Magnetism and Electricity. MAGNETIC HYPOTHESES.


As an instance of the obstacles which erroneous hypotheses throw in the way of scientific discovery, Professor Faraday adduces the unsuccessful attempts that had been made in England to educe Magnetism from Electricity until Oersted showed the simple way. Faraday relates, that when he came to the Royal Institution as an assistant in the laboratory, he saw Davy, Wollaston, and Young trying, by every way that suggested itself to them, to produce magnetic effects from an electric current; but having their minds diverted from the true course by their existing hypotheses, it did not occur to them to try the effect of holding a wire through which an electric current was passing over a suspended magnetic needle. Had they done so, as Oersted afterwards did, the immediate deflection of the needle would have proved the magnetic property of an electric current. Faraday has shown that the magnetism of a steel bar is caused by the accumulated action of all the particles of which it is composed: this he proves by first magnetising a small steel bar, and then breaking it successively into smaller and smaller pieces, each one of which possesses a separate pole; and the same operation may be continued until the particles become so small as not to be distinguishable without a microscope.

We quote the above from a late Number of the Philosophical Magazine, wherein also we find the following noble tribute to the genius and public and private worth of Faraday:

The public never can know and appreciate the national value of such a man as Faraday. He does not work to please the public, nor to win its guineas; and the said public, if asked its opinion as to the practical value of his researches, can see no possible practical issue there. The public does not know that we need prophets more than mechanics in science,—inspired men, who, by patient self-denial and the exercise of the high intellectual gifts of the Creator, bring us intelligence of His doings in Nature. To them their pursuits are good in themselves. Their chief reward is the delight of being admitted into communion with Nature, the pleasure of tracing out and proclaiming her laws, wholly forgetful whether those laws will ever augment our banker’s account or improve our knowledge of cookery. Such men, though not honoured by the title of “practical,” are they which make practical men possible. They bring us the tamed forces of Nature, and leave it to others to contrive the machinery to which they may be yoked. If we are rightly informed, it was Faradaic electricity which shot the glad tidings of the fall of Sebastopol from Balaklava to Varna. Had this man converted his talent to commercial purposes, as so many do, we should not like to set a limit to his professional income. The quality of his services cannot be expressed by pounds; but that brave body, which for forty years has been the instrument of that great soul, is a fit object for a nation’s care, as the achievements of the man are, or will one day be, the object of a nation’s pride and gratitude.


More than a thousand years before our era, a people living in the extremest eastern portions of Asia had magnetic carriages, on which the movable arm of the figure of a man continually pointed to the south, as a guide by which to find the way across the boundless grass-plains of Tartary; nay, even in the third century of our era, therefore at least 700 years before the use of the mariner’s compass in European seas, Chinese vessels navigated the Indian Ocean under the direction of Magnetic Needles pointing to the south.

Now the Western nations, the Greeks and the Romans, knew that magnetism could be communicated to iron, and that that metal would retain it for a length of time. The great discovery of the terrestrial directive force depended, therefore, alone on this—that no one in the West had happened to observe an elongated fragment of magnetic iron-stone, or a magnetic iron rod, floating by the aid of a piece of wood in water, or suspended in the air by a thread, in such a position as to admit of free motion.—Humboldt’s Cosmos, vol. i.


More than two centuries since, Athanasius Kircher published his strange book on Magnetism, in which he anticipated the supposed virtue of magnetic traction in the curative art, and advocated the magnetism of the sun and moon, of the divining-rod, and showed his firm belief in animal magnetism. “In speaking of the vegetable world,” says Mr. Hunt, “and the remarkable processes by which the leaf, the flower, and the fruit are produced, this sage brings forward the fact of the diamagnetic (repelled by the magnet) character of the plant which was in 1852 rediscovered; and he refers the motions of the sunflower, the closing of the convolvulus, and the directions of the spiral formed by the twining plants, to this particular influence.”45 Nor were Kircher’s anticipations random guesses, but the result of deductions from experiment and observation; and the universality of magnetism is now almost recognised by philosophers.


By observing the magnet in the highly-convenient and delicate manner introduced by Gauss and Weber, which consists in attaching a mirror to the magnet and determining the constant factor necessary to convert the differences of oscillation into differences of time, Professor Helmholtz has been able, with comparatively simple apparatus, to make accurate determinations up to the 1/10000th part of a second.


The Power of a Magnet is estimated by the weight its poles are able to carry. Each pole singly is able to support a smaller weight than when they both act together by means of a keeper, for which reason horse-shoe magnets are superior to bar magnets of similar dimensions and character. It has further been ascertained that small magnets have a much greater relative force than large ones.

When magnetism is excited in a piece of steel in the ordinary mode, by friction with a magnet, it would seem that its inductive power is able to overcome the coercive power of the steel only to a certain depth below the surface; hence we see why small pieces of steel, especially if not very hard, are able to carry greater relative weights than large magnets. Sir Isaac Newton wore in a ring a magnet weighing only 3 grains, which would lift 760 grains, i. e. 250 times its own weight.

Bar-magnets are seldom found capable of carrying more than their own weight; but horse-shoe magnets of similar steel will bear considerably more. Small ones of from half an ounce to 1 ounce in weight will carry from 30 to 40 times their own weight; while such as weigh from 1 to 2 lbs. will rarely carry more than from 10 to 15 times their weight. The writer found a 1 lb. horse-shoe magnet that he impregnated by means of the feeder able to bear 26½ times its own weight; and Fischer, having adopted the like mode of magnetising the steel, which he also carefully heated, has made magnets of from 1 to 3 lbs. weight that would carry 30 times, and others of from 4 to 6 lbs. weight that would carry 20 times, their own weight.—Professor Peschel.


In 1750, Mr. Canton, F.R.S., “one of the most successful experimenters in the golden age of electricity,”46 communicated to the Royal Society his “Method of making Artificial Magnets without the use of natural ones.” This he effected by using a poker and tongs to communicate magnetism to steel bars. He derived his first hint from observing them one evening, as he was sitting by the fire, to be nearly in the same direction with the earth as the dipping needle. He thence concluded that they must, from their position and the frequent blows they receive, have acquired some magnetic virtue, which on trial he found to be the case; and therefore he employed them to impregnate his bars, instead of having recourse to the natural loadstone. Upon the reading of the above paper, Canton exhibited to the Royal Society his experiments, for which the Copley Medal was awarded to him in 1751.

Canton had, as early as 1747, turned his attention, with complete success, to the production of powerful artificial magnets, principally in consequence of the expense of procuring those made by Dr. Gowan Knight, who kept his process secret. Canton for several years abstained from communicating his method even to his most intimate friends, lest it might be injurious to Dr. Knight, who procured considerable pecuniary advantages by touching needles for the mariner’s compass.

At length Dr. Knight’s method of making artificial magnets was communicated to the world by Mr. Wilson, in a paper published in the 69th volume of the Philosophical Transactions. He provided himself with a large quantity of clean iron-filings, which he put into a capacious tub about half full of clear water; he then agitated the tub to and fro for several hours, until the filings were reduced by attrition to an almost impalpable powder. This powder was then dried, and formed into paste by admixture with linseed-oil. The paste was then moulded into convenient shapes, which were exposed to a moderate heat until they had attained a sufficient degree of hardness.

