
Aberdeen, Ky., 167.

Albany, N.Y., 299, 316.

Alden, George H., 316.

Alexander, J. E., 325.

Alexandria, O., 151.

Alexandria, Va., 131.

Allegheny City, Pa., 21.

Alton, Ind., 224, 228, 231, 233, 234.

America, Ill. See Mound City, Ill.

Antiquity, O., 115.

Arfwedson, C. D., 326.

Ashe, Thomas, 114, 273, 323.

Ashland, Ky., 142, 143.

Athalia, O., 136.

Audubon, John James, 257, 258.

Augusta, Ky., 170, 171.

Aurora, Ind., 186, 187.

Baker's Bottom, W. Va., 36.

Baily, Francis, 322.

Baltimore, 162, 318.

Barlow, Joel, 130, 131.

Bearsville, O., 73, 74.

Beaver, Pa., 27-30.

BelprÉ, O., 100-102.

Beltrami, J. C., 324.

Berkeley, Sir William, 297.

Bethlehem, Ind., 260.

Big Bone Lick, 152, 153, 191, 195-198, 268.

Big Grave Creek, 62-66.

Bird's Point Landing, Ky., 277.

Birkbeck, Morris, 323, 324.

Bishop, Nathaniel H., 328.

Bismarck, N. D., 318.

Bland, Edward, 297.

Blennerhassett, Harman, 95-98.

Blennerhassett's Island, 95-98, 101.

Blue Lick, 160.

Boone, Daniel, 142, 206.

Boonesborough, Ky., 316.

Boone's Trail. See Wilderness Road.

Brackenridge, H. M., 325, 326.

Bradbury, John, 323.

Braddock, Gen. Edward, 4, 16, 17, 128, 312.

Braddock, Pa., 17.

Braddock's Road, 4, 12, 160, 312, 314, 317.

Brandenburg, Ind., 223, 224.

Bridgeport, O., 60.

Broderickville, O., 137.

Brooklyn, Ill., 284.

Brown's Islands, 265, 266.

Brownsville, Pa., 1-6, 8, 12, 15, 19, 30, 61, 129, 131, 160, 162, 180, 295, 314, 317, 318.

Buffalo, N. Y., 318.

Burlington, O., 137.

Burr, Aaron, 96, 97.

Butler's Run, 67.

Byrd, Col. William, 304.

Cairo, Ill., 7, 15, 222, 284, 291, 294, 295.

California, O., 180.

Caledonia, Ill. See Olmstead, Ill.

Cannelton, Ind., 242.

Captina, O., 70, 71.

Captina Creek, 67, 70-72.

Captina Island, 69, 70.

Carrollton, Ky., 206.

Carrsville, Ky., 276.

Catlettsburg, Ky., 137, 141.

Cave-in-Rock, Ill., 273, 274.

CÉleron de Bienville, 90, 125, 309, 310.

Ceredo, W. Va., 137, 141.

Charleroi, Pa., 5, 8, 9.

Charleston, W. Va., 115, 127.

Chartier, Pa., 5, 8, 9.

Chartier's Creek, 23.

Cherokee Indians, 286.

Cheshire, O., 119.

Chesapeake & Ohio railway, 172.

Chicago, 318.

Chillicothe, O., 152, 179.

Chilo, O., 170.

Cincinnati, 88, 157, 159, 162, 170, 177-184, 217, 252, 318, 324, 328.

Circleville, O., 102.

Clark, George Rogers, 4, 5, 70, 72, 73, 94, 159, 178, 179, 218-220, 264, 285-287.

Clarksville, Ind., 219, 220.

Cloverport, Ky., 239-242.

Coal Valley, Pa., 13.

Collins, Richard H., 153.

Columbia, O., 180.

Concordia, Ky., 234, 235.

Conewango Creek, 304.

Connolly, Dr. John, 218.

Conwell, Yates, 72.

Corn Island, 219, 220.

Cornstalk, Shawanee chief, 128, 129, 221.

Covington, Ky., 178, 183, 184.

Crawford, Col. William, 46.

Creek Indians, 303.

Cresap, Michael, 67.

Cresap's Bottom, 72.

Croghan, George, 91, 95, 114, 152.

Crooked Creek, 130, 244.

Cumberland, Md., 310.

Cumberland Gap, 127, 160-162, 317.

Cumberland Island, 282.

Cumberland Pike. See Braddock's Road.

Cuming, F., 322, 323.

Curran, Barney, 29.

