
High stress, provided it be well below that at which immediate injury results, or possible failure, is not uniformly objectionable. It may be first considered relative to the absolute and elastic limits of strength, next with respect to the range of stress, and, finally, with regard to the frequency of application. For practical purposes—that is, for the continued efficiency of a structure—the limit of elasticity must be considered to be the limit of strength, or, more strictly, the limit for all those parts of the structure which must, so long as it lasts, be liable to the original measure of stress. There may be places in a bridge, however, over-stressed only in the earlier period of its existence, which, by being over-stressed and suffering deformation, permit the origin of this distortion to be harmlessly met in some other way. In such a case the injury done to that part does not, of necessity, lead to any culminating disaster; indeed, were it not for this plasticity it is probable a large number of bridges would fail after being in use but a short time. As for riveting, so in dealing with the amount of stress to which a member is supposed to be liable, it should be clearly understood by what method this has been arrived at, whether the value assigned is the actual measure of the stress, or simply the conventional amount arrived at in the conventional way; perhaps neglecting web section in plate girders, or without regard to the various influences which may reduce or increase the nominal amount of stress, or including only a partial recognition of those influences. In any case quoted the stress named is that at which the author arrives by the ordinary methods of computation carefully applied, where these appear to be sufficiently precise, unless any qualifying remark be added. Extreme flange stress is in special cases computed, first on the gross section by estimating the moment of inertia on that basis, and deducing the stress at the holes from the ratio of net to gross section at the extreme fibres; a method more correct than by reference to the moment of inertia of the net section. Any exhaustive refinement in the study of stresses is not attempted, both because it is beyond the author’s powers of analysis, and for the reason that such results are not comparable with the results of ordinary methods of calculation in practice. Effective spans are taken at moderate values, and all exaggeration is avoided.

The effects of impact in any part vary so much with nearness to, or remoteness from, the living load, and the frequency of development of the maximum stress from all causes acting together is so much affected by the same consideration, that it is apparent a nominal stress which may be harmless in one part of a bridge may be destructive in some other, a statement borne out by observation. Stress, as ordinarily stated—i.e., at so much per square inch, uniform across a section—is seldom a cause of trouble. In nearly all cases of failure there is an accompanying localised destructive stress, either in rivets or elsewhere, with crippling or deformation of some essential part. In the tension flanges of main girders with uncomplicated stress, this may run up to an amount very considerably beyond the ordinary limits without producing signs of distress. The same remark applies to the compression flanges, if these be in themselves sufficiently stiff, or properly restrained from side flexure. In support of the above statement may be quoted the following instances relating to wrought-iron structures:—

A bridge of 60 feet effective span, having girders immediately under the rails, had a flange stress of 6·3 tons per square inch. Another of 64 feet span, carrying two lines of way, with outside main girders and cross-girders, had the flanges of the former stressed to 6·8 tons per square inch. A third, of 76 feet span, of similar construction to the last, was stressed in the main girder flanges to 7·5 tons per square inch. The webs were not included in the computation; the figures, therefore, compare with ordinary practice. In these three cases the main girders showed no signs of distress, referable to the results stated, though the top flanges in the last case were curved inwards. The effect of this flexing of the flange would be, of course, to increase the amount of compressive stress along one edge, though to what degree cannot now be stated.

Fig. 43.

Fig. 44. Fig. 45.

Fig. 44. and Fig. 45.

A further instance of considerable flange stress occurred in a bridge of seven nearly equal continuous spans, 25 feet generally, the end and greatest span being 29 feet 6 inches, centre to centre of bearings. Some details of the bridge are given in Figs. 43 to 45. The four inner main girders under rails were 2 feet deep, with webs 1/2 inch thick over piers, and 3/8 inch at abutments, having flanges of two L bars, 3 inches by 3 inches by 5/8 inch. There were also two outer girders of the same depth, with single L bars. Plate diaphragms of full girder depth and particularly stiff were carried right across the bridge at the centre of the spans, and over the piers. The girders, though evidently designed to be continuous, had very poor flange joints at each bearing, of little more than one half the flange strength (see Fig. 45). It is doubtful if the girders acted with strict continuity for long after erection, as the excessive stress in the rivets of the flange joint would, for that condition, have been nearly sufficient to shear them. It is probable that this being so, the joints first yielded, relieving the bending moment over the piers, and increasing it near mid-span. Whether the end spans be considered as strictly continuous with the rest, or as simple beams, the maximum bending moments would not greatly differ, though occurring for continuity over the pier, for free beams at the centre. There is, however, an intermediate condition which makes the moments at these two places less than either maximum, but equal to each other; a condition of semi-continuity agreeable to a partial efficiency of the joints referred to. It is this state which has been calculated, giving the minimum stress value that can be accepted. The diaphragm has been assumed to transfer to the outer girders a due proportion of the load. With this explanation it may now be stated that, under engine loads corresponding to those running, the flange stress worked out at 7·4 tons per square inch tension, web included, or 9·7 tons per square inch without considering the web; which stresses, it is more than probable, may have been greater. The figures include the consideration of anything which may contribute to lowering the stress, and are hardly to be compared with those worked to in ordinary design of new work, in which it would be quite usual to neglect the assistance of the outer girders and the webs, to work to heaviest engine-loads, and possibly include an allowance for the effects of settlement. Dealt with in this way the girders would seem to be of about one-fourth the strength that would be required in the design of a new bridge, in which certain elements of strength would be deliberately ignored.