After allowing them to remain for some time in this state, Dr. Knight gave them their magnetic virtue in any direction he pleased, by placing them between the extreme ends of his large magazine of artificial magnets for a second or more, as he saw occasion. By this method the virtue they acquired was such, that when any one of these pieces was held between two of his best ten-guinea bars, with its poles purposely inverted, it immediately of itself turned about to recover its natural direction, which the force of those very powerful bars was not sufficient to counteract.

Dr. Knight’s powerful battery of magnets above mentioned is in the possession of the Royal Society, having been presented by Dr. John Fothergill in 1776.


Professor Barlocci found that an armed natural loadstone, which would carry 1½ Roman pounds, had its power nearly doubled by twenty-four hours’ exposure to the strong light of the sun. M. Zantedeschi found that an artificial horse-shoe loadstone, which carried 13½ oz., carried 3½ more by three days’ exposure, and at last arrived to 31 oz. by continuing it in the sun’s light. He found that while the strength increased in oxidated magnets, it diminished in those which were not oxidated, the diminution becoming insensible when the loadstone was highly polished. He now concentrated the solar rays upon the loadstone by means of a lens; and he found that, both in oxidated and polished magnets, they acquire strength when their north pole is exposed to the sun’s rays, and lose strength when the south pole is exposed.—Sir David Brewster.


Solar rays bleach dead vegetable matter with rapidity, while in living parts of plants their action is frequently to strengthen the colour. Their power is perhaps best seen on the sides of peaches, apples, &c., which, exposed to a midsummer’s sun, become highly coloured. In the open winter of 1850, Mr. Adie, of Liverpool, found in a wallflower plant proof of a like effect: in the dark months there was a slow succession of one or two flowers, of uniform pale yellow hue; in March streaks of a darker colour appeared on the flowers, and continued to slowly increase till in April they were variegated brown and yellow, of rich strong colours. On the supposition that these changes are referable to magnetic properties, may hereafter be explained Mrs. Somerville’s experiments on steel needles exposed to the sun’s rays under envelopes of silk of various colours; the magnetisation of steel needles has failed in the coloured rays of the spectrum, but Mr. Adie considers that under dyed silk the effect will hinge on the chemical change wrought in the silk and its dye by the solar rays.


A popular notion has long been current, more especially on the shores of the Mediterranean, that if a magnetic rod be rubbed with an onion, or brought in contact with the emanations of the plant, the directive force will be diminished, while a compass thus treated will mislead the steersman. It is difficult to conceive what could have given rise to so singular a popular error.47Humboldt’s Cosmos, vol. v.


The Inclination or Dip of the Needle was first recorded by Robert Norman, in a scarce book published in 1576 entitled The New Attractive; containing a short Discourse of the Magnet or Loadstone, &c.

Columbus has not only the merit of being the first to discover a line without magnetic variation, but also of having first excited a taste for the study of terrestrial magnetism in Europe, by means of his observations on the progressive increase of western declination in receding from that line.

The first chart showing the variation of the compass,48 or the declination of the needle, based on the idea of employing curves drawn through points of equal declination, is due to Halley, who is justly entitled the father and founder of terrestrial magnetism. And it is curious to find that in No. 195 of the Philosophical Transactions, in 1683, Halley had previously expressed his belief that he has put it past doubt that the globe of the earth is one great magnet, having four magnetical poles or points of attraction, near each pole of the equator two; and that in those parts of the world which lie near adjacent to any one of those magnetical poles, the needle is chiefly governed thereby, the nearest pole being always predominant over the more remote.

“To Halley” (says Sir John Herschel) “we owe the first appreciation of the real complexity of the subject of magnetism. It is wonderful indeed, and a striking proof of the penetration and sagacity of this extraordinary man, that with his means of information he should have been able to draw such conclusions, and to take so large and comprehensive a view of the subject as he appears to have done.”

And, in our time, “the earth is a great magnet,” says Faraday: “its power, according to Gauss, being equal to that which would be conferred if every cubic yard of it contained six one-pound magnets; the sum of the force is therefore equal to 8,464,000,000,000,000,000,000 such magnets.”


Halley, upon his return from his voyage to verify his theory of the variation of the compass, in 1700, hazarded the conjecture that the Aurora Borealis is a magnetic phenomenon. And Faraday’s brilliant discovery of the evolution of light by magnetism has raised Halley’s hypothesis, enounced in 1714, to the rank of an experimental certainty.


In 1854, Sir John Ross stated to the British Association, in proof of the effect of every description of light on the magnet, that during his last voyage in the Felix, when frozen in about one hundred miles north of the magnetic pole, he concentrated the rays of the full moon on the magnetic needle, when he found it was five degrees attracted by it.


In 1820, the Copley Medal was adjudicated to M. Oersted of Copenhagen, “when,” says Dr. Whewell, “the philosopher announced that the conducting-wire of a voltaic circuit acts upon a magnetic needle; and thus recalled into activity that endeavour to connect magnetism with electricity which, though apparently on many accounts so hopeful, had hitherto been attended with no success. Oersted found that the needle has a tendency to place itself at right angles to the wire; a kind of action altogether different from any which had been suspected.”


were discovered by Sturgeon in 1825. Of two Magnets made by a process devised by M. Elias, and manufactured by M. Logemeur at Haerlem, one, a single horse-shoe magnet weighing about 1 lb., lifts 28½ lbs.; the other, a triple horse-shoe magnet of about 10 lbs. weight, is capable of lifting about 150 lbs. Similar magnets are made by the same person capable of supporting 5 cwt. In the process of making them, a helix of copper and a galvanic battery are used. The smaller magnet has twice the power expressed by Haecker’s formula for the best artificial steel magnet.

Subsequently Henry and Ten Eyk, in America, constructed some electro-magnets on a large scale. One horse-shoe magnet made by them, weighing 60 lbs., would support more than 2000 lbs.

In September 1858, there were constructed for the Atlantic-telegraph cable at Valentia two permanent magnets, from which the electric induction is obtained: each is composed of 30 horse-shoe magnets, 2½ feet long and from 4 to 5 inches broad; the induction coils attached to these each contain six miles of wire, and a shock from them, if passed through the human body, would be sufficient to destroy life.


The unexpected discovery of Rotation-Magnetism by Arago, in 1825, has shown practically that every kind of matter is susceptible of magnetism; and the recent investigations of Faraday on diamagnetic substances have, under special conditions of meridian or equatorial direction, and of solid, fluid, or gaseous inactive conditions of the bodies, confirmed this important result.


About a century since it became known, that when two clocks are in action upon the same shelf, they will disturb each other: that the pendulum of the one will stop that of the other; and that the pendulum that was stopped will after a while resume its vibrations, and in its turn stop that of the other clock. When two clocks are placed near one another in cases very slightly fixed, or when they stand on the boards of a floor, they will affect a little each other’s pendulum. Mr. Ellicote observed that two clocks resting against the same rail, which agreed to a second for several days, varied one minute thirty-six seconds in twenty-four hours when separated. The slower, having a longer pendulum, set the other in motion in 16-1/3 minutes, and stopped itself in 36-2/3 minutes.


