How to Give Absent Treatment


Concentrate your mind on the one whom you wish to heal, then build a mental vision of him; see him in consciousness just as whole and perfect as if he was really radiant with health. Make believe that he is standing before you a perfect picture of physical perfection, work on your vision until you can produce and hold the most beautiful idealized picture of human beauty of flesh, form and character. Never forget to illumine your perfect thought-patient with a divine light of spiritual radiance. This perfected "make-believe-self" must be the risen God within them and it must come forth resplendent in a new glory. When you can hold a perfect vision of him and make yourself blind to anything but this image of beauty, health and power--then place him in the Divine Life and leave him. God, the great universal intelligence, will make the balance good. He will finish what you have begun. There is concerted action between the atomic mind of infinite substance and the mind of man, "and as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them, so has he given the son the power to quicken whom He will."

This vision held daily and intensified by belief and conscious command will be accepted by the spiritual consciousness of the patient and whether his surface mind accept it or not, his deeper consciousness gives the stimulation to his body and this registers it in form and he is healed to stay healed through the silent laws of mind. "And he stood between the living and the dead and the plague was stayed" because by his own transcendent consciousness he set in operation the higher laws of intelligence in substance.

It is written that in the Psychological Institute in France, Professor Prisbram, in one of his psychological experiments, asked a patient to think powerfully and concentratedly upon a make-believe vision of a bottle--he did, with his hand on a sensitive plate in a developing fluid, and slowly the picture of the bottle registered upon the plate.

Just as this make-believe bottle registered upon the plate, just so does the make-believe perfect flesh-body register in the cells of the old, and under the law of renewal of tissue, it is developed into form. This vision is the true self that is latent in every life. "The first man, Adam, was of the earth, earthy, the last man, Adam, was a living soul." "There is a body terrestrial and there is a body celestial, and the glory of the terrestrial is one and the glory of the celestial is another." And with the vision of the celestial body, in which the consciousness vibrates as a living soul, our treatment is accomplished and we have made our mind a conscious part of the mighty plan and we can ask whatsoever we will and it will be granted.

How often shall we treat an absent patient?

Three times daily and between these times forget them utterly, give them to the Cosmic forces, the Absolute. Holding on to a patient in thought often delays his recovery. When you have done your spiritual visualizing powerfully and perfectly, stop! The Universal Law will do the rest; never give an anxious thought to them, nor recognize death; vibrate life and more and more life to them and just as the current runs along the wire just so this silent Cosmic intelligence will flow from you to them, and health will come, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, back along their veins.


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