- Absorption of hydrochloric acid and ammonia in water, 121
- Agassiz, Louis, 116
- Alais meteorite, 132
- Allerton Hall, 6
- Arsenic-eating in Styria, 132
- Atomic weights, Dalton’s first table of, 132
- Baines, Sir Edward, 61, 73
- Bakerian Lectures, 114
- Balmain, William H., 17
- Barnes, Rev. Dr., 36
- Baxendell, Joseph, 114
- Bessemer process, application of spectroscope to, 133
- BrÜhl, Professor, 140
- Bryce, Lord, 43
- Bunsen, R. W., his characteristics, 24, 26
- Burning bush, 157
- Carbon dioxide in sea air, 115
- Carnegie, Mr. Andrew, 109
- Carnegie Scholarships and Fellowships, 169
- Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 55, 57, 61, 81
- Chemical action of light, 110
- “Chemistry Primer,” 139
- Chorley, Henry, his appreciation of Henry Roscoe, 14
- Clarke, William, 4, 6
- Clothworkers’ Company of London, 57, 75, 88
- Colonna, Vittoria, her life, by Maria Roscoe, 16
- Columbium trichloride, 181
- Conversation Club, Leeds, 55
- Crompton, Mr. Justice, 20
- Darwin, Sir George, 136
- Darwin, Horace, 121
- Debus, Dr. Heinrich, 142
- Delafontaine, Philippe, 131
- Deutsche Revue, 179
- Devonshire, Duke of, 44, 61, 81, 82
- Dittmar, Wilhelm, 27-35, 121
- Draper (of New York), 110
- Eclipse expedition to Sicily, 134
- Enfield, Dr. William, 15
- Ethyl perchlorate, 122
- Eton College, 165
- Fairbairn, Sir Andrew, 55
- Fairfax, Henry, 46
- Fairfax, Lord, 46
- Faulkner, George, 29
- Firth College, Sheffield, 167
- Forster, W. E., 61
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@56569@56569-h@56569-h-5.htm.html#Page_149" class="pginternal">149;
- Honorary President of the International Congress of Applied Chemistry, 149;
- British Association, 150;
- British Association President, 151;
- member of Royal Commissions, 152;
- is knighted, 154;
- enters Parliament, 154;
- political services, 155;
- chemical adviser to Metropolitan Board of Works, 157;
- becomes Vice-Chancellor London University, 162;
- Fellow of Eton College, 165;
- member of Scottish Universities Commission, 167;
- of Royal Commission of 1851 Exhibition, 168;
- examiner in the Science and Art Department, 170;
- Lister Institute, 171;
- dignities and honours, 175;
- member of Privy Council, 176;
- his jubilee, 177;
- the Deutsche Revue, 179;
- Germany and England, 180;
- home life, 190;
- characteristics, 191;
- Woodcote Lodge, 197;
- death, 203
- Roscoe, Maria, her marriage, 15;
- her “Life of Vittoria Colonna,” 16;
- her characteristics, 16;
- letter from, 39
- Roscoe, William, his birth, 2;
- his schooling, 2;
- his love of literature, 2;
- becomes an attorney, 2;
- his poem “Mount Pleasant,” 3;
- attacks the Slave Trade, 3;
- welcomes the French Revolution, 3;
- his studies of Italian literature, 4;
- his “Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici,” 4;
- his translation of Tansillo’s “Nurse,” 5;
- his “Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth,” 5;
- purchases Allerton Hall, 6;
- reclamation of Chat Moss, 6;
- his connection with John M’Creery, 6;
- his protection of John Gibson, 6;
- his interest in botany, 7;
- founded Society for the Encouragement of the Arts of Painting and Design, in Liverpool, 7;
- Liverpool Academy, 7;
- Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, 7;
- Liverpool Lyceum, 8;
- Liverpool Atheneum, 8;
- Liverpool Botanic Garden, 8;
- Liverpool Royal Institution, 8;
- is elected member for Liverpool, 9;
- his share in the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 9;
- votes for Catholic Emancipation, Printed in Great Britain by