| Combe, William, author of Dr. Syntax, 472 | "Dog Jennings," 107 | — — in the King's Bench Prison, 473 | Doncaster eccentrics, 296 | — — on lithography, 473 | Doran, Dr., his account of William Combe, 474 | Conspirator, single, 561 | Dowton in tragedy, 390 | Convivial eccentricities, 525 | — oddities of, 389 | Conyngham family, rise of the, 105 | Dr. Syntax, the author of, 472 | Cooke, Thomas, the Pentonville miser, 82 | | — — the Turkey merchant,87 | Dress, Brummel's, 24, 30 | | | | | | | DUA | GRI | Duality of the mind, by Dr. Wigan, 232 | Fonthill, three houses, 6 | Dunbar, Captain, his letters, 556 | — village, 9 | Dunlop's remarks on Mrs. Radcliffe's writings, 476 | Footpad, the grateful,546 | Dust-sifting and dust-heaps, profits of, 92 | Fordyce, Dr., the gourmand, 288 | "Dutch Mail," the, 554 | —— and his patient, 289 | Dwarfs, organisation of, 268 | Fuller, honest Jack, 165 | | Funeral of Cooke, the Turkey merchant, 88 | ECCENTRICS delight in extremes, 94 | — of Jemmy Hirst, 298 | Elegy on a geologist, 328 | Fuseli and Blake, 349 | Elliot, the Gretna priest, 66 | | Elliston at Richmond, 415 | GARDNER, the worm doctor, 161 | England, Dick, the gambler, 290 | Garrick, and Dance's portrait of him, 375 | Epicure, what he eats in his lifetime, 536 | — and Hardham of Fleet Street, 368 | Epitaphs, odd, 538 | — Mrs., death of, 374 | Etching, Gilray's rapid, 338 | —— her funeral, 376 | Executions, taste for witnessing, 314 | —— and Horace Walpole, 377 | | Garrick's acting described by Munden, 388 | FAIRLOP Fair and John Day, 280 | 216 | — Tower, Bath, 13 | — Zion in Utah, 218 | Laughter, sources of, 520 | Mormonism, the founder of, 210 | Legacy to Queen Victoria, 99 | Moser, Mary, the flower-painter, 78 | Lewis, Monk, account of, 417 | Mulberries, the Shakespearian Club, 408 | —— in the West Indies, 421 | Mummy of a Manchester lady, 239 | Liston in a counting-house, 394 | Munden's last performance, 387 | — and Stephen Kemble, 396 | Mytton, John, in adversity at Calais, 52 | — and Tate Wilkinson, 397 | — family of, 48, 49 | — in tragedy, 391 | — his extravagances, 50 | Liston's first appearance, 396 | Mytton's death and funeral, 53 | Literary madmen, 508 | | Llangollen, the Recluses of, 155 | NEELD, Joseph, and Philip Rundell,102 | London eccentric, the, 322 | Neild, J. C., his legacy to Queen Victoria, 99 | Lothario Coates, at the Haymarket Theatre, 42 | Nelson, Lord, at Fonthill, 8 | Lovat, Lord, and Miss Kate Vint, 559 | Newcastle, the romantic Duchess of, 516 | Love-passage, an eccentric one, 413 | Newland, Abraham, chief cashier of the Bank of England, 44 | | —— his epitaph, 46 | | —— song, 45 | MACKINNON, Colonel, his practical joking, 287 | —— his wealth, 47 | Mackintosh, Cool Sir James, 478 | Nimrod's life of John Mytton, 51 | — Sir James, his Recordership of Bombay, 480 | — sketch of Colonel Mellish,294 | Madmen, literary, 508 | Nokes, of Hornchurch, his eccentric funeral, 162 | Maginn, Dr., epitaph on, 538 | Nollekens, the sculptor, eccentricities of, 350 | | | | | | | NOL | PRE | Nollekens, his avarice, 350 | Parr, Dr., oddities of, 435 | — and the barber, 356 | —— the Prince of Wales, and Duke of Sussex, 442 | — and Lord Coleraine, PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON Decorative logo TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Obvious printer errors have been corrected. Otherwise, the author's original spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been left intact. |