Johnnie Carnegie lais heer, Descendit of Adam and Eve; Gif ony con gang hieher, Ise willing give him leve. Part I. Measurement of the chemical action of light. (Phil. Trans. (1857), pp. 355-380.) Part II. Phenomena of photochemical induction. (Phil. Trans. (1857), pp. 381-402.) Part III. Optical and chemical extinction of the chemical rays. (Phil. Trans. (1857), pp. 601-620.) Part IV. Comparative and absolute measurement of the chemical rays. Chemical action of diffuse daylight. Chemical action of direct sunlight. Photochemical action of the sun compared with that of a terrestrial source of light. Chemical action of the constituent parts of solar light. (Phil. Trans. (1859), pp. 879-926.) Part V. On the direct measurement of the chemical action of sunlight. (Phil. Trans. (1863), pp. 139-160.) |