The ironwork was in good condition, there was no ordinary evidence of weakness apart from the calculated results, the vibration was distinctly moderate, and the deflection, though not recorded, was certainly small. The bridge did, indeed, seem somewhat inert under load, and favours a suspicion, the author entertains, that old girderwork long overstressed may have a sensibly higher modulus of elasticity than newer work at more moderate stresses. The traffic was not very considerable, and both roads, of the same spans, but seldom loaded at the same time; though with this construction of bridge there would in either case be very little difference. The author recalls no reason for supposing that the piers had yielded in any sensible degree. The bridge was rebuilt after some thirty-six years’ use.

Stress of considerable amount in the flanges of a latticed main girder of 63 feet span has already been noticed in the chapter on “Riveted Connections,” which for the tension boom worked out to 7·1 tons per square inch, the flanges in this case showing no signs of weakness. An instance has also been given in dealing with a case of side flexure in which the extreme fibre stress was calculated to be 10 tons per square inch, the girder recovering its form when relieved of load.

As to stress in cross-girder flanges, an example may be quoted of a bridge of 109 feet span, carrying two roads, having outside main girders, with cross-girders between; these latter were stressed in the flanges to 6·7 tons per square inch (webs not included), if the partial distribution among the girders (which were spaced 6 feet apart) by the rails and longitudinal timbers be neglected. There is some reason to think in this instance that distribution had the effect of reducing the stress quoted, as the observed deflection of the cross-girders was materially less than that calculated for girders acting independently of each other, though this may be in part due to a cause already hinted at. Rigidity of the cross-girder ends, where attached to the heavy main girders, would also tend to moderate the stress. No very definite conclusion can therefore be deduced from this instance.

To take another case of less uncertainty, the bridge of 35 feet span (see Fig. 33), referred to in “Riveted Connections,” may again be cited. The extreme fibre stress in the cross-girder flanges worked out at 6·3 tons per square inch, web included, or 6·5 tons, exclusive of the web. It cannot be said in this example that the girders showed no signs of weakness, as the deflection under live load was 1/2 inch on the span of 11 feet, in addition to a permanent set of 3/4 inch, largely due, however, to “working” rivets.

A better and altogether conclusive case of the way in which cross-girders may occasionally suffer considerable stress, and show no sign, is furnished by two cross-girders, of which some particulars are here given. These girders occurred in the floor of a very acute angled skew bridge, riveted at one end to the main girders in a manner which was very far from fixing the ends, resting at the other end on a masonry abutment. The first girder was about 19 feet effective span, 12 inches deep in the web, with angle bar and plate flanges. The girders were spaced 6 feet apart, and were connected under the rails by T-bars, cranked down to face the webs, and riveted through. Though these T’s had little stiffness, yet the frequent vertical movements of the girders relative to each other, under passing loads, had broken the majority of the T-bars at the bends, so that no notice need be taken of these as transferring load from any one cross-girder to its neighbour. The floor covering consisted of timbers about 4 inches thick, also incompetent to transfer any sensible proportion of the load on a girder to others 6 feet distant. Upon the floor was cinder ballast, with sleepers, chairs, and ordinary bull-headed rails. The stress to which the girder was liable works out at 8·4 tons per square inch, on the extreme fibres of the net section, web included; or 9·1 tons, neglecting the web, under engine-loads of a common amount. The other girder had an effective span of about 22 feet, as before 12 inches deep in the web, with angle bar and plate flanges. The stress per square inch was 10·5 tons, web included, or 11·1 tons per square inch, neglecting the web. This girder carried three rails, one of which was near to the abutment bearing, so that there was no great difference in the stress induced whether all three rails were loaded or the pair only. The traffic over the bridge was very great, but of moderate speed. It must have been a common occurrence for the girders to take the full loads. The heavier engines passed scores of times in a day—lighter engines probably one hundred times. The bridge was about twenty years old, yet these cross-girders, when removed, showed no other sign of age and wear than that due to rust.

Fig. 46.