By a series of comparisons with Pendulums placed at the surface and the interior of the Earth, the Astronomer-Royal has ascertained the variation of gravity in descending to the bottom of a deep mine, as the Harton coal-pit, near South Shields. By calculations from these experiments, he has found the mean density of the earth to be 6·566, the specific gravity of water being represented by unity. In other words, it has been ascertained by these experiments that if the earth’s mass possessed every where its average density, it would weigh, bulk for bulk, 6·566 times as much as water. It is curious to note the different values of the earth’s mean density which have been obtained by different methods. The Schehallien experiment indicated a mean density equal to about 4½; the Cavendish apparatus, repeated by Baily and Reich, about 5½; and Professor Airy’s pendulum experiment furnishes a value amounting to about 6½.

The immediate result of the computations of the Astronomer-Royal is: supposing a clock adjusted to go true time at the top of the mine, it would gain 2¼ seconds per day at the bottom. Or it may be stated thus: that gravity is greater at the bottom of a mine than at the top by 1/19190th part.—Letter to James Mather, Esq., South Shields. See also Professor Airy’s Lecture, 1854.


The earliest view of Terrestrial Magnetism supposed the existence of a magnet at the earth’s centre. As this does not accord with the observations on declination, inclination, and intensity, Tobias Meyer gave this fictitious magnet an eccentric position, placing it one-seventh part of the earth’s radius from the centre. Hansteen imagined that there were two such magnets, different in position and intensity. AmpÈre set aside these unsatisfactory hypotheses by the view, derived from his discovery, that the earth itself is an electro-magnet, magnetised by an electric current circulating about it from east to west perpendicularly to the plane of the magnetic meridian, to which the same currents give direction as well as magnetise the ores of iron: the currents being thermo-electric currents, excited by the action of the sun’s heat successively on the different parts of the earth’s surface as it revolves towards the east.

William Gilbert,49 who wrote an able work on magnetic and electric forces in the year 1600, regarded terrestrial magnetism and electricity as two emanations of a single fundamental source pervading all matter, and he therefore treated of both at once. According to Gilbert’s idea, the earth itself is a magnet; whilst he considered that the inflections of the lines of equal declination and inclination depend upon the distribution of mass, the configuration of continents, or the form and extent of the deep intervening oceanic basins.

Till within the last eighty years, it appears to have been the received opinion that the intensity of terrestrial magnetism was the same at all parts of the earth’s surface. In the instructions drawn up by the French Academy for the expedition under La PÉrouse, the first intimation is given of a contrary opinion. It is recommended that the time of vibration of a dipping-needle should be observed at stations widely remote, as a test of the equality or difference of the magnetic intensity; suggesting also that such observations should particularly be made at those parts of the earth where the dip was greatest and where it was least. The experiments, whatever their results may have been, which, in compliance with this recommendation, were made in the expedition of La PÉrouse, perished in its general catastrophe; but the instructions survived.

In 1811, Hansteen took up the subject, and in 1819 published his celebrated work, clearly demonstrating the fluctuations which this element has undergone during the last two centuries; confirming in great detail the position of Halley, that “the whole magnetic system is in motion, that the moving force is very great as extending its effects from pole to pole, and that its motion is not per saltum, but a gradual and regular motion.”


The knowledge of the geographical position of both Magnetic Poles is due to the scientific energy of the same navigator, Sir James Ross. His observations of the Northern Magnetic Pole were made during the second expedition of his uncle, Sir John Ross (1829–1833); and of the Southern during the Antarctic expedition under his own command (1839–1843). The Northern Magnetic Pole, in 70° 5' lat., 96° 43' W. long., is 5° of latitude farther from the ordinary pole of the earth than the Southern Magnetic Pole, 75° 35' lat., 154° 10' E. long.; whilst it is also situated farther west from Greenwich than the Northern Magnetic Pole. The latter belongs to the great island of Boothia Felix, which is situated very near the American continent, and is a portion of the district which Captain Parry had previously named North Somerset. It is not far distant from the western coast of Boothia Felix, near the promontory of Adelaide, which extends into King William’s Sound and Victoria Strait.

The Southern Magnetic Pole has been directly reached in the same manner as the Northern Pole. On 17th February 1841, the Erebus penetrated as far as 76° 12' S. lat., and 164° E. long. As the inclination was here only 88° 40', it was assumed that the Southern Magnetic Pole was about 160 nautical miles distant. Many accurate observations of declination, determining the intersection of the magnetic meridian, render it very probable that the South Magnetic Pole is situated in the interior of the great Antarctic region of South Victoria Land, west of the Prince Albert mountains, which approach the South Pole and are connected with the active volcano of Erebus, which is 12,400 feet in height.—Humboldt’s Cosmos, vol. v.


The mysterious course of the magnetic needle is equally affected by time and space, by the sun’s course, and by changes of place on the earth’s surface. Between the tropics the hour of the day may be known by the direction of the needle as well as by the oscillations of the barometer. It is affected instantly, but transiently, by the northern light.

When the uniform horary motion of the needle is disturbed by a magnetic storm, the perturbation manifests itself simultaneously, in the strictest sense of the word, over hundreds and thousands of miles of sea and land, or propagates itself by degrees in short intervals every where over the earth’s surface.

Among numerous examples of perturbations occurring simultaneously and extending over wide portions of the earth’s surface, one of the most remarkable is that of September 25th, 1841, which was observed at Toronto in Canada, at the Cape of Good Hope, at Prague, and partially in Van Diemen’s Land. Sabine adds, “The English Sunday, on which it is deemed sinful, after midnight on Saturday, to register an observation, and to follow out the great phenomena of creation in their perfect development, interrupted the observation in Van Diemen’s Land, where, in consequence of the difference of the longitude, the magnetic storm fell on Sunday.”

It is but justice to add, that to the direct instrumentality of the British Association we are indebted for this system of observation, which would not have been possible without some such machinery for concerted action. It being known that the magnetic needle is subject to oscillations, the nature, the periods, and the laws of which were unascertained, under the direction of a committee of the Association magnetic observatories were established in various places for investigating these strange disturbances. As might have been anticipated, regularly recurring perturbations were noted, depending on the hour of the day and the season of the year. Magnetic storms were observed to sweep simultaneously over the whole face of the earth, and these too have now been ascertained to follow certain periodic laws.

But the most startling result of the combined magnetic observations is the discovery of marked perturbations recurring at intervals of ten years; a period which seemed to have no analogy to any thing in the universe, but which M. Schwabe has found to correspond with the variation of the spots on the sun, both attaining their maximum and minimum developments at the same time. Here, for the present, the discovery stops; but that which is now an unexplained coincidence may hereafter supply the key to the nature and source of Terrestrial Magnetism: or, as Dr. Lloyd observes, this system of magnetic observation has gone beyond our globe, and opened a new range for inquiry, by showing us that this wondrous agent has power in other parts of the solar system.


