Note to the Third Edition. LECTURE I.
Preliminary Remarks.
The Different Varieties of Electricity.
1. Franklinism.
Method of Generating.
The Plate Machine.
Winter’s Machine.
CarrÉ’s Machine.
The “Bischoff” Gas Engine.
The “Hand Fly-Wheel.”
Accessories Required.
Its Administration.
(a) Electro-Positive Bath.
(b) Electro-Negative Bath.
(c) by Sparks.
2. Voltaism.
Points of Distinction between the Voltaic and Faradaic Currents.
The Essentials of a Voltaic Battery.
The 40-Cell Battery.
The Galvanometer as an aid to the Dosage of Electricity.
3. Faradism. The Essentials of a Faradaic Instrument.
Description of a Faradaic Instrument.
The Combined Hospital Battery.
The Accessories of Electrical Apparatus.
RÉsumÉ of First Lecture.
Generalized Electrization.
The Positive Charge.
The Electric Bath.
General Faradization.
Central Galvanization.
Localized Voltaization and Localized Faradization.
Direct Muscular Electrization.
Indirect ” ”
Different kinds of Rheophores.
Importance of exactitude in administering a Constant Current.
Cutaneous Electrization.
(a) The Electric Hand.
(b) Metallic Conductors.
(c) The Wire Brush.
Electrization of Internal Organs.
(a) of Rectum and Muscles of Anus.
(b) of Bladder.
(c) of Uterus.
(d) of Larynx.
(e) of Male Genitals.
Electrization of Central Organs of Nervous System.
(a) of the Brain.
(b) of the Sympathetic.
(c) of the Spinal Cord.
(d) of the Retina.
(e) of the Auditory Nerve.
Precautions to be observed in all Medical Applications of Electricity.
A.—Electricity in Diagnosis.
Limitation of Electricity in Diagnosis.
Method of Testing Farado-Irritability.
” Voltao-Irritability.
Rule for Strength of Current.
Diagnosis when Irritability is Normal.
diminished to Faradism and increased to Voltaism.
of Peripheral from Central Disease.
of commencing Paraplegia from Locomotor Ataxy.
of Real from Feigned Disease.
Electricity as Proof Positive of Death.
B.—Electricity in Treatment.
Limitation of Electricity as a Remedy.
(a) in Facial Neuralgia.
(b) in Sciatica.
(c) in Facial Spasm.
(d) in Emotional Aphonia.
(e) in Hysterical HyperÆsthesia.
(f) in Tremor.
Note upon Recent Additions to our Knowledge of the Benefit of Franklinization in Diseases of Debility.
The “Constant Current.”
Possesses an Influence “sui generis.”
Electrization in Neuralgia.
in Fatigue Diseases.
in Electrotonus.
its Resolvent Effects.
in Electrolysis.
in Impotence.
in Gout.
in Rheumatic Arthritis.
in Muscular Rheumatism.
in General Debility.
in Atrophic Paralysis.
in Infantile Paralysis.
in Traumatic Paralysis.
in Lead Palsy.
in Facial Paralysis.
in Wasting Palsy.
in Hemiplegia.
Electrization as a Direct Application to the Brain.
in Spinal Paraplegia.
in Paraplegic Constipation.
in Incontinence of Urine.
in Hysterical Paralysis.
in Locomotor Ataxy.
in Insanity.
in Diseases of Women.
as an Emmenagogue.
in Inertia Uteri.
in Post-partum HÆmorrhage.
in Uterine Neuralgia.
in Sterility.
in Paralysis of Nerves of Special Sense.
RÉsumÉ of the General Principles of Electro-therapeutics.
Concluding Remarks.