Cypress Bend, 260.

Darlington, William M., 320.

Doddridge, Joseph, 115.

Deep Water Landing, Ind., 234.

De LÉry, Gaspard Chaussegros, 304.

Denman, Matthias, 179.

De Nonville, Gov. Jacques RenÉ de Brisay, 300.

Derby, Ky., 235-237, 243, 244.

Detroit, Mich., 287, 318.

De Vigni, Antoine F. S., 321.

Diamond Island, 264.

Dickens, Charles, 66, 325, 326.

Dillon's Bottom, 66.

Dinwiddie, Gov. Robert, 311.

Dog Island, 281, 282.

Dover, Ky., 170.

Draper, Lyman C., 321.

Dravosburg, Pa., 13.

Dufour, John James, 204, 205.

Dunkard Creek, 72.

Dunlap Creek, 3.

Dunmore, Lord, 23, 61, 102, 103, 125-129, 218, 221.

East Liverpool, O., 35.

Economy, Pa., 26.

Elizabeth, Pa., 12, 15.

Elizabethtown, Ill., 275, 276.

Ellicott, Andrew, 181, 322.

Emmerick's Landing, Ky., 244.

English Prairie, Ill., 324.

Enterprise, Ind., 254.

Erie, Pa., 311.

Evans, Estwick, 323.

Evans, Lewis, 321.

Evansville, Ind., 255, 256, 260, 265.

Fairfax, Lord, 304.

Fallen Timbers, 181, 317.

Falls of Ohio. See Louisville, Ky.

Faux, W., 324.

Fearon, Henry Bradshaw, 323.

Ferguson, William, 327.

Filson, John, 179-181.

Fish Creek, 72, 73.

Fishing Creek, 74.

Flint, Timothy, 162, 163, 181, 323.

Forbes, Gen. John, 285, 313.

Forks of the Ohio. See Pittsburg.

Forman, Samuel S., 322.

Foreman, Capt. William, 63.

Fort Charlotte, 221.

Duquesne, 16, 17, 285, 312, 313. See Pittsburg.

Fincastle, 61.

Finney, 180.

Gower, 102, 103, 129.

Harmar, 91.

Henry, 61.

Le Boeuf, 15, 26, 311, 312.

Massac, 285-288, 290, 313.

Necessity, 4.

Pitt, 127, 129, 160-162. See Pittsburg.

Randolph, 129.

Washington, 180.

Wilkinson, 291.

Foster, Ky., 170, 171.

Frampton, O., 137.

Frankfort, Ky., 320.

Franklin, Benjamin, 316.

Franquelin, Jean B. L., 299.

Freeman, O., 40.

French, in Ohio valley, 15, 17, 29, 30, 90, 125, 131, 132, 197, 205, 285, 286, 298-313, 321.

French Creek, 311.

French Islands, 253.

Fry, John, 141.

GalissoniÈre, Count de, 308.

Gallipolis, O., 130-133.

Garrison Creek, 185.

Genet, Edmund Charles, 286.

George III., king, 309, 310, 313, 314.

Georgetown, Pa., 34.

Germans, in Ohio valley, 26, 132, 205.

Girty, Simon, 71.

Gist, Christopher, 15, 26, 29, 91, 151, 152, 310, 311, 317, 320, 321.

Glassport, Pa., 13.

Glenwood, W. Va., 134.

GnadenhÜtten, 91.

Golconda Island, 276.

Goose Island, 220.

Gordon, Harry, 115, 320, 321.

Grand View, Ind., 246.

Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 174.

Grape Island, 80.

Grape-Vine Town. See Captina, O.

Grave Yard Run, 72.

Great Meadows, 312, 314.

Green River Island, 255.

Green River Towhead, 255, 256.

Greenup Court House, Ky., 147.

Greenville. O., treaty of, 181.

Gunpowder Creek, 192.

Guyandotte, W. Va., 136.

Hale, John P., 153.

Half King, 34.

Half-Moon Bar, 274.

Hall, James, 117, 128, 164, 325.

Hamilton, T., 325.

Harmar, Gen. Josiah, 180, 181.

Harmonists, 264.

Harris, Thaddeus Mason, 162, 322.

Harris's Landing, 173.

Hartford, W. Va., 119.

Haskellville, O., 136.

Hawesville, Ky., 242.

Henderson, Ky., 256-259.

Henderson, Richard, 316.

Henderson Island, 258.

Hennepin, Father Louis, 299.

Henry, Patrick, 159.