By means of the galvanic agency a variety of surprising effects have been produced. Gunpowder, cotton, and other inflammable substances have been set on fire; charcoal has been made to burn with a brilliant white flame; water has been decomposed into its elementary parts; metals have been melted and set on fire; fragments of diamond, charcoal, and plumbago have been dispersed as if evaporated; platina, the hardest and the heaviest of the metals, has been melted as readily as wax in the flame of a candle; the sapphire, quartz, magnesia, lime, and the firmest compounds in nature, have been fused. Its effects on the animal system are no less surprising.

The agency of galvanism explains why porter has a different and more pleasant taste when drunk out of a pewter-pot than out of glass or earthenware; why works of metal which are soldered together soon tarnish in the place where the metals are joined; and why the copper sheathing of ships, when fastened with iron nails, is soon corroded about the place of contact. In all these cases a galvanic circle is formed which produces the effects.


It will be recollected that the Siamese twins, brought to England in the year 1829, were united by a jointed cartilaginous band. A silver tea spoon being placed on the tongue of one of the twins and a disc of zinc on the tongue of the other, the moment the two metals were brought into contact both the boys exclaimed, “Sour, sour;” thus proving that the galvanic influence passed from the one to the other through the connecting band.


Dr. Wollaston made a simple apparatus out of a silver thimble, with its top cut off. It was then partially flattened, and a small plate of zinc being introduced into it, the apparatus was immersed in a weak solution of sulphuric acid. With this minute battery, Dr. Wollaston was able to fuse a wire of platinum 1/3000th of an inch in diameter—a degree of tenuity to which no one had ever succeeded in drawing it.

Upon the same principle (that of introducing a plate of zinc between two plates of other metals) Mr. Children constructed his immense battery, the zinc plates of which measured six feet by two feet eight inches; each plate of zinc being placed between two of copper, and each triad of plates being enclosed in a separate cell. With this powerful apparatus a wire of platinum, 1/10th of an inch in diameter and upwards of five feet long, was raised to a red heat, visible even in the broad glare of daylight.

The great battery at the Royal Institution, with which Sir Humphry Davy discovered the composition of the fixed alkalies, was of immense power. It consisted of 200 separate parts, each composed of ten double plates, and each plate containing thirty-two square inches; the number of double plates being 2000, and the whole surface 128,000 square inches.

Mr. Highton, C.E., has made a battery which exposes a surface of only 1/100th part of an inch: it consists of but one cell; it is less than 1/10000th part of a cubic inch, and yet it produces electricity more than enough to overcome all the resistance in the inventor’s brother’s patent Gold-leaf Telegraph, and works the same powerfully. It is, in short, a battery which, although it will go through the eye of a needle, will yet work a telegraph well. Mr. Highton had previously constructed a battery in size less than 1/40th of a cubic inch: this battery, he found, would for a month together ring a telegraph-bell ten miles off.


The most splendid phenomenon of this kind is the combustion of charcoal points. Pointed pieces of the residuum obtained from gas retorts will answer best, or Bunsen’s composition may be used for this purpose. Put two such charcoal points in immediate contact with the wires of your battery; bring the points together, and they will begin to burn with a dazzling white light. The charcoal points of the large apparatus belonging to the Royal Institution became incandescent at a distance of 1/30th of an inch; when the distance was gradually increased till they were four inches asunder, they continued to burn with great intensity, and a permanent stream of light played between them. Professor Bunsen obtained a similar flame from a battery of four pairs of plates, its carbon surface containing 29 feet. The heat of this flame is so intense, that stout platinum wire, sapphire, quartz, talc, and lime are reduced by it to the liquid form. It is worthy of remark, that no combustion, properly so called, takes place in the charcoal itself, which sustains only an extremely minute loss in its weight and becomes rather denser at the points. The phenomenon is attended with a still more vivid brightness if the charcoal points are placed in a vacuum, or in any of those gases which are not supporters of combustion. Instead of two charcoal points, one only need be used if the following arrangement is adopted: lay the piece of charcoal on some quicksilver that is connected with one pole of the battery, and complete the circuit from the other pole by means of a strip of platinum. When Professor Peschel used a piece of well-burnt coke in the manner just described, he obtained a light which was almost intolerable to the eyes.


On January 31, 1793, Volta announced to the Royal Society his discovery of the development of electricity in metallic bodies. Galvani had given the name of Animal Electricity to the power which caused spontaneous convulsions in the limbs of frogs when the divided nerves were connected by a metallic wire. Volta, however, saw the true cause of the phenomena described by Galvani. Observing that the effects were far greater when the connecting medium consisted of two different kinds of metal, he inferred that the principle of excitation existed in the metals, and not in the nerves of the animal; and he assumed that the exciting fluid was ordinary electricity, produced by the contact of the two metals; the convulsions of the frog consequently arose from the electricity thus developed passing along its nerves and muscles.

In 1800 Volta invented what is now called the Voltaic Pile, or compound Galvanic circle.

The term Animal Electricity (says Dr. Whewell) has been superseded by others, of which Galvanism is the most familiar; but I think that Volta’s office in this discovery is of a much higher and more philosophical kind than that of Galvani; and it would on this account be more fitting to employ the term Voltaic Electricity, which, indeed, is very commonly used, especially by our most recent and comprehensive writers. The Voltaic pile was a more important step in the history of electricity than the Leyden jar had been—Hist. Ind. Sciences, vol. iii.

No one who wishes to judge impartially of the scientific history of these times and of its leaders, will consider Galvani and Volta as equals, or deny the vast superiority of the latter over all his opponents or fellow-workers, more especially over those of the Bologna school. We shall scarcely again find in one man gifts so rich and so calculated for research as were combined in Volta. He possessed that “incomprehensible talent,” as Dove has called it, for separating the essential from the immaterial in complicated phenomena; that boldness of invention which must precede experiment, controlled by the most strict and cautious mode of manipulation; that unremitting attention which allows no circumstance to pass unnoticed; lastly, with so much acuteness, so much simplicity, so much grandeur of conception, combined with such depth of thought, he had a hand which was the hand of a workman.—Jameson’s Journal, No. 106.


“We boast of our Voltaic Batteries,” says Mr. Smee. “I should hardly be believed if I were to say that I did not feel pride in having constructed my own, especially when I consider the extensive operations which it has conducted. But when I compare my battery with the battery which nature has given to the electrical eel and the torpedo, how insignificant are human operations compared with those of the Architect of living beings! The stupendous electric eel in the Polytechnic Institution, when he seeks to kill his prey, encloses him in a circle; then, by volition, causes the voltaic force to be produced, and the hapless creature is instantly killed. It would probably require ten thousand of my artificial batteries to effect the same object, as the creature is killed instanter on receiving the shock. As much, however, as my battery is inferior to that of the electric fish, so is man superior to the same animal. Man is endowed with a power of mind competent to appreciate the force of matter, and is thus enabled to make the battery. The eel can but use the specific apparatus which nature has bestowed upon it.”

Some observations upon the electric current around the gymnotus, and notes of experiments with this and other electric fish, will be found in Things not generally Known, p. 199.


