Haddi.—The Haddis are a low class of Oriyas, corresponding to the Telugu Malas and Madigas, and the Tamil Paraiyans. It has been suggested that the name is derived from haddi, a latrine, or hada, bones, as members of the caste collect all sorts of bones, and trade in them. The Haddis play on drums for all Oriya castes, except Khondras, Tiyoros, Tulabinas, and Sanis. They consider the Khondras as a very low class, and will not purchase boiled rice sold in the bazaar, if it has been touched by them. Castes lower than the Haddis are the Khondras and Jaggalis of whom the latter are Telugu Madigas, who have settled in the southern part of Ganjam, and learnt the Oriya language. The Haddis may be divided into Haddis proper, Rellis, and Chachadis, which are endogamous divisions. There are, among the Haddi communities, two caste officers entitled Behara and Nayako, and difficult questions which arise are settled at a meeting of the officers of several villages. It is said that sometimes, if a member of the caste is known to have committed an offence, the officers select some members of the caste from his village to attend the meeting, and borrow money from them. This is spent on drink, and, after the meeting, the amount is recovered from the offender. If he does not plead guilty at once, a quarrel ensues, and more money is borrowed, so as to increase the debt. In addition to the Behara and Nayako, there are, in some places, other officials called Adhikari or Chowdri, or Bodoporicha and Bhollobhaya. The caste title is Nayako. Members of higher castes are sometimes, Girls are married after puberty. Though contrary to the usual Oriya custom, the practice of menarikam, or marriage with the maternal uncle’s daughter, is permitted. When the marriage of a young man is contemplated, his father, accompanied by members of his caste, proceeds to the home of the intended bride. If her parents are in favour of the match, a small space is cleared in front of the house, and cow-dung water smeared over it. On this spot the young man’s party deposit a pot of toddy, over which women throw Zizyphus Jujuba leaves and rice, crying at the same time Ulu-ula. The village officials, and a few respected members of the caste, assemble in the house, and, after the engagement has been announced, indulge in a drink. On an auspicious day, the bridegroom’s party go to the home of the bride, and place, on a new cloth spread on the floor, the bride-price (usually twenty rupees), and seven betel leaves, myrabolams (Terminalia fruits), areca nuts, and cakes. Two or three of the nuts are then removed from the cloth, cut up, and distributed among the leading men. After the wedding day has been fixed, an adjournment is made to the toddy shop. In some cases, the marriage ceremony is very simple, the bride being conducted to the home of the bridegroom, where a feast is held. In the more elaborate form of ceremonial, the contracting couple are seated on a dais, and the Behara or Nayako, who officiates as priest, makes fire (homam) before them, which he feeds with twigs of Zizyphus Jujuba and Eugenia Jambolana. Mokuttos (forehead chaplets) and wrist-threads are tied on the couple, and their hands are connected by the priest by means of a turmeric-dyed thread, and then disconnected by an unmarried girl. Like other Oriya castes, the Haddis observe pollution for seven days on the occasion of the first menstrual period. On the first day, the girl is seated, and, after she has been smeared with oil and turmeric paste, seven women throw Zizyphus leaves and rice over her. She is kept either in a corner of the house, or in a separate hut, and has by her a piece of iron and a grinding-stone wrapped up in a cloth. If available, twigs of Strychnos Nux-vomica are placed in a corner. Within the room or hut, a small framework, made of broom-sticks and pieces of palmyra palm leaf, or a bow, is placed, and worshipped daily. If the girl is engaged to be married, her future father-in-law is expected to give her a new cloth on the seventh day. The Haddis are worshippers of various Takuranis (village deities), e.g., Kalumuki, Sathabavuni, and Baidaro. Cremation of the dead is more common than burial. Food is offered to the deceased on the day after death, and also on the tenth and eleventh days. Some Haddis proceed, on the tenth day, to the spot where the corpse was cremated or buried, and, after making an effigy on the ground, offer food. Towards night, they proceed to some distance from the house, and place food and fruits on a cloth spread on the ground. They then call the dead man by his name, and eagerly wait till some insect settles on the cloth. As soon as this happens, the cloth is folded up, carried home, and shaken over the “The Rellis,” Mr. H. A. Stuart writes, For the following note on the Rellis of