prove a book always ready for use, and so arranged as to be turned to account without the slightest difficulty.’—Sunday Times.

    ‘Mr. Shelton deserves well of those who really wish to understand what they read.’—Spectator.

    ‘Mr. Shelton’s idea is good, and exceedingly well carried out.... The “Historical Finger-Post” must be seen to be appreciated.’—Art Journal.

    ‘This most useful and admirably arranged handy-book will in most cases greatly lighten the labour of investigation, and obviate a long and tedious search through voluminous publications.’—Weekly Times.



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