Many years ago, Mr. R.W. Fox, from theory entertaining a belief that a connection existed between voltaic action in the interior of the earth and the arrangement of metalliferous veins, and also the progressive increase of temperature in the strata as we descend from the surface, endeavoured to verify the same from experiment in the mine of Huel Jewel, in Cornwall. His apparatus consisted of small plates of sheet-copper, which were fixed in contact with a plate in the veins with copper nails, or else wedged closely against them with wooden props stretched across the galleries. Between two of these plates, at different stations, a communication was made by means of a copper wire 1/20th of an inch in diameter, which included a galvanometer in its circuit. In some instances 300 fathoms of copper wire were employed. It was then found that the intensity of the voltaic current was generally greater in proportion to the greater abundance of copper ore in the veins, and in some degree to the depth of the stations. Hence Mr. Fox’s discovery promised to be of practical utility to the miner in discovering the relative quantity of ore in the veins, and the directions in which it most abounds.

The result of extended experiments, mostly made by Mr. Robert Hunt, has not, however, confirmed Mr. Fox’s views. It has been found that the voltaic currents detected in the lodes are due to the chemical decomposition going on there; and the more completely this process of decomposition is established, the more powerful are the voltaic currents. Meanwhile these have nothing whatever to do with the increase of temperature with depth. Recent observations, made in the deep mines of Cornwall under the direction of Mr. Fox, do not appear consistent with the law of thermic increase as formerly established, the shallow mines giving a higher ratio of increase than the deeper ones.


Two centuries and a half ago, Gilbert recognised that the property of attracting light substances when rubbed, be their nature what it may, is not peculiar to amber, which is a condensed earthy juice cast up by the waves of the sea, and in which flying insects, ants, and worms lie entombed as in eternal sepulchres. The force of attraction (Gilbert continues) belongs to a whole class of very different substances, as glass, sulphur, sealing-wax, and all resinous substances—rock crystal and all precious stones, alum and rock-salt. Gilbert measured the strength of the excited electricity by means of a small needle—not made of iron—which moved freely on a pivot, and perfectly similar to the apparatus used by HaÜy and Brewster in testing the electricity excited in minerals by heat and friction. “Friction,” says Gilbert further, “is productive of a stronger effect in dry than in humid air; and rubbing with silk cloths is most advantageous.”

Otto von Guerike, the inventor of the air-pump, was the first who observed any thing more than mere phenomena of attraction. In his experiments with a rubbed piece of sulphur he recognised the phenomena of repulsion, which subsequently led to the establishment of the laws of the sphere of action and of the distribution of electricity. He heard the first sound, and saw the first light, in artificially-produced electricity. In an experiment instituted by Newton in 1675, the first traces of an electric charge in a rubbed plate of glass were seen.


Professor Tyndall has shown that all variations of temperature, in metals at least, excite electricity. When the wires of a galvanometer are brought in contact with the two ends of a heated poker, the prompt deflection of the galvanometer-needle indicates that a current of electricity has been sent through the instrument. Even the two ends of a spoon, one of which has been dipped in hot water, serve to develop an electric current; and in cutting a hot beefsteak with a steel knife and a silver fork there is an excitement of electricity. The mere heat of the finger is sufficient to cause the deflection of the galvanometer; and when ice is applied to the part that has been previously warmed, the galvanometer-needle is deflected in the contrary direction. A small instrument invented by Melloni is so extremely sensitive of the action of heat, that electricity is excited when the hand is held six inches from it.


Professor Faraday has shown that the Electricity which decomposes, and that which is evolved in the decomposition of, a certain quantity of matter, are alike. What an enormous quantity of electricity, therefore, is required for the decomposition of a single grain of water! It must be in quantity sufficient to sustain a platinum wire 1/104th of an inch in thickness red-hot in contact with the air for three minutes and three-quarters. It would appear that 800,000 charges of a Leyden battery, charged by thirty turns of a very large and powerful plate-machine in full action, are necessary to supply electricity sufficient to decompose a single grain of water, or to equal the quantity of electricity which is naturally associated with the elements of that grain of water, endowing them with their mutual chemical affinity. Now the above quantity of electricity, if passed at once through the head of a rat or a cat, would kill it as by a flash of lightning. The quantity is, indeed, equal to that which is developed from a charged thunder-cloud.


Professor Andrews, by an ingenious arrangement, is enabled to show that water is decomposed by the common machine; and by using an electrical kite, he was able, in fine weather, to produce decomposition, although so slowly that only 1/700000th of a grain of water was decomposed per hour. Faraday has proved that the decomposition of one single grain of water produces more electricity than is contained in the most powerful flash of lightning.


Mr. Black, a practical writer upon Brewing, has found that by the practice of imbedding the fermentation-vats in the earth, and connecting them by means of metallic pipes, an electrical current passes through the beer and causes it to turn sour. As a preventive, he proposed to place the vats upon wooden blocks, or on any other non-conductors, so that they may be insulated. It has likewise been ascertained that several brewers who had brewed excellent ale on the south side of the street, on removing to the north have failed to produce good ale.


Professor Schonbein has prepared paper, as transparent as glass and impermeable to water, which develops a very energetic electric force. By placing some sheets on each other, and simply rubbing them once or twice with the hand, it becomes difficult to separate them. If this experiment is performed in the dark, a great number of distinct flashes may be perceived between the separated surfaces. The disc of the electrophorus, placed on a sheet that has been rubbed, produces sparks of some inches in length. A thin and very dry sheet of paper, placed against the wall, will adhere strongly to it for several hours if the hand be passed only once over it. If the same sheet be passed between the thumb and fore-finger in the dark, a luminous band will be visible. Hence with this paper may be made powerful and cheap electrical machines.


By means of Professor Wheatstone’s apparatus, the Duration of the Electric Spark has been ascertained not to exceed the twenty-five-thousandth part of a second. A cannon-ball, if illumined in its flight by a flash of lightning, would, in consequence of the momentary duration of the light, appear to be stationary, and even the wings of an insect, that move ten thousand times in a second, would seem at rest.


On comparing the velocities of solar, stellar, and terrestrial light, which are all equally refracted in the prism, with the velocity of the light of frictional electricity, we are disposed, in accordance with Wheatstone’s ingeniously-conducted experiments, to regard the lowest ratio in which the latter excels the former as 3:2. According to the lowest results of Wheatstone’s apparatus, electric light traverses 288,000 miles in a second. If we reckon 189,938 miles for stellar light, according to Struve, we obtain the difference of 95,776 miles as the greater velocity of electricity in one second.

From the experiment described in Wheatstone’s paper (Philosophical Transactions for 1834), it would appear that the human eye is capable of perceiving phenomena of light whose duration is limited to the millionth part of a second.

In Professor Airy’s experiments with the electric telegraph to determine the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Brussels, the time spent by the electric current in passing from one observatory to the other (270 miles) was found to be 0·109 or rather more than the ninth part of a second; and this determination rests on 2616 observations: a speed which would “girdle the globe” in ten seconds.


This vague presentiment of the ancients has been verified in our own times. “When electrum (amber),” says Pliny, “is animated by friction and heat, it will attract bark and dry leaves precisely as the loadstone attracts iron.” The same words may be found in the literature of an Asiatic nation, and occur in a eulogium on the loadstone by the Chinese physicist Knopho, in the fourth century: “The magnet attracts iron as amber does the smallest grain of mustard-seed. It is like a breath of wind, which mysteriously penetrates through both, and communicates itself with the rapidity of an arrow.”

