| PAGE | A Dissertation on Fairies, | 1 | Nelly the Knocker, | 39 | The Three Fools, | 42 | Some Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham, | 46 | The Tulip Fairies, | 54 | The History of Jack and the Giants, | 57 | The Fairies’ Cup, | 84 | The White Lady, | 86 | A Pleasant and Delightful History of Thomas Hickathrift, | 89 | The Spectre Coach, | 117 | The Baker’s Daughter, | 123 | The Fairy Children, | 126 | The History of Jack and the Beanstalk, | 129 | Johnny Reed’s Cat, | 150 | Lame Molly, | 156 | The Brown man of the Moors, | 159 | How the Cobbler cheated the Devil, | 161 | The Tavistock Witch, | 165 | The Worm of Lambton, | 168 | The Old Woman and the Crooked Sixpence, | 174 | The Yorkshire Boggart, | 177 | The Duergar, | 181 | The Barn Elves, | 185 | Legends of King Arthur, | 187 | Silky, | 192 |