Herculaneum, Ind., 260.

Higginsport, O., 170.

Hockingport, O., 102-104.

Homestead, Pa., 17, 18.

Horse Head Bottom, 148.

House-boat life, 50-57, 62, 134, 135, 203, 204, 207, 208.

Howard, John, 305, 306.

Hungarians, in Ohio valley, 44, 45, 69.

Huntington, W. Va., 136-139.

Hurricane Island, 274, 275.

Hutchins, Thomas, 115, 321.

Imlay, Gilbert, 162.

Inglis, Mrs. Mary, 152, 153.

Ironton, O., 143-146, 157.

Iroquois Indians, 264, 298, 299, 302, 307, 308.

Irving, Washington, 273.

Italians, in Ohio valley, 69.

Jamestown, Va., 296.

Jefferson, Thomas, 97.

Joliet, Louis, 264.

Jones, Rev. David, 70, 71, 94.

Joppa, Ill., 290, 291.

Kansas City, 318.

Kaskaskia, Ill., 268, 285.

King Philip, 221.

Kingston, O., 40.

Kneistly's Cluster Islands, 36-39.

La Fayette, Marquis de, 92.

Lake Chautauqua, 299, 304, 309.

Lake Erie, 299, 304, 309, 313.

Lancaster, Pa., 307.

Lane, Ralph, 296, 297.

La Salle, Chevalier de, 218, 263, 264, 298, 299.

Latrobe, Charles Joseph, 326.

La VÉrendrye Brothers, 306.

Lawrenceburg, Ind., 186.

Leadville, Colo., 318.

Leavenworth, Ind., 224, 225.

Lederer, John, 297.

Letart's Falls, 113, 114, 117.

Letart's Island, 112.

Levanna, O., 170.

Lewis, Gen. Andrew, 128, 129.

Lewisport, Ind., 246.

Lexington, Ky., 159.

Limestone Creek, 158, 159, 162, 167.

Little Beaver Creek, 34.

Little Hurricane Island, 252.

Little Meadows, 128.

Lloyd. James T., 328.

Logan, Mingo chief, 36, 37, 102, 103, 127, 128.

Logstown, Pa., 26.

Long Bottom, O., 109-111, 117.

Long Reach, 79, 80.

Losantiville. See Cincinnati.

Lostock, Pa., 13.

Louisa, Ky., 141, 142.

Louisville, Ky., 114, 169, 170, 180, 209, 214-223, 226, 256, 284, 298, 299.

Lower Blue River Island, 226.

Mackay, Alex., 327.

McKee's Rocks, 23, 178.

McKeesport, Pa., 13-16.

Madison, Ind., 209-214.

Madison County, Va., 297.

Malott, Catherine, 71.

Manchester, O., 157.

Marietta, O., 83-85, 87, 90-93, 130, 131, 157, 159, 162, 315.

Mason and Dixon line, 77.

Mason City, W. Va., 119.

Massac Creek, 285.

May, John, 321.

May, Col. William, 304.

Maysville, Ky., 157, 159, 167, 169.

Melish, John, 323.

Mercer, George, 126.

Metropolis, Ill., 288, 289.

Miami Indians, 303.

Michaux, F. A., 322.

Middleport, O., 118.

Millersport, O., 136.

Milwood, W. Va., 112.

Minersville, O., 118.

Mingo Bottom, 127.

Mingo Indians, 36, 37, 46, 127, 148.

Mingo Junction, O., 44-50, 57, 58.

Monongahela City, Pa., 8, 12.

Montreal, 313.

Moravian missionaries, 91.

Morgantown, Pa., 3.

Mound builders, 3, 4, 64-66.

Mound City, Ill., 290-292, 294.

Mound City Towhead, 292-295.

Moundsville, W. Va., 64-66, 115.

Mt. Vernon, Ind., 262.

Murray, Charles Augustus, 327.

Murray, Henry A., 327.

Murraysville, W. Va., 111.

Natchez, Miss., 181.

Nemacolin's Path, 160, 310, 312. See Braddock's Road.

Neville, O., 170, 173.

Neville's Island, 25.

New Albany, Ind., 220-223.

New Amsterdam, Ind., 224.

New Barataria, 316.

Newburgh, Ind., 254, 255.

New Cumberland, W. Va., 37, 40.

New Harmony, Ind., 264.

New Haven, W. Va., 119.

New Martinsville, W. Va., 74-77.

New Matamoras, W. Va., 82.