Humboldt observed with astonishment on the woody banks of the Orinoco, in the sports of the natives, that the excitement of electricity by friction was known to these savage races. Children may be seen to rub the dry, flat, and shining seeds or husks of a trailing plant until they are able to attract threads of cotton and pieces of bamboo-cane. What a chasm divides the electric pastime of these naked copper-coloured Indians from the discovery of a metallic conductor discharging its electric shocks, or a pile formed of many chemically-decomposing substances, or a light-engendering magnetic apparatus! In such a chasm lie buried thousands of years, that compose the history of the intellectual development of mankind.—Humboldt’s Cosmos, vol. i.


Several years ago a speculative American set the industrial world of Europe in excitement by this proposition. The Magneto-Electric Machines often made use of in the case of rheumatic disorders are well known. By imparting a swift rotation to the magnet of such a machine, we obtain powerful currents of electricity. If these be conducted through water, the latter will be reduced to its two components, oxygen and hydrogen. By the combustion of hydrogen water is again generated. If this combustion takes place, not in atmospheric air, in which oxygen only constitutes a fifth part, but in pure oxygen, and if a bit of chalk be placed in the flame, the chalk will be raised to a white heat, and give us the sun-like Drummond light: at the same time the flame develops a considerable quantity of heat. Now the American inventor proposed to utilise in this way the gases obtained from electrolytic decomposition; and asserted that by the combustion a sufficient amount of heat was generated to keep a small steam-engine in action, which again drove his magneto-electric machine, decomposed the water, and thus continually prepared its own fuel. This would certainly have been the most splendid of all discoveries,—a perpetual motion which, besides the force that kept it going, generated light like the sun, and warmed all around it. The affair, however, failed, as was predicted by those acquainted with the physical investigations which bear upon the subject.—Professor Helmholtz.


In the Museum of the Royal Society are two curiosities of the seventeenth century which are objects of much interest in association with the electric discoveries of our day. These are a Clock, described by the Count Malagatti (who accompanied Cosmo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, to inspect the Museum in 1669) as more worthy of observation than all the other objects in the cabinet. Its “movements are derived from the vicinity of a loadstone, and it is so adjusted as to discover the distance of countries at sea by the longitude.” The analogy between this clock and the electric clock of the present day is very remarkable. Of kindred interest is “Hook’s Magnetic Watch,” often alluded to in the Royal Society’s Journal-book of 1669 as “going slower or faster according to the greater or less distance of the loadstone, and so moving regularly in any posture.”


In this ingenious invention, the object of Professor Wheatstone was to enable a simple clock to indicate exactly the same time in as many different places, distant from each other, as may be required. A standard clock in an observatory, for example, would thus keep in order another clock in each apartment, and that too with such accuracy, that all of them, however numerous, will beat dead seconds audibly with as great precision as the standard astronomical time-piece with which they are connected. But, besides this, the subordinate time-pieces thus regulated require none of the mechanism for maintaining or regulating the power. They consist simply of a face, with its second, minute, and hour hands, and a train of wheels which communicate motion from the action of the second-hand to that of the hour-hand, in the same manner as an ordinary clock-train. Nor is this invention confined to observatories and large establishments. The great horologe of St. Paul’s might, by a suitable network of wires, or even by the existing metallic pipes of the metropolis, be made to command and regulate all the other steeple-clocks in the city, and even every clock within the precincts of its metallic bounds. As railways and telegraphs extend from London nearly to the remotest cities and villages, the sensation of time may be transmitted along with the elements of language; and the great cerebellum of the metropolis may thus constrain by its sympathies, and regulate by its power, the whole nervous system of the empire.


M. Kammerer of Belgium effects this by an addition to any clock whereby it is brought into contact with the two poles of a galvanic battery, the wires from which communicate with a drum moved by the clockwork; and every fifteen seconds the current is changed, the positive and the negative being transmitted alternately. A wire is continued from the drum to the electric clock, the movement of which, through the plate-glass dial, is seen to be two pairs of small straight electro-magnets, each pair having their ends opposite to the other pair, with about half an inch space between. Within this space there hangs a vertical steel bar, suspended from a spindle at the top. The rod has two slight projections on each side parallel to the ends of the wire-coiled magnets. When the electric current comes on the wire from the positive end of the battery (through the drum of the regulator-clock) the positive magnets attract the bar to it, the distance being perhaps the sixteenth of an inch. When, at the end of fifteen seconds, the negative pole operates, repulsion takes effect, and the bar moves to the opposite side. This oscillating bar gives motion to a wheel which turns the minute and hour hands.

M. Kammerer states, that if the galvanic battery be attached to any particular standard clock, any number of clocks, wherever placed, in a city or kingdom, and communicating with this by a wire, will indicate precisely the same time. Such is the precision, that the sounds of three clocks thus beating simultaneously have been mistaken as proceeding from one clock.


Several philosophers had observed that lightning and electricity possessed many common properties; and the light which accompanied the explosion, the crackling noise made by the flame, and other phenomena, made them suspect that lightning might be electricity in a highly powerful state. But this connection was merely the subject of conjecture until, in the year 1750, Dr. Franklin suggested an experiment to determine the question. While he was waiting for the building of a spire at Philadelphia, to which he intended to attach his wire, the experiment was successfully made at Marly-la-Ville, in France, in the year 1752; when lightning was actually drawn from the clouds by means of a pointed wire, and it was proved to be really the electric fluid.

Almost every early electrical discovery of importance was made by Fellows of the Royal Society, and is to be found recorded in the Philosophical Transactions. In the forty-fifth volume occurs the first mention of Dr. Franklin’s name, and his theory of positive and negative electricity. In 1756 he was elected into the Society, “without any fee or other payment.” His previous communications to the Transactions, particularly the account of his electrical kite, had excited great interest. (Weld’s History of the Royal Society.) It is thus described by him in a letter dated Philadelphia, October 1, 1752:

“As frequent mention is made in the public papers from Europe of the success of the Marly-la-Ville experiment for drawing the electric fire from clouds by means of pointed rods of iron erected on high buildings, &c., it may be agreeable to the curious to be informed that the same experiment has succeeded in Philadelphia, though made in a different and more easy manner, which any one may try, as follows:

Make a small cross of two light strips of cedar, the arms so long as to reach to the four corners of a large thin silk handkerchief when extended. Tie the comers of the handkerchief to the extremities of the cross; so you have the body of a kite, which, being properly accommodated with a tail, loop, and string, will rise in the air like a kite made of paper; but this, being of silk, is fitter to bear the wet and wind of a thunder-gust without tearing. To the top of the upright stick of the cross is to be fixed a very sharp-pointed wire, rising a foot or more above the wood. To the end of the twine, next the band, is to be tied a silk ribbon; and where the twine and silk join a key may be fastened.

The kite is to be raised when a thunder-gust appears to be coming on, and the person who holds the string must stand within a door or window, or under some cover, so that the silk ribbon may not be wet; and care must be taken that the twine does not touch the frame of the door or window. As soon as any of the thunder-clouds come over the kite, the pointed wire will draw the electric fire from them; and the kite, with all the twine, will be electrified; and the loose filaments of the twine will stand out every way, and be attracted by an approaching finger.

