By September 12, Lee had begun to worry. Stuart’s scouts had reported the Federal approach to Frederick. McClellan was moving too fast. Next evening things looked worse. Jackson had not yet captured Harpers Ferry, and already McClellan’s forward troops were pushing Stuart back toward the South Mountain gaps. Delay at Harpers Ferry made these passes through South Mountain the key to the situation. They must be defended. The Battle of South Mountain. From lithograph by Endicott. Courtesy, Library of Congress. South Mountain is the watershed between the Middletown and On the night of September 13, Lee ordered all available forces to defend these three passes. D. H. Hill, with Longstreet coming to his aid, covered Turner’s and Fox’s Gaps. McLaws sent part of his force back from Maryland Heights to hold Crampton’s Gap. Next morning the thin-stretched Confederate defenders saw McClellan’s powerful columns marching across Middletown Valley. Up the roads to the gaps they came—ponderous and inexorable. The right wing of McClellan’s army under Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside assaulted Turner’s and Fox’s Gaps. The left wing under Maj. Gen. William Franklin struck through Crampton’s Gap. By nightfall, September 14, the superior Federal forces had broken through at Crampton’s Gap; and Burnside’s men were close to victory at the northern passes. The way to the valley was open. By his stubborn defense at South Mountain, Lee had gained a day. But was it enough? McClellan’s speed and shrewd pursuit, together with Jackson’s inability to meet the demanding schedule set forth in Special Order 191, had fallen upon Lee with all the weight of a strategic surprise. No longer could he command events, pick his own objectives, and make the Federal army conform to his moves. Rather, the decision at South Mountain had snatched the initiative away from Lee. His plan for an offensive foray into Pennsylvania was wrecked. Now it was a question of saving his army. Harpers Ferry looking east toward confluence of Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. Ruins of armory in right foreground. Maryland Heights, left; Loudoun Heights, right. From 1862 photograph by Brady. Courtesy, Library of Congress. The first step was to call off the attack on Harpers Ferry. At 8 p.m., September 14, Lee sent a dispatch to McLaws stating, ATTACK ON HARPERS FERRY
But then came a message from Jackson: Harpers Ferry was about to fall. Perhaps there was still hope. If Jackson could capture Harpers Ferry early the next day, the army could reunite at Sharpsburg. Good defensive ground was there; a victory over McClellan might enable Lee to continue his campaign of maneuver; and should disaster threaten, the fords of the Potomac were nearby. At 11:15 p.m., Lee countermanded his earlier order; the attack on Harpers Ferry was to proceed. Shortly after, Longstreet’s divisions began to march through the night toward Sharpsburg. |