- Abodes of the Blest, 58.
- Acarus of Crosse and Weeks, 218.
- Accuracy of Chinese Observers, 159.
- Adamant, What was it?, 123.
- Aeronautic Voyage, Remarkable, 169.
- Agassiz, Discoveries of, 127.
- Air, Weight of, 14.
- All the World in Motion, 11.
- Alluvial Land of Egypt, 110.
- Ancient World, Science of the, 1.
- Animals in Geological Times, 128.
- Anticipations of the Electric Telegraph, 220–224.
- Arago on Protection from Storms, 159.
- Arctic Climate, Phenomena of, 162.
- Arctic Explorations, Rae’s, 162.
- Arctic Regions, Scenery and Life of, 180.
- Arctic Temperature, 161.
- Armagh Observatory Level, Change of, 144.
- Artesian Fire-Springs, 118.
- Artesian Well of Grenelle, 114.
- Astronomer, Peasant, 101.
- Astronomer’s Dream verified, 88.
- Astronomers, Triad of Contemporary, 100.
- Astronomical Observations, Nicety of, 102.
- Astronomy and Dates on Monuments, 55.
- Astronomy and Geology, Identity of, 104.
- Astronomy, Great Truths of, 54.
- Atheism, Folly of, 3.
- Atlantic, Basin of the, 171.
- Atlantic, Gales of the, 171.
- Atlantic Telegraph, the, 226–228.
- Atmosphere, Colours of the, 147.
- Atmosphere compared to a Steam-engine, 152.
- Atmosphere, Height of, 147.
- Atmosphere, the, 146.
- Atmosphere, the purest, 150.
- Atmosphere, Universality of the, 147.
- Atmosphere weighed by Pascal, 148.
- Atoms of Elementary Bodies, 13.
- Atoms, the World of, 13.
- Aurora Borealis, Halley’s hypothesis of, 198.
- Aurora Borealis, Splendour of the, 165.
- Australian Cavern, Inmates of, 137.
- Australian Pouch-Lion, 137.
- Axis of Rotation, the, 11.
- Barometer, Gigantic, 151.
- Barometric Measurement, 151.
- Batteries, Minute and Vast, 204.
- Birds, Gigantic, of New Zealand, Extinct, 139.
- “Black Waters, the,” 182.
- Bodies, Bright, the Smallest, 31.
- Bodies, Compression of, 12.
- Bodies, Fall of, 16.
- Bottles and Currents at Sea, 115.
- Fresh Water in Mid-Ocean, 182.
- Galilean Tele
st@g@html@files@48516@48516-h@48516-h-7.htm.html#Page_45" class="pginternal">45.
- Photographic Surveying, 46.
- Photographs on the Retina, 236.
- Photography, Best Sky for, 45.
- Photography, Magic of, 44.
- Pisa, Leaning Tower of, 15.
- Planetary System, Origin of our, 86.
- Planets, Diversities of, 79.
- Planetoids, List of the, and their Discoverers, 239.
- Plato’s Survey of the Sciences, 2.
- Pleiades, the, 77.
- Plurality of Worlds, 57.
- Polar Ice, Immensity of, 181.
- Polar Iceberg, 180.
- Polarisation of Light, 33.
- Pole, Open Sea at the, 181.
- Pole-Star of 4000 years ago, 76.
- Profitable Science, 139.
- Pterodactyl, the, 130.
- Pyramid, Duration of the, 14.
- Quartz, Down of, 42.
- Rain, All in the World, 155.
- Rain, an Inch on the Atlantic, 156.
- Rain-Drops, Size of, 154.
- Rain, How the North Wind drives it away, 154.
- Rain, Philosophy of, 153.
- Rainless Districts, 155.
- Rain-making Vapour, from South to North, 152.
- Rainy Climate, Inordinate, 154.
- Red Sea and Mediterranean Levels, 175.
- Red Sea, Colour of, 176.
- Repulsion of Bodies, 216.
- Rhinoceros of Britain, 135.
- River-water on the Ocean, 181.
- Rose, no Fossil, 142.
- Rosse, the Earl of, his “Telescope,” 96–99.
- Rotation-Magnetism discovered, 199.
- Rotation, the Axis of, 11.
- St. Paul’s Cathedral, how protected from Lightning, 167.
- Salt, All in the Sea, 179.
- Salt Lake of Utah, 113.
- Salt, Solvent Action of, 115.
- Saltness of the Sea, How to tell, 179.
- Sand in the Hour-glass, 20.
- Sand of the Sea and Desert, 106.
- Saturn’s Ring, Was it known to the Ancients?, 81.
- Schwabe, on Sun-Spots, 68.
- Science at Oxford and Cambridge, 1.
- Science of the Ancient World, 1.
- Science, Theoretical, Practical Results of, 4.
- Sciences, Plato’s Survey of, 2.
- Scientific Treatise, the Earliest English, 5.
- Scoresby, Dr., on the Rosse Telescope, 99.