- ANCIENT Zoological Gardens, 12
- Animals, Rare, of London Zoological Society, 16, 17, 18
- Annelids, boring, 348
- Annelids and Molluscs, Boring Habits of, 348
- Ant-Bear in captivity, 76
- Ant-Bear, the Great, 72
- Ant-Bear at Madrid, 72
- Ant-Bear described, 77
- Ant-Bear, Domestic, in Paraguay, 75
- Ant-Bear, Economy of, 76
- Ant-Bear and its Food, 74
- Ant-Bears, Fossil, 80, 81
- Ant-Bear, Muscular Force of, 79
- Ant-Bear, Wallace's Account of, 73
- Ant-Bear, Zoological Society's, 76, 82, 84
- Ant-Eater, Porcupine, 84
- Ant-Bear, Professor Owen on, 80
- Ant-Eaters, scarcity of, 80
- Ant-Eater, Tamandua, 82
- Ant-Eaters, Von Saek's Account of, 83
- Aristotle's History of Animals, 279, 280
- BARNACLE GEESE, finding of the, 334
- Barnacle Goose, Gerarde on, 332
- Barnacle Goose, Giraldus Cambrensis on, 332
- Barnacle Goose, Max MÜller on, 331
- Barnacle Goose, name of, 332
- Barnacle Goose, Sir E. Tennent on, 334
- Barnacle Goose, Sir Kenelm Digby on, 334
- Barnacle Goose, Sir R. Moray on, 331
- Barnacle Goose, Stories of the, 331-335
- Barnacles breeding upon old ships, 333
- Barnacle Geese in the Thames, 331
- Bat, altivolans, by Gilbert White, 100
- Bat, American, by Lesson, 91
- Bat, Aristotle on, 85
- Bat, Mr. Bell on, 86
- Bats, Curiosities of, 85
- Bat, described by Calmet, 87
- Bat, Flight and Wing of, 96
- Bats, in England, 100
- Bat, Heber, Stedman, and Waterton on, 91
- Bats in Jamaica, 100
- Bat, Kalong, of Java, 98
- Bat, Long-Eared, by Sowerby, 92, 93-96
- Bat, Nycteris, 97
- Bat, Rere-mouse and Flitter-mouse, 86
- Bat Skeleton, Sir C. Bell on, 87
- Bat in Scripture, 85
- Bat, Vampire, from Sumatra, 131
- Lion, Bengal, 133
- Lion described by Bennett, 123
- Lion described by Buffon, 123-125
- Lion described by Burchell, 125
- Lion, disappearance of, 130
- Lion and Hottentots, 132, 133-136
- Lion-hunting Feats, 128
- Lion, "King of the Forest," 126
- Lion, Longevity of, 137
- Lion, Maneless, 133-135
- Lion, Niebuhr on, 131
- Lion in the Nineveh Sculptures, 139, 140
- Lions, the Drudhoe, 144
- Lions, Popular Errors respecting, 123
- Lion, Prickle or Claw in the Tail, 137-139
- Lion, Roar of, 136
- Lions in the Tower of London, 140
- "Lion Tree" in the Mantatee Country, 127
- Lion Stories of the Shows, 142
- Lion-Talk, 123
- Lioness and her Young, 135
- MERMAID of 1822, 43-47
- Mermaid in Berbice, 39
- Mermaid in the Bosphorus, 47
- Mermaid and Dugong, 41
- Mermaids, Evidences of, 36
- Mermaid at Exmouth, 40
- Mermaid, Leyden's Ballad, 35
- Mermaid and Manatee, 42
- Mermaid at Milford Haven, 37
- Mermaid, Japanese, 44
- Mermaid, Scottish, 36, 38
- Mermaids and Sirens, 33
- Mermaid's Song, Haydn's, 34
- Mermaids, Stories of, 33
- Mermaid, Structure of, 43
- Mermaids in Suffolk, 48
- Mole, its Economy controverted, 62
- Mole, the Ettrick Shepherd on, 71
- Mole, Le Court on, 62, 65
- Mole and Fairy Rings, 64
- Mole and Farming, 70
- Mole, Feeling of, 64
- Mole at Home, 62
- Mole, its Hunting-ground, 67
- Moles, Loves of the, 68
- Mole, structure of the, 63
- Mole, St. Hilaire on, 69
- Mole, Shrew, of North America, 70
- Mole, Voracity of, 68
- Montezuma's Zoological Gardens, 13
- Musical Lizard, C. A. Macintosh, Printer, Great New-street, London.
Transcriber's Note: - Obvious punctuation and spelling errors repaired.
- Word combinations that appeared with and without hyphens were changed to the predominant hyphenated form.
- Original spelling and its variations were not standardized.
- Corrections in the spelling of names were made when those could be verified. Otherwise the variations were left as they were.
- Footnotes were moved to the ends of the chapters in which they they belonged and numbered in one continuous sequence. The pagination in index entries which referred to these footnotes was not changed to match their new locations and is therefore incorrect.
- Some index entries are not in alphabetical order. They were not corrected.
- Variant forms retained and errors corrected:
- Page 18: "Parrot-houses, the, sometimes...." changed to "Parrot-houses: they sometimes changed...."
- Page 170 and others: Kolobeng and Kolenbeng. Both spellings were retained.
- Page 191 and others: Tussa, tussack and tussock. All spellings were retained.
- Page 276: Finisterre changed to FinistÈre.
- Page 333: cennexion changed to connexion "... in connexion with the river Lee...."
- Page 352: Screw-pines, Crab climbing, 295; pagination changed to 298.
- The name of Shakespeare appears with varying spellings. All variants were kept.