All the foregoing instances relate to wrought-iron bridges. Two cases of steel construction are here added, the first of these furnishing an example of high girder stress somewhat remarkable. This was found in a trough girder of a strange pattern, of which a section is here given (Fig. 46). The bridge to which it belonged carried a siding, over which engines of less than the heaviest class sometimes passed at a crawling pace. The larger of the two girders carrying the rails was 15 feet 8 inches effective span. The sides of the trough consisted each of two vertical plates, originally 1/2 inch thick, but wasted to an aggregate thickness of 5/8 inch. These plates 6 inches deep, were connected at their lower edges to angle bars, 3 inches by 3 inches by 1/2 inch, which again were riveted to a bottom plate 16 inches wide, originally 1/2 inch thick, wasted to 3/8 inch. Lying in the bottom of the trough, and riveted through the inner angle flanges, was a bridge-rail. Assuming that the metal retained its elastic properties from top to bottom of the section, at whatever stress, this works out at 32 tons per square inch at the extreme top fibre, and 15 tons at the bottom, on the net section. As puddled steel, of which the girders were made, may have a tenacity of 45 to 55 tons per square inch, the assumption is probably correct. The author has no record of the deflection, but it may be remarked it was such that to stand under the girder, with a tank engine passing over, required some determination.

A point of additional interest in this little bridge is that, though made of steel, it dates as far back as 1861, having been in use thirty-two years when removed. The particular variety of steel used was known as Firth’s puddled. The evidence of this consists in correspondence showing that permission had been asked of the controlling authority, by the only users of the siding, to apply this material, with no evidence of any refusal. At about the same time this steel was also used upon the railway concerned in the top flanges of some girders of considerable span. The appearance of the trough girders to which the foregoing particulars apply was distinctly different to that which might be expected in ordinary wrought iron. The top edges of the vertical plates were wasted away, smooth, and rounded in a manner strongly suggestive of a steely character. Finally, the way in which the girders held up to their work for so long is, by itself, conclusive on the point. The bridge-rail appeared to be of wrought iron, the different modulus of elasticity of which has been included in the calculation upon which the preceding results are based. That these girders stood so well is, perhaps, largely due to the fact that the load carried by them was, though varying within wide limits, practically free from impact, which, had the load passed over quickly, would, with girders so small, shallow and flexible, have been very sensible.

The second instance of steel construction in which somewhat high stress is manifest is that of some steel troughing of the Lindsay pattern, used in a bridge built in 1885. The troughs ran parallel to the rails, having an effective span of 18 feet 8 inches. The depth of the section (which is shown in Fig. 47), was 81/2 inches, making a ratio of depth to span of 1/28. The road was of ballast, sleepers, chairs, and 85-lb. rails.

Fig. 47.

Assuming this to be carried on six troughs, which corresponds to 11 feet 3 inches of width, the extreme fibre stress works out at 7·5 tons per square inch, under usual engine-loads. The bridge when examined after fourteen years’ use was in good condition, and at that time but little rusted; but the end seam rivets were, as is not uncommon with such troughing, loose. The traffic over the bridge was considerable, but not at great speed.

On the opposite page are set out the results which have been given, in tabulated form, as was done for rivet stresses, to enable ready comparison to be made.

Examples of High Stress.

Stress per
Square Inch.
Webs not
Wrought-iron main girders, plate 60·0 Flange .. 6·3 Tension Good.
64·0 .. 6·8 Good.
76·0 .. 7·5 Fair.
29·5 - 7·4 9·7 - Good.
6·3 8·3 Compression
lattice 63·0 7·1 Tension Fair.
plate 47·0 Flange edge 10·0 .. Compression Fair.
Wrought-iron cross-girders, plate 26·0 Flange .. 6·7 Tension Fair.
11.0 6·3 6·5 Bad; loose rivets.
19·0 8·4 9·1 Good, but rusted.
22·0 10·5 11·1 Good, but rusted.
Steel trough girder 15.7 - 15·0 - Fair, but rusted.
Top edge 32·0 Compression
Steel troughing 18·7 Flanges 7·5 .. Tension and Compression Fair, but rusted.

It would be unwise to infer from the instances which have been quoted that high stress may be regarded with complaisance. In the most conscientious engineering work there should still be a liberal margin for material possibly defective, or even bad, for waste and deterioration, and for the aggregate effect of minor errors in design, any one of which considerations, except the first, by itself might not be of great importance. The conclusion which may, however, be derived from this and the previous chapters is, that bridge failures are less likely to occur from high stress of a kind readily calculated than from failure in detail, obscure and little suspected, the reason for which is not perhaps apparent, till the attention is forcibly directed to it by the refusal of the structure to sustain the forces to which it may be liable.


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