Vizagapatam, I am indebted to Mr. C. Hayavadana Rao. The Rellis are also known as Sachchari, and they further call themselves Sapiri. The caste recognises the custom of menarikam, by which a man marries his maternal uncle’s daughter. A girl is usually married after puberty. The bride-price is paid sometime before the day fixed for the marriage. On that day, the bride goes, with her parents, to the house of the bridegroom. The caste deities Odda Polamma (commonly known as Sapiri Daivam) and Kanaka Durgalamma are invoked by the elders, and a pig and sheep are sacrificed to them. A string of black beads is tied by the bridegroom round the bride’s neck, and a feast is held, at which the sacrificed animals are eaten, and much liquor is imbibed. On the following morning, a new cloth, kunkumam (red powder), and a few pieces of turmeric are placed in a The Haddis who inhabit the southern part of Ganjam are known as Ghasis by other castes, especially Telugu people, though they call themselves Haddis. The name Ghasi has reference to the occupation of cutting grass, especially for horses. The occupational title of grass-cutter is said by Yule and Burnell The headman of the Ghasis is called Bissoyi, and he is assisted by a Behara and Gonjari. The Gonjari is the caste servant, one of whose duties is said to be the application of a tamarind switch to the back of delinquents. Various exogamous septs or bamsams occur among the Ghasis, of which naga (cobra), asvo (horse), chintala (tamarind), and liari (parched rice) may be noted. Adult marriage is the rule. The betrothal ceremony, at which the kanyo mulo, or bride-price, is paid, is the occasion of a feast, at which pork must be served, and the Bissoyi of the future bride’s village ties a konti (gold or silver bead) on her neck. The marriage ceremonial corresponds in At the first menstrual ceremony of a Ghasi girl, she sits in a space enclosed by four arrows, round which a thread is passed seven times. The name Odiya Toti (Oriya scavenger) occurs as a Tamil synonym for Haddis employed as scavengers in Municipalities in the Tamil country. Hajam.—The Hindustani name for a barber, and used as a general professional title by barbers of various classes. It is noted, in the Census Reports, that only fifteen out of more than two thousand individuals returned as Hajam were Muhammadans, and that, in South Canara, Hajams are Konkani Kelasis, and of Marathi descent. Halaba.—See Pentiya. Halavakki.—A Canarese synonym for Budubudukala. Halepaik.—The Halepaiks are Canarese toddy-drawers, who are found in the northern taluks of the South Canara district. The name is commonly derived from hale, old, and paika, a soldier, and it is said that they were formerly employed as soldiers. There is a legend that one of their ancestors became commander of the Vijayanagar army, was made ruler of a State, There is intermarriage between the Canarese-speaking Halepaiks and the Tulu-speaking Billava toddy-drawers, and, in some places, the Billavas also call themselves Halepaiks. The Halepaiks have exogamous septs or balis, which run in the female line. As examples of these, the following may be noted:— Chendi (Cerbera Odollum), Honne (Calophyllum inophyllum), Tolar (wolf), Devana (god) and Ganga. It is recorded All the Halepaiks of the Kundapur taluk profess to be Vaishnavites, and have become the disciples of a In their caste organisation, marriage and death ceremonies, the Halepaiks closely follow the Billavas. They do not, however, construct a car for the final death ceremonies. As they are Vaishnavites, after purification from death pollution by their own caste barber, a Vaishnavite mendicant, called Dassaya, is called in, and purifies them by sprinkling holy water and putting the namam on their foreheads. There are said to be some differences between the Halepaiks and Billavas in the method of carrying out the process of drawing toddy. For example, the Halepaiks generally grasp the knife with the fingers directed upwards and the thumb to the right, while the Billavas hold the knife with the fingers directed downwards and the thumb to the left. For crushing the flower-buds within the spathe of the palm, Billavas generally use a stone, and the Halepaiks a bone. There is a belief that, if the spathe is beaten with the bone of a buffalo which has been killed by a tiger, the yield of toddy will, if the bone has not touched the ground, be greater than if an ordinary bone is used. The Billavas generally carry a long gourd, and the Halepaiks a pot, for collecting the toddy in. Halige (plank).—A gotra of Kurni. Hallikara (village man).—Recorded, in the Mysore Census Report, 1901, as a division of Vakkaliga. Halu (milk).