Cast Iron as a material for bridges has of late years fallen into disrepute. It is now entirely tabooed by the Board of Trade for railway under-bridges, unless of arched construction. This condemnation of cast iron followed, and was apparently the result of, an accident which occurred to an under-bridge on one of the southern lines, which bridge had already earned for itself an ill repute by breaking down on a previous occasion. The ultimate issue was, however, good, inasmuch as it led to a thorough overhaul of all railway under-bridges in this country, and the renewal of a great number no longer in a condition suited to the carriage of heavy or of passenger traffic; yet there is little doubt that, in the author’s judgment, many excellent cast-iron bridges were then removed at considerable cost, to be replaced by others of wrought iron or steel, which will not last so long as many of those displaced had done, or would still have lasted had they not been dismantled. The earlier cast-iron bridges were commonly made of cold-blast iron, a material of such strength and toughness as to give an extraordinary amount of trouble in breaking up the heavier parts, when the time arrived to do this, and with which material ordinary hot-blast iron is not to be compared for reliability. Fig. 79. As illustrating the very considerable stress to which cast iron may be subjected, without of necessity leading to any mishap, two cases may be cited. The first, a bridge of 32 The extreme fibre stress works out at 2·9 tons per square inch in tension, and 5·9 tons per square inch compression, calculated as it would be in ordinary office work; but for the actual loads, at a span as above, exceeding the clear span by 6 inches only, and without regard to the effects of eccentric application of the load. The girders when taken out showed upon examination no sign of overstrain. The practice of loading cast-iron girders in this manner cannot, however, be too strongly condemned, notwithstanding that in this case no ill resulted. It is evident that a piece of the lower flange being broken out from this cause, as occasionally happens, might so reduce the section as to result in complete failure. Figs. 80 and 81. The second example is that of a small railway under-bridge of two spans, continuous over the central pier, each span being 16 feet 6 inches. The rails were supported upon longitudinal timbers lying within trough-shaped girders, as shown in Figs 80 and 81. The stress over the pier, in the extreme fibres of the top flange, is estimated at 4·7 tons per square inch in tension, but it should be noted that the effect of the timber longitudinal and rail has been neglected in arriving at this result, The case is noticeable because no evidence of high stress was apparent. The author saw nothing to suggest sinking of the central pier, the effect of which, within limits, would be to further reduce the stress as calculated; but it is quite possible some slight settlement had occurred; this, as the spans were so small, would have a sensible effect. While too much reliance should not, it is clear, be placed upon any estimated result about which there is a lingering doubt, it should be remarked that, as it would be necessary the pier should sink 3/16 of an inch, for each ton of reduced stress, it is not probable that the results quoted are in excess to any material degree; they are, indeed, more probably low, as no notice has been taken of impact. Though cast-iron girders for railway under-bridges are now prohibited in this country for new works, there are still uses to which they may be applied, and it may be well to insist that girders of this material should be fairly loaded, the Good cast iron is, in fact, when used with discretion, a most excellent material, popular predjudice notwithstanding. The oldest metallic bridge in this country at the present moment is of that metal. The one chief respect in which cast iron is at a disadvantage compared with wrought iron or steel is that it does not give premonitory warning of failure—it remains intact, or it breaks. The indications of weakness, which may be read by an experienced inspector of other metallic bridges, are in a great measure absent. There is also an objection which may exist, but is to be avoided by good design and care in the foundry—viz., internal stress due to unequal cooling. In extreme cases this may lead to fracture before the work Figs. 82 and 83. In a case which has already been referred to in the chapter on “Deformations,” page 80, an outer rib of a cast-iron arch fractured near the crown after fifty-four years’ use. Owing to the nature of the design, and the fact that the near abutment had closed in slightly, bringing the linear arch of necessity near the lower edges of the arch segment in question, it was possible to estimate, with a probability of truth, the extreme fibre stress (tensile) due to the load forces, at the upper edge where fracture commenced. The result was very far from explaining the occurrence of the break, but an examination of the details shown in Figs. 82 and 83 will make it apparent that, in addition to the tensile stress, as calculated, there was probably a severe initial stress of the same character due to irregular cooling in the foundry half a century before. The sum of these stresses, it is suggested, placed this particular casting in a critical condition, such that operations in the construction of a new bridge adjacent either by producing a small further settlement of the foundations, of which the author saw no evidence, or, as is more probable, the attachment of a rope to this rib for the purpose of keeping a barge in position, which certainly did occur, gave the arch rib just such an additional strain as to result in the break shown, though no one of these causes acting singly would have been sufficient to induce fracture. The inner ribs were of a much less objectionable section. Fig. 84. Cast-iron arches, though still allowed by the Board of Trade rules, are, indeed, liable to be seriously affected by settlement, or yielding of the abutments, unless hinges at the crown are introduced. As an instance of this may be quoted a bridge of some 45 feet span, in which the arches were cast in two pieces abutting, and very efficiently bolted together at the crown, the springing and vertical abutment member of A second case of very much the same character has also been under the author’s observation, though in this the ends of the spandrels were not built into the brickwork of which the abutments were composed. Other instances of fracture either in the arch proper or in the spandrel work, have come under notice, though particulars cannot now be adduced; but the examples cited are by themselves sufficient to justify the conclusion that it is imprudent to construct a cast-iron arch without a central pin or its equivalent, unless the abutments, being exceptionally well founded, may be relied upon as free from any liability to move. It is, however, to be borne in mind that movement in the abutments of a small arch of any given absolute amount is more injurious than the same amount of movement in the abutments of large arches of similar design, so that what may be negligible in the latter case would perhaps be destructive in the former. To the absence of ductility and liability to initial stress must be added yet another disadvantage to which cast-iron work is prone—viz., the possibility of concealed defects, blow-holes or cold-shuts; these in good foundry practice are not very likely to occur, but, as they are possible, cannot be overlooked in considering the suitability of cast iron for bridgework, or, indeed, any structural work liable to serious stress, and particularly tensile stress. With these remarks by way of qualification, the author reiterates his opinion that there is still a use for cast iron in bridgework. With respect to the repair of cast-iron bridges, but little is to be said; the possibilities in this direction are very limited. Occasionally it may be desired to deal with the fracture of some member in the spandrel bracing of an arch, Rarely it may happen that an arch fractures as a result of settlement, or other movement, when, if it is decided that safety of the structure is not imperilled, it will in this case also be preferable to confine the parts simply by flitch-plates or other contrivance, with no attempt rigidly to make good the break, the consequences of which treatment would probably be to induce fracture in some other place. Effective strengthening of a cast-iron structure is seldom practicable, though something may occasionally be done by the negative process of lightening the dead load, or by remodelling the permanent way. Arches may, however, be rendered much more reliable by the introduction of suitable bracing where this is either wanting or inefficient. In scheming such additions it is desirable to arrange for as little drilling of the old work as is possible; where this cannot be altogether avoided, the position of the holes should be carefully chosen with regard to the effect they may have upon the strength of the old work. |