When the rain has wet the kite and twine, so that it can conduct the electric fire freely, you will find it stream out plentifully from the key on the approach of your knuckle. At this key the phial may be charged; and from electric fire thus obtained spirits may be kindled, and all the other electrical experiments be performed which are usually done by the help of a rubbed-glass globe or tube; and thus the sameness of the electric matter with that of lightning is completely demonstrated.”—Philosophical Transactions.

Of all this great man’s (Franklin’s) scientific excellencies, the most remarkable is the smallness, the simplicity, the apparent inadequacy of the means which he employed in his experimental researches. His discoveries were all made with hardly any apparatus at all; and if at any time he had been led to employ instruments of a somewhat less ordinary description, he never rested satisfied until he had, as it were, afterwards translated the process by resolving the problem with such simple machinery that you might say he had done it wholly unaided by apparatus. The experiments by which the identity of lightning and electricity was demonstrated were made with a sheet of brown paper, a bit of twine or silk thread, and an iron key!—Lord Brougham.50


These experiments are not without danger; and a flash of lightning has been found to be a very unmanageable instrument. In 1753, M. Richman, at St. Petersburg, was making an experiment of this kind by drawing lightning into his room, when, incautiously bringing his head too near the wire, he was struck dead by the flash, which issued from it like a globe of blue fire, accompanied by a dreadful explosion.


The following are selected from the very able series of lectures delivered by Professor Faraday at the Royal Institution:

The Two Electricities.—After having shown by various experiments the attractions and repulsions of light substances from excited glass and from an excited tube of gutta-percha, Professor Faraday proceeds to point out the difference in the character of the electricity produced by the friction of the two substances. The opposite characters of the electricity evolved by the friction of glass and of that excited by the friction of gutta-percha and shellac are exhibited by several experiments, in which the attraction of the positive and negative electricities to each other and the neutralisation of electrical action on the combination of the two forces are distinctly observable. Though adopting the terms “positive” and “negative” in distinguishing the electricity excited by glass from that excited by gutta-percha and resinous bodies, Professor Faraday is strongly opposed to the Franklinian theory from which these terms are derived. According to Franklin’s view of the nature of electrical excitement, it arises from the disturbance, by friction or other means, of the natural quantity of one electric fluid which is possessed by all bodies; an excited piece of glass having more than its natural share, which has been taken from the rubber, the latter being consequently in a minus or negative state. This theory Professor Faraday considers to be opposed to the distinct characteristic actions of the two forces; and, in his opinion, it is impossible to deprive any body of electricity, and reduce it to the minus state of Franklin’s hypothesis. Taking a Zamboni’s pile, he applies its two ends separately to an electrometer, to show that each end produces opposite kinds of electricity, and that the zero, or absence of electrical excitement, only exists in the centre of the pile. To prove how completely the two electricities neutralise each other, an excited rod of gutta-percha and the piece of flannel with which it has been rubbed are laid on the top of the electrometer without any sign of electricity whilst they are together; but when either is removed, the gold leaves diverge with positive and negative electricity alternately. The Professor dwells strongly on the peculiarity of the dual force of electricity, which, in respect of its duality, is unlike any other force in nature. He then contrasts its phenomena of instantaneous conduction with those of the somewhat analogous force of heat; and he illustrates by several striking experiments the peculiar property which static electricity possesses of being spread only over the surfaces of bodies. A metal ice-pail is placed on an insulated stand and electrified, and a metal ball suspended by a string is introduced, and touches the bottom and sides without having any electricity imparted to it, but on touching the outside it becomes strongly electrical. The experiment is repeated with a wooden tub with the same result; and Professor Faraday mentions the still more remarkable manner in which he has proved the surface distribution of electricity by having a small chamber constructed and covered with tinfoil, which can be insulated; and whilst torrents of electricity are being evolved from the external surface, he enters it with a galvanometer, and cannot perceive the slightest manifestation of electricity within.

The Two Threads.—A curious experiment is made with two kinds of thread used as the conducting force. From the electric machine on the table a silk thread is first carried to the indicator a yard or two off, and is shown to be a non-conductor when the glass tube is rubbed and applied to the machine (although the silk, when wetted, conducted); while a metallic thread of the same thickness, when treated in the same way, conducts the force so much as to vehemently agitate the gold leaves within the indicator.

Non-conducting Bodies.—The action that occurs in bodies which cannot conduct is the most important part of electrical science. The principle is illustrated by the attraction and repulsion of an electrified ball of gilt paper by a glass tube, between which and the ball a sheet of shellac is suspended. The nearer a ball of another description—an unelectrical insulated body—is brought to the Leyden jar when charged, the greater influence it is seen to possess over the gold leaf within the indicator, by induction, not by conduction. The questions, how electricities attract each other, what kind of electricity is drawn from the machine to the hand, how the hand was electric, are thus illustrated. To show the divers operations of this wonderful force, a tub (a bad conductor) is placed by the electric machine. When the latter is charged, a ball, having been electrified from it, is held in the tub, and rattles against its sides and bottom. On the application of the ball to the indicator, the gold leaf is shown not to move, whereas it is agitated manifestly when the same process is gone through with the exception that the ball is made to touch the outside only of the tub. Similar experiments with a ball in an ice-pail and a vessel of wire-gauze, into the latter of which is introduced a mouse, which is shown to receive no shock, and not to be frightened at all; while from the outside of the vessel electric sparks are rapidly produced. This latter demonstration proves that, as the mouse, so men and women, might be safe inside a building with proper conductors while lightning played about the exterior. The wire-gauze being turned inside out, the principle is shown to be irreversible in spite of the change—what has been the unelectrical inside of the vessel being now, when made the outside portion, capable of receiving and transmitting the power, while the original outside is now unelectrical.

Repulsion of Bodies.—A remarkable and playful experiment, by which the repulsion of bodies similarly electrified is illustrated, consists in placing a basket containing a heap of small pieces of paper on an insulated stand, and connecting it with the prime conductor of the electrical machine; when the pieces of paper rise rapidly after each other into the air, and descend on the lecture-table like a fall of snow. The effect is greatly increased when a metal disc is substituted for the basket.


Muschenbroek and LinnÆus had made various experiments of a strong kind with water and wire. The former, as appears from a letter of his to RÉaumur, filled a small bottle with water, and having corked it up, passed a wire through the cork into the bottle. Having rubbed the vessel on the outside and suspended it to the electric machine, he was surprised to find that on trying to pull the wire out he was subjected to an awfully severe shock in his joints and his whole body, such as he declared he would not suffer again for any experiment. Hence the Leyden jar, which owes its name to the University of Leyden, with which, we believe, Muschenbroek was connected.—Faraday.


By the illustration of a gas globule, which is ignited from a spark by induction, Mr. Faraday has proved in a most interesting manner that the corrugated-iron roofs of some gunpowder-magazines,—on the subject of which he had often been consulted by the builders, with a view to the greater safety of these manufactories,—are absolutely dangerous by the laws of induction; as, by the return of induction, while a storm was discharging itself a mile or two off, a secondary spark might ignite the building.