—An exogamous sept of Holeya and Kurni, a sub-division of Kuruba, and a name for Vakkaligas who keep cattle and sell milk. Halu mata (milk caste) has been given as a synonym for Kuruba. In the Mysore Census Report, 1901, Halu Vakkal-Makkalu, or children of the milk caste, occurs as a synonym for Halu Vakkaliga, and, in the South Canara Manual, Halvaklumakkalu is given as a synonym for Gauda. The Madigas call the intoxicant toddy halu. (See Pal.) Hanbali.—A sect of Muhammadans, who are followers of the Imam Abu ’Abdi ’llah Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, the founder of the fourth orthodox sect of the Sunnis, who was born at Baghdad A.H. 164 (A.D. 780). “His fame began to spread just at the time when disputes ran highest concerning the nature of the Qur’an, which some held to have existed from eternity, whilst others maintained it to be created. Unfortunately for Ibn Hanbal, the Khalifah-at-Muttasim was of the latter opinion, to which this doctor refusing to subscribe, he was imprisoned, and severely scourged by the Khalifah’s order.” Handa.—A title of Canarese Kumbaras. Handichikka.—The Handichikkas are stated Hanifi.—A sect of Muhammadans, named after Abu Hanifah Anhufman, the great Sunni Imam and jurisconsult, and the founder of the Hanifi sect, who was born A.H. 80 (A.D. 700). Hanuman.—Hanuman, or Hanumanta, the monkey god, has been recorded as a sept of Domb, and gotra of Medara. Hari Shetti.—A name for Konkani-speaking Vanis (traders). Haruvar.—A sub-division of the Badagas of the Nilgiri hills. Hasala.—Concerning the Hasalas or Hasulas, Mr. Lewis Rice writes that “this tribe resembles the Soliga (or Sholagas). They are met with along the ghÂts on the north-western frontier of Mysore. They are a short, thick-set race, very dark in colour, and with curled hair. Their chief employment is felling timber, but they sometimes work in areca nut gardens and gather wild cardamoms, pepper, etc. They speak a dialect of Canarese.” In the Mysore Census Report, 1891, it is stated that “the Hasalaru and Maleru are confined to the wild regions of the Western Malnad. In the caste generation, they are said to rank above the Halepaikas, but above the Holeyas and Madigas. They are a diminutive but muscular race, with curly hair and dolichocephalous head. Their mother-tongue is Tulu. Their numbers are so insignificantly small as not to be separately defined. They are immigrants from South Canara, and lead a life little elevated above that of primordial barbarism. They live in small isolated huts, which are, however, in the case of the Hasalas, provided not only with the usual It is further recorded in the Mysore Census Report, 1891, that “in most of the purely Malnad or hilly taluks, each vargdar, or proprietor of landed estate, owns a set of servants styled Huttalu or Huttu-alu and Mannalu or Mannu-alu. The former is the hereditary servitor of the family, born in servitude, and performing agricultural work for the landholder from father to son. The Mannalu is a serf attached to the soil, and changes hands with it. They are usually of the Holaya class, but, in some places, the Hasalar race have been entertained.” (See Holeya.) Concerning the Hasalaru, Mr. H. V. Nanjundayya writes to me that “their marriages take place at night, a pujari of their caste ties the tali, a golden disc, round the bride’s neck. Being influenced by the surrounding castes, they have taken of late to the practice of inviting the astrologer to be present. In the social scale they are a little superior to Madigas and Holeyas, and, like them, live outside the village, but they do not eat beef. Their approach is considered to defile a Brahman, and they do not enter the houses of non-Brahmans such as Vakkaligas and Kurubas. They have their own caste barbers and washermen, and have separate wells to draw water from.” Hasbe.—Hasbe or Hasubu, meaning a double pony pack-sack, has been recorded as an exogamous sept of Holeya and Vakkaliga. Hastham (hand).—An exogamous sept of Boya. Hatagar.—A sub-division of Devangas, who are also called Kodekal Hatagaru. Hathi (elephant).—A sept of the Oriya Haddis. When members of this sept see the foot-prints of an elephant, they take some dust from the spot, and make a mark on the forehead with it. They also draw the figure of an elephant, and worship it, when they perform Hathinentu Manayavaru (eighteen house).—A sub-division of Devanga. Hatti (hut or hamlet).—An exogamous sept of Kappilliyan and Kuruba. Hattikankana (cotton wrist-thread).—A sub-division of Kurubas, who tie a cotton thread round the wrist at the marriage ceremony. Heggade.—The Heggades are summed up, in the Madras Census Report, 1901, as being a class of Canarese cultivators and cattle-breeders. Concerning the Heggades of South Canara, Mr. H. A. Stuart writes Some Bants who use the title Heggade wear the sacred thread, follow the hereditary profession of temple functionaries, and are keepers of the demon shrines which are dotted all over South Canara. Of the Heggades who have settled in the Coorg country, the Rev. G. Richter states Heggade is sometimes used as a caste name by Kurubas, and occurs as an exogamous sept of Stanikas. Hegganiga.