Masonry bridges, in which description it is intended to include structures both in stone and brick, are, when well built, amongst the most durable and long-suffering of any which come under the care of a maintenance engineer; yet when developing the faults peculiar to their kind, they may be the occasion of much anxiety, and render necessary frequent inspection, or even continuous watching. Apart from decay of mortar or material, defects may very commonly be traced to the foundations, or to earth-slips. Sinking, when uniform, may be quite harmless, though possibly inconvenient; irregular sinking of piers or abutments is quite a different matter. It is, however, remarkable to what a degree sinking may be evident, without of necessity rendering a structure unsafe. Movement of an amount and kind which would be fatal to the connections of metallic bridgework is endured by bridges of stone or brick; not, it may be, without damage, yet with no occasion for alarm. The superstructure of metallic bridges may often, however, be restored to the true level before the mischief has become serious, whereas in the case of masonry arches this is not practicable. Spreading of the abutments is very seldom the cause of any great injury to an arch, though it is common enough to find old and flat arches slightly down at the crown; but the contrary case of abutments closing in is not very unusual when these are high, or terminate a viaduct over a deep When a viaduct connects the two ends of a high embankment, it may happen that the end piers are not clear of the embankment slope, in which event a pier may, should the bank slip, move with it, as to that part not in solid ground; with the result, in a bad case, that it is broken across and the superstructure imperilled. Fig. 90. A case of abutment movement is illustrated in Fig. 90, which represents the end arch of a masonry viaduct, one abutment of which had moved forward in the manner already referred to. From the springing upwards the arch retained its form to within a short distance of the crown, where it was forced up in the way indicated. When the movement became pronounced, heavy timber centering was introduced, with the object of preventing any mishap, the damaged portions being ultimately cut out and made good. The structure was thirty-five years old. The practical utility of stop piers in long arched viaducts is, perhaps, rather in checking movement of the tops of piers This rocking may be detrimental both to the piers and arches, and helps to account for the disintegration of mortar in arches and piers, which not infrequently happens. The soffits will sometimes be seen with a thick incrustation of lime, which has washed out of the joints, or from limestone ballast above, where this has been in use. Arches of tall viaducts may, indeed, become in so bad a condition that pieces of stone or brick will drop out, necessitating repair at heavy expense, of which scaffolding is commonly a large part. Tall piers may be found badly out of the upright due to sinking of foundations. A marked case of this kind came under the author’s notice—a viaduct of fifteen semicircular arches, in which, though many piers were wanting in truth, one in particular was about 1 foot 4 inches out of vertical, making one side of the shaft plumb, and doubling the normal batter of the other. Inquiry showed that in this instance the pier had never been upright from its earliest history dating back thirty-six years. This makes clear the desirability, to avoid hasty conclusions, of ascertaining, when it is possible to do so, the complete record of any structure. A bridge fifty-eight years old, of three skew spans, carrying Brick arches built in parallel rings sometimes separate one ring from the other, demonstrating the known propriety of bonding the rings together properly, and of carrying the arch round, when building, at its full thickness. Fig. 91. An instance of bridge failure from a somewhat peculiar cause may be quoted as of some interest, largely because the structure was very ancient, having been in existence some 400 years. This bridge, carrying a road, was of the type usual in old masonry bridges over a river, having small arches, thick piers, and solid backings to the arches. Two Fig. 92. The enduring character of even the roughest class of masonry arch, if only the material be good and abutments stable, is shown when it becomes necessary to destroy old work of this character. Fig. 92 represents a short length of “cut and cover” arching in process of demolition, just before it fell in. The masonry was of hard sandstone rubble and had been cut away, as shown, till at the point A only a very Though the equilibrium of masonry arches has been the occasion of much profound study, and the nicest calculation has sometimes been applied to the design of such work, yet it appears that when an arch is well backed up, the theoretical linear arch need have but little connection with the figure of the intrados; a statement consonant both with common-sense and the teachings of experience. With solid backing, this would indeed seem to be more important than any part of the arch ring below the top of the backing, the lower part of the ring serving chiefly to preserve the face of the solid work. Arches are frequently to be met with so out of their true shape that but for the consideration named, failure would seem to be inevitable. The masonry or brickwork does not always show evidence of damage, if the distortion has been slow; suggesting that structures of this kind have a power of accommodation with which they are not generally credited. A noticeable cause of deterioration of masonry structures, which may be quite independent of settlement, is serious vibration. This is well known in connection with church belfries, and is also locally apparent when telegraph or other poles are attached to masonry parapets. Vibration, when caused by heavy railway traffic, acting upon arches light or originally bad, may demoralise the structure to such an extent that repair becomes exceedingly difficult, because of the extensive character of the mischief; but masonry bridges substantially built, and particularly those carrying ordinary roads, and not subject to much vibration, have great lasting powers, In cases where it may be prudent to introduce safety centring, as in an instance already referred to, it is commonly expedient to refrain from causing this to take any sensible part of the load till all movement has ceased, the centres being at the outset largely precautionary. The requirement with an arch in bad condition is to avoid disturbing it for the worse. If the centres are wedged up whilst movement is still going on, the effect may be to cause the arch to break up upon the centring, and precipitate repair work which might otherwise have been left to a more convenient time, when all movement had stopped or been checked by suitable measures. Viaduct arches in a bad condition, but not necessitating the use of relief centres, are commonly dealt with piecemeal by cutting out the bad places, a small part Pointing masonry or brickwork is effective for little other than protective purposes, and to check further weathering; it has obviously no effect upon the interior work, and if made to cover up the evidences of internal decay, is even misleading and objectionable. In extreme cases it may be desirable to open out the road and deal with the filling, to relieve or to strengthen the outer spandrel walls, which sometimes bulge, or for other purposes, as, for example, for rebuilding inner spandrel walls, grouting up or otherwise repairing solid backing, in which operations some regard must be had to the effect of the work upon the balance of the opposing halves of the arch. Of the different classes of masonry commonly used in bridgework, it may be well to remark that good coursed rubble, or preferably that variety bonding both vertically and horizontally, of a durable stone, perhaps quite unfit for any but rough dressing, may make a most lasting structure, the mortar, of course, being good. Each rough-dressed stone presents a durable piece, fragments removed separate from the block, probably along some line of relative weakness—there is no “nursing” of weak corners; whereas with stones reduced to a perfectly regular shape by chisel work, the plane surfaces and geometrical angles are made with partial regard only to the natural grain of the stone. |