Among the experimenters on Electricity in our time who have largely contributed to the “Curiosities of Science,” Andrew Crosse is entitled to special notice. In his school-days he became greatly attached to the study of electricity; and on settling on his paternal estate, Fyne Court, on the Quantock Hills in Somersetshire, he there devoted himself to chemistry, mineralogy, and electricity, pursuing his experiments wholly independently of theories, and searching only for facts. In Holwell Cavern, near his residence, he observed the sides and the roof covered with Arragonite crystallisations, when his observations led him to conclude that the crystallisations were the effects, at least to some extent, of electricity. This induced him to make the attempt to form artificial crystals by the same means, which he began in 1807. He took some water from the cave, filled a tumbler, and exposed it to the action of a voltaic battery excited by water alone, letting the platinum-wires of the battery fall on opposite sides of the tumbler from the opposite poles of the battery. After ten days’ constant action, he produced crystals of carbonate of lime; and on repeating the experiment in the dark, he produced them in six days. Thus Mr. Crosse simulated in his laboratory one of the hitherto most mysterious processes of nature.

He pursued this line of research for nearly thirty years at Fyne Court, where his electrical-room and laboratory were on an enormous scale: the apparatus had cost some thousands of pounds, and the house was nearly full of furnaces. He carried an insulated wire above the tops of the trees around his house to the length of a mile and a quarter, afterwards shortened to 1800 feet. By this wire, which was brought into connection with the apparatus in a chamber, he was enabled to see continually the changes in the state of the atmosphere, and could use the fluid so collected for a variety of purposes. In 1816, at a meeting of country gentlemen, he prophesied that, “by means of electrical agency, we shall be able to communicate our thoughts simultaneously with the uttermost ends of the earth.” Still, though he foresaw the powers of the medium, he did not make any experiments in that direction, but confined himself to the endeavour to produce crystals of various kinds. He ultimately obtained forty-one mineral crystals, or minerals uncrystallised, in the form in which they are produced by nature, including one sub-sulphate of copper—an entirely new mineral, neither found in nature nor formed by art previously. His belief was that even diamonds might be produced in this way.

Mr. Crosse worked alone in his retreat until 1836, when, attending the meeting of the British Association at Bristol, he was induced to explain his experiments, for which he was highly complimented by Dr. Buckland, Dr. Dalton, Professor Sedgwick, and others.51 Shortly after Mr. Crosse’s return to Fyne Court, while pursuing his experiments for forming crystals from a highly caustic solution out of contact with atmospheric air, he was greatly surprised by the appearance of an insect. Black flint, burnt to redness and reduced to powder, was mixed with carbonate of potash, and exposed to a strong heat for fifteen minutes; and the mixture was poured into a black-lead crucible in an air furnace. It was reduced to powder while warm, mixed with boiling water, kept boiling for some minutes, and then hydrochloric acid was added to supersaturation. After being exposed to voltaic action for twenty-six days, a perfect insect of the Acari tribe made its appearance, and in the course of a few weeks about a hundred more. The experiment was repeated in other chemical fluids with the like results; and Mr. Weeks of Sandwich afterwards produced the Acari inferrocyanerret of potassium. The Acarus of Mr. Crosse was found to contribute a new species of that genus, nearly approaching the Acari found in cheese and flour, or more nearly, Hermann’s Acarus dimidiatus.

This discovery occasioned great excitement. The possibility was denied, though Mr. Faraday is said to have stated in the same year that he had seen similar appearances in his own electrical experiments. Mr. Crosse was now accused of impiety and aiming at creation, to which attacks he thus replied:

As to the appearance of the acari under long-continued electrical action, I have never in thought, word, or deed given any one a right to suppose that I considered them as a creation, or even as a formation, from inorganic matter. To create is to form a something out of a nothing. To annihilate is to reduce that something to a nothing. Both of these, of course, can only be the attributes of the Almighty. In fact, I can assure you most sacredly that I have never dreamed of any theory sufficient to account for their appearance. I confess that I was not a little surprised, and am so still, and quite as much as I was when the acari made their first appearance. Again, I have never claimed any merit as attached to these experiments. It was a matter of chance; I was looking for silicious formations, and animal matter appeared instead.

These Acari, if removed from their birthplace, lived and propagated; but uniformly died on the first recurrence of frost, and were entirely destroyed if they fell back into the fluid whence they arose.

One of Mr. Crosse’s visitors thus describes the vast electrical room at Fyne Court:

Here was an immense number of jars and gallipots, containing fluids on which electricity was operating for the production of crystals. But you are startled in the midst of your observations by the smart crackling sound that attends the passage of the electrical spark; you hear also the rumbling of distant thunder. The rain is already plashing in great drops against the glass, and the sound of the passing sparks continues to startle your ear; you see at the window a huge brass conductor, with a discharging rod near it passing into the floor, and from the one knob to the other sparks are leaping with increasing rapidity and noise, every one of which would kill twenty men at one blow, if they were linked together hand in hand and the spark sent through the circle. From this conductor wires pass off without the window, and the electric fluid is conducted harmlessly away. Mr. Crosse approached the instrument as boldly as if the flowing stream of fire were a harmless spark. Armed with his insulated rod, he sent it into his batteries: having charged them, he showed how wire was melted, dissipated in a moment, by its passage; how metals—silver, gold, and tin—were inflamed and burnt like paper, only with most brilliant hues. He showed you a mimic aurora and a falling-star, and so proved to you the cause of those beautiful phenomena.

Mr. Crosse appears to have produced in all “about 200 varieties of minerals, exactly resembling in all respects similar ones found in nature.” He tried also a new plan of extracting gold from its ores by an electrical process, which succeeded, but was too expensive for common use. He was in the habit of saying that he could, like Archimedes, move the world “if he were able to construct a battery at once cheap, powerful, and durable.” His process of extracting metals from their ores has been patented. Among his other useful applications of electricity are the purifying by its means of brackish or sea-water, and the improving bad wine and brandy. He agreed with Mr. Quekett in thinking that it is by electrical action that silica and other mineral substances are carried into and assimilated by plants. Negative electricity Mr. Crosse found favourable to no plants except fungi; and positive electricity he ascertained to be injurious to fungi, but favourable to every thing else.

Mr. Crosse died in 1855. His widow has published a very interesting volume of Memorials of the ingenious experimenter, from which we select the following:

On one occasion Mr. Crosse kept a pair of soles under the electric action for three months; and at the end of that time they were sent to a friend, whose domestics knew nothing of the experiment. Before the cook dressed them, her master asked her whether she thought they were fresh, as he had some doubts. She replied that she was sure they were fresh; indeed, she said she could swear that they were alive yesterday! When served at table they appeared like ordinary fish; but when the family attempted to eat them, they were found to be perfectly tasteless—the electric action had taken away all the essential oil, leaving the fish unfit for food. However, the process is exceedingly useful for keeping fish, meat, &c. fresh and good for ten days or a fortnight. I have never heard a satisfactory explanation of the cause of the antiseptic power communicated to water by the passage of the electric current. Whether ozone has not something to do with it, may be a question. The same effect is produced whichever two dissimilar metals are used.


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