—A sub-division of Ganigas, who use two oxen for their oil-pressing mills. Helava.—Helava, meaning lame person, is the name of a class of mendicants, who, in Bellary, Mysore, and other localities, are the custodians of village histories. They generally arrive at the villages mounted on a bullock, and with their legs concealed by woollen blankets. They go from house to house, giving the history of the different families, the names of heroes who died in war, and so forth. Hijra (eunuchs).—See Khoja. Hire (big).—A sub-division of Kurni. Hittu (flour).—A gotra of Kurni. Holadava.—A synonym of Gatti. Holeya.—The bulk of the Holeyas are, in the Madras Presidency, found in South Canara, but there are a considerable number in Coimbatore and on the Nilgiris (working on cinchona, tea, and coffee estates). In the Manual of the South Canara district it is noted that “Holeyas are the field labourers, and former agrestic serfs of South Canara, Pulayan being the Malayalam and Paraiyan the Tamil form of the same word. The name is derived by Brahmins from hole, pollution, and by others from hola, land or soil, in recognition of the fact that, as in the case of the Paraiyan, there are customs remaining which seem to indicate that the Holeyas were once masters of the land; but, whatever the derivation may be, it is no doubt the same as that of Paraiyan and Pulayan. The Holeyas are divided into many sub-divisions, but the most important are Mari, Mera, and Mundala or Bakuda. The Mera Holeyas are the most numerous, and they follow the ordinary law of inheritance through males, as far as that can be said to be possible with a class of people who have absolutely nothing to inherit. Of course, demon propitiation (bhuta worship) is practically the exclusive idea of the Holeyas, and every one of the above sub-divisions has four or five demons to which fowls, beaten rice, cocoanuts and toddy, are offered monthly and annually. The Holeyas have, like other classes of South Canara, a number of balis (exogamous septs), and persons of the same bali cannot intermarry. Though the marriage tie is as loose as is usual among the depressed and low castes of Southern India, their marriage ceremony is somewhat elaborate. The bridegroom’s “All Tulu Brahmin chronicles,” Mr. H. A. Stuart writes In Coorg, the Rev. G. Richter writes, Of the Holeyas of the Mysore province, the following account is given in the Mysore Census Reports, 1891 and 1901. “The Holeyas number 502,493 persons, being 10.53 per cent. of the total population. They constitute, as their name implies, the back-bone of cultivation in the country. Hola is the Kanarese name for a dry-crop field, and Holeya means the man of such field. The caste has numerous sub-divisions, among which are Kannada, Gangadikara, Maggada (loom), and Morasu. The Holeyas are chiefly employed as labourers in connection with agriculture, and manufacture with hand-looms various kinds of coarse cloth or home-spun, which are worn extensively by the poorer classes, notwithstanding that they are being fast supplanted by foreign cheap fabrics. In some parts of the Mysore district, considerable numbers of the Holeyas are specially engaged in betel-vine gardening. As labourers they are employed in innumerable pursuits, in which manual labour preponderates. The Aleman sub-division furnishes recruits as Barr sepoys. It may not be amiss to quote here some interesting facts denoting the measure of material well-being achieved by, and the religious recognition accorded to the outcastes at certain first-class shrines in Mysore. At Melkote in the Mysore district, the outcastes, i.e., the Holeyas and Madigs, are said to have been granted by the great Visishtadvaita reformer, Ramanujacharya, the privilege of entering the Vishnu temple up to the sanctum sanctorum, along with Brahmans and others, to perform worship there for three days during the annual car procession. The following “In the pre-survey period, the Holeya or Madig Kulvadi, in the maidan or eastern division, was so closely identified with the soil that his oath, accompanied by certain formalities and awe-inspiring solemnities, was considered to give the coup de grÂce to long existing and “In most of the purely malnad or hilly taluks, each vargdar, or proprietor of landed estate, owns a set of servants called Huttalu or Huttu-Alu and Mannalu or Mannu-Alu. The former is the hereditary servitor of the family, born in servitude, and performing agricultural work for the landholder from father to son. The Mannalu is a serf attached to the soil, and changes with it. These