Page 15 | « removed after "when she had cleaned it, there was the horseshoe." |
Page 27 | extra r removed from measurring: "measuring out the paths" |
Page 31 | typo corrected: Godmocher to Godmother in "when his Godmother saw him" |
Page 53 | changed , to . in "ride upon around the garden.« Before" |
Page 59 | replaced deseived with deceived in "punished for having deceived his Grandmother." |
Page 67 | corrected typo: of to if in "if you want to see what God's world is like," |
Page 67 | inserted space between valour and but in "She did not give much thought to his valour but" |
Page 68 | inserted space between monster and darted in "Then the great monster darted" |
Page 69 | mill corrected to milk in "drunk some milk," |
Page 70 | blosoom corrected to blossom in "push right into the blossom." |
Page 74 | space removed from the middle of today. "It is a miracle that you did not die today." |
Page 81 | smellimg corrected to smelling in "sweet-smelling mint by the water." |
Page 90 | typo corrected from Axterl to After in "After he had dismounted" |
Page 93 | hin corrected to him in "Mirmex came to him and said:" |
Page 94 | healty corrected to healthy in "knowing that he is creating strong and healthy descendants" |
Page 94 | Readheads corrected to Redheads in "This the Redheads well know" |
Page 95 | duplicate "and" deleted in "defeated the Redheads and driven them away" |
Page 96 | comma inserted: "Let us go a little further," he continued |
Page 103 | hat corrected to that in "from whom they learned that," |
Page 111 | changed wery to were very in "and were very angry." |
Page 112 | comma inserted in "Tom was very glad to have the work, for the time" |
Page 119 | hin corrected to him in "ran with him into the forest" |
Page 120 | The corrected to Then in "Then he sat hidden near by," |
Page 121 | duplicate "of" deleted in "Nowhere was there a sign of the former life," |
Page 122 | missing « added after "you will find the hut.«" |
Page 131 | hyphen put in dining-room for consistency "until they came to his dining-room." |
Page 132 | exitedly corrected to excitedly in "the hamster woke him excitedly;" |
Page 134 | neighfor corrected to neighbor in "»You are my neighbor" |
Page 134 | missing hyphen put in good-by in "and said good-by to the talkative Mouse." |
Page 134 | full stop added after "and said good-by to the talkative Mouse." |
Page 134 | increduously corrected to incredulously in "she asked incredulously." |
Page 136 | hin corrected to him in "It seemed strange to him." |