New Orleans, 12, 96, 97, 170, 205, 305, 309, 313, 325, 328.

Newport, Christopher, 296.

Newport, Ky., 176, 178, 183.

Newport, O., 82, 83.

New Richmond, O., 176.

Nichols, Thomas L., 326.

Nicholson, interpreter, 70.

Norfolk & Western Railway, 144.

North Bend, O., 173, 180, 181, 184.

Northwest Territory, 316.

Ogden, George W., 324.

Ohio Company, 4, 90, 114, 125, 152, 310, 314, 315.

Old Wyandot Town, 91.

Olmstead, Ill., 291.

Omaha, Nebr., 318.

Owensboro, Ky., 248-251, 271.

Paducah, Ky., 284.

Palmer, John, 114, 115, 162, 164, 323.

Parkersburg, W. Va., 94, 95, 99, 100, 102, 157.

Parkinson's Landing, Ill., 276.

Parkman, Francis, 308.

Patterson, Robert, 179.

Pennant, Edward, 297.

Petersburg, Ky., 186, 187.

Philadelphia, 12, 161, 318.

Pickaway Plains, 102, 103, 129.

Picket, Heathcoat, 205, 206.

Pine Creek, 148.

Pipe Creek, 67.

Pittsburg, 3, 5, 6, 8, 17-22, 24, 25, 27, 40, 59, 88, 129, 159, 166, 271, 311-313, 316-318, 320, 321, 323, 324, 326, 328.

Plum Creek, 205.

Point Pleasant, W. Va., 125, 127-130, 157, 170, 173, 174.

Point Sandy, Ind., 227-231.

Pomeroy, O., 111, 118, 119, 157.

Pomeroy Bend, 111, 119.

Pontiac, Indian chief, 221.

Pope, John, 5.

Portland, Ky., 219-221.

Portsmouth, O., 151-153, 157.

Power, Thomas, 287.

Powhattan Point, W. Va., 70.

Pownall, T., 286, 320, 321.

Presque Isle, 311.

Proctor's Run, 77.

Proctorville, O., 137.

Putnam, Israel, Jr., 100, 101.

Putnam, Israel, Sr., 100.

Putnam, Gen. Rufus, 91, 102.

Quebec, 299, 313.

Rabbit Hash, Ky., 189-191.

Racine, O., 117, 118.

Rafinesque, Constantine S., 257, 258

Rapp, George, 26.

Redstone Creek, 3-5, 72, 310.

Redstone Old Fort. See Brownsville, Pa.

Richardson's Landing, Ky., 224.

Richmond, Va., 296, 318, 324.

Ripley, O., 170.

Rising Sun, Ind., 189.

River Alleghany, 20, 299, 304, 305, 309, 311, 318.

Beaver, 27-30.

Big Hockhocking, 102-104.

Big Miami, 179, 180, 185.

Big Sandy, 119, 137, 141.

Cherokee, 321.

Coal, 305.

Cumberland, 97, 282, 284, 316.

Delaware, 298.

Gauley, 298.

Great Kanawha, 70, 115, 125-130, 153, 161, 297, 309, 316, 321.

Great Miami, 304.

Green, 255, 259.

Illinois, 321.

Indian Kentucky, 206, 207.

James, 126, 127, 161, 296.

Kentucky, 206.

Licking, 179, 183.

Little Kanawha, 94, 95.

Little Miami, 152, 177, 179, 180.

Little Sandy, 147.

Little Scioto, 148.

Maumee, 264, 299, 309.

Miami, 309.

Mississippi, 284, 294, 303, 306, 307, 313, 321.

Mohawk, 298.

Monongahela, 1-20, 39, 162, 166, 310, 311, 318.

Muskingum, 90, 91, 127.

New, 297, 298, 309.

Ottawa, 307.

Potomac, 304, 310.

Roanoke, 296, 297, 304.

St. Joseph's, 303.

St. Lawrence, 306, 309.

Saline, 269, 272, 273.

Salt, 223.

Shenandoah, 304.

Scioto, 102, 103, 151-153, 321.

Susquehanna, 298.

Tennessee, 283, 284, 288, 303, 316.

Wabash, 127, 263, 264, 302, 321.

Wood, 305. See New.

Youghiogheny, 13-16, 162, 318.

Robertson, James, 327.

Rochester, Pa., 27-30.

Rockport, Ind., 246, 247.

Rocky Mountains, discovery of, 306.

Rome, O., 155-157, 260.