are usually of the Holeya class, but in some places men of the Hasalar race have been entertained. To some estates or vargs only Huttu-alus are attached, while Mannu-alus work on others. Notwithstanding the measure of personal freedom enjoyed by all men at the present time, and the unification of the land tenures in the province under the revenue survey and settlement, “In rural circles, in which the Holeyas and Madigs are kept at arm’s length by the Bramanical bodies, and are not allowed to approach the sacerdotal classes beyond a fixed limit, the outcastes maintain a strict semi-religious rule, whereby no Brahman can enter the Holeya’s quarters without necessitating a purification thereof. They believe that the direst calamities will befall them In connection with the Holeyas of South Canara, it is recorded
“In addition to the daily wages, and the midday meal of boiled rice which is given in almost all parts, there are annual perquisites or privileges. Except on the coast of the Mangalore taluk and in the Coondapoor taluk, every Holeya is allowed rent free from ? to ? acre of land, and one or two cocoanut or palmyra trees, with sometimes a jack or mango tree in addition. The money-value of the produce of this little allotment is variously estimated at from 1 to 5 rupees per annum. Throughout the whole district, cloths are given every year to each labourer, the money value being estimated at 1 rupee per adult, and 6 annas for a child. It is also customary to give a cumbly (blanket) in the neighbourhood of the ghauts, where the damp and cold render a warm covering necessary. On In a note on the Kulwadis, Kulvadis or Chalavadis of the Hassan district in Mysore, Captain J. S. F. Mackenzie writes A Kulwadi, whom I came across, was carrying a brass ladle bearing the figure of a couchant bull (Basava) and a lingam under a many-headed cobra canopy. This ladle is carried round, and filled with rice, money, and betel, on the occasion of marriages in those castes, of which the insignia are engraved on the handle. These insignia were as follows:—
A small whistle, called kola-singanatha, made of gold, silver, or copper, is tied round the neck of some Holeyas, Vakkaligas, Besthas, Agasas and Kurubas, by means of threads of sheep’s wool intertwined sixteen times. All these castes are supposed to belong to the family of the God Bhaira, in whose name the whistle is tied by a Bairagi at Chunchingiri near Nagamangala. It is usually tied in fulfilment of a vow taken by the parents, and the ceremony costs from a hundred to two hundred rupees. Until the vow is fulfilled, the person concerned cannot marry. At the ceremony, the Bairagi bores a hole in the right ear-lobe of the celebrant with a needle called diksha churi, and from the wound ten drops of blood fall to the ground (cf. Jogi Purusha). He is then bathed before the whistle is tied round his neck. As the result of wearing the whistle, the man attains to the rank of a priest in his caste, and is entitled to receive alms and meals on festive and ceremonial occasions. He blows his whistle, which emits a thin squeak, before partaking of food, or performing his daily worship. It is noted in the Mysore Census Report, 1901, that the marriage of the Holeyas is “nothing but a feast, at which the bridegroom ties the bottu (marriage badge) round the bride’s neck. The wife cannot be divorced except for adultery. Widows are prohibited from remarrying, but the caste winks at a widow’s living with a man.” In an account given to me of marriage among the Gangadikara Holeyas, I was told that, if a girl The Holeyas have a large number of exogamous septs, of which the following are examples:—
It is recorded in the Mysore Census Report, 1901, that “351 out of the entire population of 577,166 have returned gotras, the names thereof being Harichandra, Kali, Yekke, and Karadi. In thus doing, it is evident that they are learning to venerate themselves, like others in admittedly higher grades of society.” Some Holeya families are called Hale Makkalu, or old children of the Gangadikara Vakkaligas, and have to do certain services for the latter, such as carrying the sandals of the bridegroom, acting as messenger in conveying news from place to place, carrying fire before corpses to the burning-ground, and watching over the burning body. It is said that, in the performance of these duties, the exogamous septs of the Holeya and Vakkaliga must coincide. In the Census Report, 1901, Balagai, Bakuda, Begara or Byagara, Kusa (or Uppara) Maila, and Ranivaya (belonging to a queen) are recorded as sub-sects of the Holeyas. Of these, Balagai is a synonym, indicating that the Holeyas belong to the right-hand section. The Bakudas are said to resent the application of that name to them, and call themselves Aipattukuladavaru, or the people of fifty families, presumably from the fact that they are divided into fifty balis or families. These balis are said to be named after deceased female ancestors. Begara or Byagara is a synonym, applied to the Holeyas by Kanarese Lingayats. Maila means dirt, and probably refers to the washerman section, just as Mailari (washerman) occurs among the Malas. The Tulu-speaking Holeyas must not be confounded with the Canarese-speaking Holeyas. In South Canara, Holeya is a general name applied to the polluting classes, Nalkes, Koragas, and the three divisions of Holeyas proper, which differ widely from each other in some respects. These divisions are—
