Bright sea, in thy waters rolled Dost eternity enfold, Endless being, uncontrolled, Freedom, more than heart can hold, Every wave a hope divine, Sun-charms, golden line on line, Thou great moving mystery-shrine! Thine the first sounds that the earth Heard, its cradle-song at birth. Hidden voices in thy deep Half untold their secret keep, As they murmur evermore Old-world tidings to the shore. Glorious sea, thy moving light Spreads round earth a mantle bright, Wide as range of eye or mind, Tameless playmate of the wind. Like a shuttle glancing free In and out, thy life, O sea, Whatsoe’er thy mood hath been, Weaves a web of magic sheen. Gracious wandering life, the air Sports around thee for its share; Winds that move, and winds that rest, Heaving softly on thy breast, Like a sea-bird from the crest, Rise from off thy waves, and fly, Sweeping fresh the summer sky. Glorious sea, glad, unconfined, Free as range of eye or mind, Tameless playmate of the wind, Gracious power, whate’er thou be, Lay thy sweetest liberty At the pilgrims’ feet, O sea.