A Dissertation on Fairies, 1
Nelly the Knocker, 39
The Three Fools, 42
Some Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham, 46
The Tulip Fairies, 54
The History of Jack and the Giants, 57
The Fairies’ Cup, 84
The White Lady, 86
A Pleasant and Delightful History of Thomas Hickathrift, 89
The Spectre Coach, 117
The Baker’s Daughter, 123
The Fairy Children, 126
The History of Jack and the Beanstalk, 129
Johnny Reed’s Cat, 150
Lame Molly, 156
The Brown man of the Moors, 159
How the Cobbler cheated the Devil, 161
The Tavistock Witch, 165
The Worm of Lambton, 168
The Old Woman and the Crooked Sixpence, 174
The Yorkshire Boggart, 177
The Duergar, 181
The Barn Elves, 185
Legends of King Arthur, 187
Silky, 192


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