Of these, the first two sections abstain from beef, and consequently consider themselves superior to the Mari section. The Bakudas follow the aliya santana law of succession (in the female line), and, if a man leaves any property, it goes to his nephew. They will not touch dead cows or calves, or remove the placenta when a cow calves. Nor will they touch leather, especially in the form of shoes. They will not carry cots on which rice sheaves are thrashed, chairs, etc., which have four legs, but, when ordered to do so, either break off one leg, or add an extra leg by tying a stick to the cot or chair. The women always wear their cloth in one piece, and are not allowed, like other Holeyas, to have it made of two pieces. The Bakudas will not eat food prepared or touched by Bilimaggas, Jadas, Paravas or Nalkes. The headman is called Mukhari. The office is hereditary, and, in some places, is, as with the Guttinaya of the Bants, connected with his house-site. This being fixed, he should remain at that house, or his appointment will lapse, except with the general consent of the community to his retaining it. In some places, the Mukhari has two assistants, called Jammana and Bondari, of whom the latter has to distribute Her relatives have to pay a small money fine to the village deity. The ordeal of passing through huts is also practiced by the Koragas of South Canara. “The suggestion,” Mr. R. E. Enthoven writes, “seems to be a rapid representation of seven existences, the outcaste regaining his (or her) status after seven generations have passed without further transgression. The parallel suggested is the law of Manu that seven generations are necessary to efface a lapse from the law of endogamous marriage.” The special bhuthas of the Bakudas are Kodababbu and Kamberlu (or Kangilu), but Jumadi, Panjurli, and Tanimaniya are also occasionally worshipped. For the propitiation of Kodababbu, Nalkes are engaged to put on the disguise of this bhutha, whereas Bakudas themselves dress up for the propitiation of Kamberlu in cocoanut leaves tied round the head and waist. Thus On the day fixed for the betrothal ceremony, among the Bakudas, a few people assemble at the home of the bride-elect, and the Mukharis of both parties exchange betel or beat the palms of their hands, and proclaim that all quarrels must cease, and the marriage is to be celebrated. Toddy is distributed among those assembled. The bride’s party visit the parents of the bridegroom, and receive then or subsequently a white cloth, four rupees, and three bundles of rice. On the wedding day, those who are present seat themselves in front of the house where the ceremony is to take place, and are given betel to chew. A new mat is spread, and the bride and bridegroom stand thereon. If there is a Kodababbu sthana in the vicinity, the jewels belonging thereto are worn by the bridegroom, who also wears a red cap, which is usually kept in the sthana, and carries in his hand the sword (kadasale) belonging thereto. The Mukhari or Jammana asks if the five groups of people, from Barkur, Mangalore, Shivalli, Chithpadi, Mudanidambur, and Udayavara, are present. Five men come forward, and announce that this is so, and say “all relationship involving prohibited degrees may snap, and cease to exist.” A tray of rice and a lamp are placed before the contracting couple, and those present throw rice over their heads. All then go to the toddy shop, and have a drink. They then return to the house and partake of a meal, at which the bridegroom and his bestman (maternal uncle’s son) are seated apart. Cooked rice is heaped up on a leaf before the bridegroom, and five piles of fish curry are placed thereon. First the bridegroom eats a portion thereof, and the remainder is The body of a dead Bakuda is washed with hot water, in which mango (Mangifera indica) bark is steeped. The dead are buried. The day for the final death ceremonies (bojja) is usually fixed by the Mukhari or Jammana. On that day, cooked food is offered to the deceased, and all cry “muriyo, muriyo.” The son, after being shaved, and with his face veiled by a cloth, carries cooked rice on his head to a small hut erected for the