Rono, Ind., 234, 235.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 316.

Rosebud, O., 133, 134, 156.

Rose Clare, Ill., 276.

Round Bottom, 66, 69.

St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, 180, 181, 286.

St. John, M., 321.

St. Louis, 170, 284, 318, 326, 328.

St. Mary's, W. Va., 82.

Salem, O., 91.

Saline Reserve (Illinois), 268, 269.

Salling, John Peter, 305, 306.

Sand Island, 220-222.

Sandusky, O., 46.

Sarikonk. See Beaver, Pa.

SchÖnbrunn, 91.

Scioto Company, 130-132, 321.

Sciotoville, O., 148-150.

Scotch-Irish, in Ohio valley, 60, 61, 301, 310.

Scuffletown, Ky., 254.

Seignelay, Marquis de, 300.

Seneca Indians, 34.

Seven Mile Creek, 284, 285.

Shaler, Nathaniel S., 153.

Shannoah Town, 151, 152.

Shawanee Indians, 26, 67, 128-130, 151-153, 307.

Shawneetown, Ill., 267-269.

Sheffield, O., 118.

Shingis Old Town. See Beaver, Pa.

Shippingsport, Pa., 31-34.

Shousetown, Pa., 25.

Sinking Creek, 238.

Sistersville, W. Va., 78.

Slavonians, in Ohio valley, 44, 45.

Slim Island, 261, 264.

Sloan's Station, O., 37.

Smith, John, 296.

Smithland, Ky., 282.

Smith's Ferry, Pa., 34.

Sohkon. See Beaver, Pa.

South Point, O., 137.

Spaniards, Western conspiracy, of, 286, 287.

Springville, Ky., 151, 152.

Spotswood, Gov. Alexander, 302.

Steamboats, first on Ohio, 165, 166.

Stephens, Frank, 71.

Stephensport, Ky., 237-239.

Steubenville, O., 5, 43, 44, 157, 181.

Stewart's Island, 277-281, 283.

Stuart, James, 325.

Swiss, in Ohio valley, 204, 205.

Symmes, John Cleves, 179-181.

Syracuse, O., 118.

Tecumseh, Indian chief, 317.

Tell City, Ind., 242.

Three Brothers Islands, 87.

Three-Mile Island, 252, 254.

Transylvania, 316.

Treaty, of Lancaster, Pa., 307, 308;

of Paris, 313;

of Utrecht, 307.

Trent, William, 95.

Tudor, Henry, 326.

Turner, Frederick J., 316.

Turtle Creek, 17, 312.

Trollope, Frances M., 325, 327.

Troy, Ind., 243.

Uniontown, Ky., 262, 263.

Upper Blue River Island, 226.

Vandalia, Province of, 126, 316.

Vanceburgh, Ky., 154.

Venango, 29.

Vevay, Ind., 204, 205.

Vigne, Godfrey T., 325.

Vincennes, Ind., 264.

Wabash Island, 264.

Walpole, Thomas, 316.

Walton, Pa., 13.

Warrior Branch, 72.

Wars, French and Indian, 15, 17, 29, 30, 90, 91, 152, 153, 285, 286, 308, 314, 315;

Pontiac's, 221;

Lord Dunmore's, 36, 37, 61, 67, 72, 73, 102, 103, 125-129, 218, 221;

Revolution, 61, 63, 91, 92, 100, 126, 128, 130, 151-161, 181, 182, 264, 315, 317;

of 1812-15, 287, 291.

Warsaw, Ky., 200, 204.

Washington, George, 4, 15, 23, 26, 29, 34, 46, 67, 69, 70, 72, 92, 126-128, 141, 142, 161, 310-312, 315, 320, 321.

Wayne, Anthony, 26, 181, 286, 317.

Weiser, Conrad, 26.

Welby, Adlard, 324.

Wellsville, O., 35.

West Point, Ky., 223.

Wheeling, W. Va., 5, 41, 59-62, 155, 157, 167, 187.

Wheeling Creek, 59-61.

Wheeling Island, 60.

Wilderness Road, 160-162, 317.

Wilkinson, Gen. James, 287.

Wilkinsonville, Ill., 291.

Williamson's Island, 78.

Wills Creek, 310, 312.

Wilson, Pa., 13.

Witten's Bottom, 78, 79.

Wood, Abraham, 297.

Wyandot Indians, 46, 91.

Yellowbank Island, 248-250.

Yellow Creek, 35, 36.

Zane Brothers, 60, 61.






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