occasion. The food is set down, and all present throw some of it into the hut. The Mera or Mugayar Holeyas, like the Bakudas, abstain from eating beef, and refuse to touch leather in any form. They have no objection to carrying four-legged articles. Though their mother tongue is Tulu, they seem to follow the makkala santana law of inheritance (in the male line). Their headman is entitled Kuruneru, and he has, as the badge of office, a cane with a silver band. The office of headman passes to the son instead of to the nephew. Marriage is called Badathana, and the details of the ceremony are like those of the Mari Holeyas. The dead are buried, and the final death ceremonies (bojja or savu) are performed on the twelfth or sixteenth day. A feast is given to some members of the community, and cooked food offered to the deceased at the house and near the grave. The Mari or Marimanisaru Holeyas are sometimes called Karadhi by the Bakudas. Like certain Malayalam castes, the Holeyas have distinct names for their homes Marriage among the Mari Holeyas is called porathavu. At the betrothal ceremony, the headmen of the contracting parties exchange betel leaves and areca nuts. The bride-price usually consists of two bundles of rice and a bundle of paddy (unhusked rice). On the wedding day the bridegroom and his party go to the home of the bride, taking with them a basket containing five seers of rice, two metal bangles, one or two cocoanuts, a comb, and a white woman’s cloth, which are shown to the headman of the bride’s party. The two headmen order betel leaf and areca nuts to be distributed among those assembled. After a meal, a mat is spread in front of the hut, and the bride and bridegroom stand thereon. The bridegroom has in his hand a sword, and the bride holds some betel leaves and areca nuts. Rice is thrown over their heads, and presents of money are given to them. The two headmen lift up the hands of the contracting couple, and they are joined together. The bride is lifted up so as to be a little higher than the bridegroom, and is taken indoors. The bridegroom follows her, but is When a Mari Holeya girl reaches puberty, she is expected to remain within a hut for twelve days, at the end of which time the castemen are invited to a feast. The girl is seated on a pattern drawn on the floor. At the four corners thereof, vessels filled with water are placed. The girl’s mother holds over her head a plantain leaf, and four women belonging to different balis (septs) pour water thereon from the vessels. These women and the girl then sit down to a meal, and eat off the same leaf. Among the Mari Holeyas, the dead are usually buried, and the final death ceremonies are performed on the twelfth day. A pit is dug near the grave, into which an image of the deceased, made of rice straw, is put. The image is set on fire by his son or nephew. The ashes are heaped up, and a rude hut is erected round them by fixing three sticks in the ground, and covering them with a cloth. Food is offered on a leaf, and the dead person is asked to eat it. The Kusa Holeyas speak Canarese. They object to carrying articles with four legs, unless the legs are crossed. They do not eat beef, and will not touch leather. They consider themselves to be superior to the other sections of Holeyas, and use as an argument that their caste name is Uppara, and not Holeya. Why they are called Uppara is not clear, but some say that they are the same as the Upparas (salt workers) of Mysore, who, in South Canara, have descended in the social scale. The hereditary occupation of the Upparas is making salt from salt earth (ku, earth). The headman of the Kusa Holeyas is called Buddivant. As they are disciples of a At Tumkur, in the Mysore Province, I came across a settlement of people called Tigala Holeya, who do not intermarry with other Holeyas, and have no exogamous septs or house-names. Their cranial measurements approach more nearly to those of the dolichocephalic Tamil Paraiyans than those of the sub-brachycephalic Holeyas; and it is possible that they are Tamil Paraiyans, who migrated, at some distant date, to Mysore.
Holodia Gudiya.—A name for the agricultural section of the Oriya Gudiyas. Holuva (holo, plough).—A synonym of Pentiya, and the name of a section of Oriya Brahmans, who plough the land. Hon.—Hon, Honnu, and Honne, meaning gold, have been recorded as gotras or exogamous septs of Kurni, Odde, and Kuruba. Honne (Calophyllum inophyllum or Pterocarpus Marsupium).—An exogamous sept of Halepaik and Honnungara (gold ring).—An exogamous sept of Kuruba. Huli (tiger).—An exogamous sub-sept of Kappiliyan. Hullu (grass).—A gotra of Kurni. Hunise (tamarind).—An exogamous sub-sept of Kappiliyan. Hutta (ant-hill).—An exogamous sept of Gangadikara Holeya. Huvvina (flowers).—An exogamous sept of Odde and Vakkaliga. |